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If you want to invite me to teach, preach, or do interpretive dance, please read this.

If you wish to ask a thorny theological question, read this.

If you wish to contact me for other reasons, please use the comment box at the bottom of this page. (Comments will likely be published.) You can also message me via Facebook. I can’t promise to respond, but I will see your message.

My postal address is: P.O. Box 66145, Beach Haven, Auckland 0749, New Zealand.



87 Comments on Contact

  1. More Insight and Revelation to you sir, We realiy need to spread the real gospel that includes empowerment and freedom from all oppression whether sin or the are blessed sir

  2. Paul,
    Thank you so much for taking the time to write this blog (as well as I have found these two sites to be so inspiring and life-changing! I’m sure it takes a lot of time and effort to maintain these blogs but wanted you to know that your readers appreciate it. You really are making a difference! THANK YOU!!!

  3. I have only just found your web site, and have enjoyed what I have read. Do you have any biblestudy authors/ resources that you reccomend, specially down loadable ones. I find most of the stuff available on the internet is questionable theologically, when I check out the author and their beliefs, or when I go through the studies themselves (which is all time consuming). God has led me to some awesome websites of Godly men, but not really any with downloadable biblestudies that weren’t more like sermons. if I knew an author was rock solid, I wouldn’t be wasting so much time and money buying biblestudies that aren’t suitable (it’s a bit hard to tell from a cover what is inside a books) I have found some very good ones, but I am always interested in finding more. thanks

    • Nina, there are a lot of resources here on this site. I suggest you check out the book reviews page, the archives, my study notes, and the free stuff. Enjoy!

      • Paul, just found your site. What a blessing! I’m glad that you mention Joseph Prince in your blog, thanks to him I’ve had a divine revival in my soul, loving Jesus Christ and his true gospel like NEVER, ever, before (gave my heart to the Lord as a young girl in 1980 even graduated from bible college! Missionary for ten years!) Do you know who are the last centuries men and women of God that came to the full understanding of this true gospel of grace?

      • Hi Ellie, I don’t know all of them but you can find some of them on the Book Reviews page.

      • Maxwell Gavi // November 23, 2022 at 1:53 am //

        Thank you very much. Your blog E2R is really helpful. I have just read your post about enduring to the end and nicolaitans. I wish to ask will the nicolaitans go to heaven??

      • Does any sinner go to heaven? Only if they repent.

  4. Gabriel Akano // May 31, 2012 at 1:49 pm // Reply

    The greatest miracle for me in recent time is the discovery of this site. Thank God for His unconditional love. I love you.

  5. Very thankful for your site. I, however, am having trouble with the archives when I use Google Chrome. I can open the archives, and click on a topic, but then it opens to a page of HTML text. I’m wondering if anybody else shares this problem.

    • Hi Pat, the solution to your problem is found here:

      • Dear Paul,

        Greetings in the name of the same Jesus who loves you and loves me no lesser. I believe that I was divinely led by Jesus to come to your website when I was looking for something related to what you advocate. I would wish to support your ministry, but I would like to travel and meet you and personally see what you do. Please write back and let me know how we can go about this.


      • Hi Jesse, thanks for your offer of support. I list a few options on this page. What do I do? This. I write. And I live in New Zealand.

  6. Wow, I like your blog! 🙂

  7. Jane Romano // July 27, 2012 at 10:23 pm // Reply

    A friend on Paltalk gave me this link….it is truly a blessing,….It is 4am and I am still reading!! I was just asking Papa if I “should go lay on the floor”:)….Resting in Him…and now with your blog help….Jane

  8. Hey brother I wonder is it possible for you to put me in contact with a grace preaching prayer group on skype I’m a former Catholic and student of shamanism with many spiritual experiences. I came to Christ about two years ago got some deliverance then joined up with a skype prayer group who were nice people but very religious a mixture of condemnation and no condemnation this type of behavior would change depending what mood we were in and we truly suffer3ed for a lack of knowledge so now I’m out of that and I believe I’m eternally secure so I want to meet people who can help edify me and build me up in my spirit because even though I know I have eternal life I still suffer from depression and kind of don’t want to be here and want to go home so I need counseling if you can help in this way this would be great. ps grace and peace to you and yours in Jesus name amen.

  9. Thanks brother and if you could recommend one book from watchman nee that is very simplistic and explanatory if you would be so kind thanks and again grace and peace to you and yours in Jesus name amen.

  10. Gail Praharenka // August 24, 2012 at 4:13 pm // Reply

    Hello Paul, I wrote a comment on the 2010 discussion whether God gives and takes away. I do have another question pertaining to the same discussion as a verse continues to bother me. It is in psalm 75 it says ” For promotion cometh neither from the east nor from the west, nor from the south but God is the judge he putteth down one and setteth up another”. I believe I must have an error in thinking, that this verse explains that God sets up at times evil managers and dictators and such that God institutes at times bad rulers and allows for obstacles in ours lives that can be cruel and ruthless. God is the one that sets up them into their places and positons. Therefore, God is like a mob boss, although he does not do the immediate killing and cruelty God is the one that sets them in their position of power and allows for thier power to be stong and hurt others. And a second question is, is the Lord presently judging as it appears at times that justice does not win, many present evil people get their way and are not judged. I know I have my thinking wrong on this but it appears that it suggests this. I appreciate your reply. Thankyou.
    Gail Praharenka

    • It is not hard to find scriptures like this in the old covenant because, back then, people had an old covenant view of the world. They typically attributed everything that happened to God. Even the works of the devil were attributed to God (see Job). The way to read the written word is through the lens of the Living Word. Jesus is the exact representation of the Father. Does Jesus look like a mob boss? Does Jesus act cruelly and kill people? Then neither does his Father. Asaph, who wrote Psalm 75, had not seen Jesus the way we have.

