Grace Gallery

Hi folks, this gallery hasn’t been updated in years. Looking for the new stuff? It’s on Instagram.

Still here? Click on any image to see a larger version or to be taken to the original post. (Looking for E2R logos?)

Teaching aids seen on E2R…

pastoral-advisory_sm hypergrace-biblical
law-that-jesus-preached differences-between-gospel-and-religion_sm
spot the difference sheep-and-goats_table repentance_200
confession parenting_tips hyper-grace-slander_sm


Shareable soundbites

jesus-grace-face diet cheap content
boasting_600 remind advocate crooked
confession_2 control communion dirty_800
father persuaded home_600 not-good-news_800
Cat_in_hat_s dream dream_2 ladder_600
safely unfun settled shadows
repent sjns_hothead sjns_turkeys stars_800
suckered sjns_communion wanted-hypergrace_med questions
boo-meme dreams_800 joyful blessed
cheap_grace_s pig_s E2R_grace_license_3_sm Grumpy_s
heaven's gospel Imperfections_sm You_died_1s Grip_s
no_charge E2R_blue_bible_sm pharaoh's whip beach_s
Forgiven_s impressed
grace_stoops Grace_license_s
Worried_nun_s  Good_cop_s E2R_scarecrow_sm E2R_Rolex_sm
Preference_s You_died_2s
E2R_fake1_sm religious_mask Liberated_women_s
E2R_grace_license2_sm blackboard-old-v-new
Oliver Sin hyper-grace_s God's_will_s
reconciliation dividing_walls fishhook_holiness TWG_checkers_sm


Classic quotes…

righteousness Nee_2_s
e2r_happiness_s e2r_foolishness_s e2r_sleep_s e2r_sunshine_s
Divorce_1_s Divorce_2_s


Talking heads…

Nee_1_s Bono_Elvis_s Bono_Karma Luther_s
MLJ_s MLJ_2_s Bunyan_s Spurgeon_repentance_s
Max_s Lewis_s Spurgeon_s
Moody_s Spurgeon's mantra Tolkien_s


15 Comments on Grace Gallery

  1. Consecrated Heart // April 14, 2012 at 12:06 pm // Reply

    I love these, and they are awesome to share! Especially for those who learn really well visually (like moi!) – keep ’em up 🙂 You are a real blessing -Jemma

  2. I just found this page and I absolutely love it. Thank-you Paul. Did you have a picture of Jesus walking up a crowded street filled with sick people on both sides and as he passed them they were up and healed and jumping for joy? I thought it was on your web site but I never could find it again. Could a church use these on their projection screens if they put underneath it?

    • No, I don’t think I have seen that picture. Yes, feel free to share these images. I’m a visual person – not a good listener – and I made these for people like me.

  3. nightingaledaniel // December 13, 2013 at 10:37 pm // Reply

    Loved all of them!! Can I share them?? BTW did you make all this??

  4. Totally Awesome! Thank You!

  5. Paul, I’m sharing all of your Grace Quotes on my face book page. They are being seen from N.Y. to Florida and Montana. Expect more people coming to your website. Love them and love this ministry!

  6. Warren (South Carolina) // June 24, 2015 at 3:44 am // Reply

    Awesome! Thanks Paul.
    Blessings back.
    Warren (South Carolina)

  7. Love your teaching! The chains of bad news religion are falling off. Here is a quote from Martin Luther that I like “Through the wedding ring of faith everything if Christ’s becomes ours and everything of ours becomes His” His translation of 2Cor 5:21.
    Blessings in Christ

  8. Thanks Paul. Awesome content. Blessed as always

  9. Jesus preaches self-denial and dying to self, and His whole life was an exemplar of this, which we should imitate. His cross is just another example of self-denial. Col 2:20, Rom 6:8, 2 Cor 5:14-15 – it’s all about our duty of self-denial or about its effects. It is so obvious, but you simply called this “man-made religion”. Then what you must think about Luke 14:26-27 or Matthew 10:34-39? Of course, salvation is not depended on self-denial, but self-denial is another gift of grace and necessary effect of salvation.

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