
The Bema Seat (2 Corinthians 5:10)

May 12, 2016 // 46 Comments

“One day you will stand before the judgement seat, the books will be opened, and there will be a reckoning. If your good works outweigh your bad, you’ll be safe. But if your bad works outweigh the good, you’ll be toast.” You may have heard a line like this, but it’s not in the Bible. It’s the age-old [...]

Rewarded for Doing Good?

October 1, 2015 // 50 Comments

Jesus and Paul both said we would be rewarded for doing good, which sounds like a punch in the face to the gospel of grace. We have looked at the words of Jesus (in John 5:28-29) and seen that doing good means trusting him. But what about Paul: God will repay each person according to what they have done. To those [...]

Rewarded for What We’ve Done?

September 16, 2015 // 69 Comments

The Bible says that we will be rewarded for what we have done. Not what we have believed, but done-diddley-done-done. So what do we have to do? In this three-part series, we’re going to look at some of the rewarded-for-what-we’ve-done scriptures, beginning with this one: For the Son of Man is going to come in [...]