Is Grace a License to Sin?

Grace-preachers attract sinners and that is a good thing. If you consider yourself a sinner you have come to the right place! Sinners are welcome in the House of Grace. I wish our churches were magnets for sinners for that would be a sure sign that we are preaching the true gospel of grace. If this scandalizes you then you may want to avert your eyes from the One who was called the Friend of Sinners. Jesus didn’t wait for sinners to come to him; he went to their homes and got himself invited to their parties. That’s because grace is for sinners. It is not for those who think they are perfectly good and decent people. As Jesus said, “I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners” (Matt 9:13). So I suppose I should be thrilled that I get a lot of correspondence from sinners, and I am. What is less thrilling is the correspondence I get from saints who think they are sinners and who want me to validate their choice to act like sinners. Why do saints act like sinners? Some may do it out of ignorance (“I’m holy? I didn’t know!”) or out of … Continue reading Is Grace a License to Sin?