  11. Harold Eugene // September 1, 2012 at 2:57 am // Reply

    I am new here… Looking for discussions on “Is God in control” and/or “The sovereignty of God” I lean much on Andrew Wommack’s view on this subject… Example… Heb 6:18 says that it is “impossible” for God to lie, but yet most Christians take this to mean that God can “still” lie, however, he chooses not to… My take is that God dosen’t just not choose to lie, “he can’t..” If God had the “ability to choose to lie”, then he just lied about Heb 6:18 when the Word says that it is “impossible” to lie… This is my place to start. Glad I found this site…

  12. Hello Paul I have been growing in the pure grace message for one and half years now. I am having trouble understanding 2 Peter 2:15 also 20-22. Some parts of this appears you can lose your salvation and some parts it seems it’s talking about unconverted people because of the pig still a pig and not a sheep. Do you have any teaching on this. Any books or teaching you can refer me to thanks.

  13. Giselle Quadros // October 4, 2012 at 10:59 am // Reply

    I have just started reading your book, the gospel in ten words (thanks to Rob and Lyn Packer) and I cannot stop smiling. I have been growing in grace over the past year through Joseph Prince Ministries, but your words seem to bring everything together. Thank you and blessing and peace be multiplied to you in Christ!

  14. I like your post Paul. If you come to my country i wonder the kind of reception you will get. These religious law-loving teachers will take you for an endtime sin-preaching teacher. But the truths hurts. We’ve been accostomed to religiousity as being righteous

  15. @MyDudeRules:
    As I can’t not love my child,
    God can’t not love me.
    No matter my mistakes,
    His son, I will always be.

  16. Hi Paul,

    I have come alive to the grace and whole finished work of Christ over the past 2 years. You have been one of my influences in this time.

    Im begining to feel frustrated Because I cant seem to find well produced resources that explain the Gospel to an unbeliever that comes from a grace point of view rather than a law, death, hell frame work. I dont want my friends to come to christ out of fear. I want them to discover the wonder and gift of christ. Have u seen anything that is short like a dvd etc that u feel comfortable sharing with ur unbelieving friend?

    Yours hoping

    • Hi Adam,
      I’m publishing your query rather than responding to it privately because I hope others might have a better response than the one I can give you. In terms of conveying the wonder of God I recommend the Indescribable series by Louie Giglio. You can download it for free. But in terms of conveying the wonder of the gospel and what Christ has done in non-churchy language and without referring to hell, I’m drawing a blank. Most tracts and pamphlets are just awful, using fear as a basis for scaring people into the kingdom. I’ll have to have a think. I’ll also put your query on FB.

  17. Well, the most obvious answer is you! In the words of the amazing Isi de Gersigny, “You are the window, He is the view.”

  18. Scott Gamel // March 3, 2013 at 7:30 am // Reply

    Just found your book, then your blog – I’m blown away! In a good way! I’m a pastor who is growing in grace. I want to feed my people and help them grow in grace, and I’m wondering how to best plan my preaching to teach grace consistently and yet with enough variety that they don’t zone out on me. Any suggestions?

    • Hahahaha – sorry Scott. I’m not laughing at you, just your problem. I suggest you do an annual 52 week series called “Jesus.” Ask the Teacher of teachers (the Holy Spirit) for inspiration, keep it free from fish-hooks and religious mumbo-jumbo, and I absolutely guarantee you no one will zone out.

  19. Hey Paul! Your site is a goldmine for grace and the finished work! I’m in the middle of reading a research of yours on Inclusion Theology and it is helping loads and loads! I was very legalistic in my first years as a Christians and when I heard Inclusionist teaching i fell in head first but that left me with a lot of trying to receive and manifest a lot of things I had apparently “already been given” and left me in a lot of confusion! Be Blessed man! Thanks for all your encouragement!!

  20. Debbie Bradley // March 12, 2013 at 9:13 pm // Reply

    Hi Paul
    I saw a thing on FB about signing up for your daily comments to come to my inbox That wld be great. I love reading your gems. Read your book last year. Loved it.
    Blessings, Debbie

  21. Debbie Seelinger // April 28, 2013 at 3:46 pm // Reply

    Just found your website and I am enjoying it. I listen to Andrew Wommack every day. Have you heard of Joseph Prince from Singapore? He preaches this same gospel of grace. This Gospel has changed my life and I am truly living in God’s abundant freedom now that I know. God bless Debbie

  22. I was looking up some spiritual question and that’s how I found your website. Very helpful and gives good inside of God’s Word. I really wanted to know about the subject for “unbelievers” taking communion. I’m visiting a church and the pastor gives communion once a month, but he has everyone partake first and then he asks after if anyone wants to receive Christ. Is wrong for me to say something, in love of course. God bless you for helping us who need answers. Tatjana

  23. Mark Ellis // June 20, 2013 at 8:09 am // Reply

    I really enjoy you blog, Thank you so much for all your insight and sharing about Gods amazing grace. I do want to hear your thoughts on speaking in tongues. Most of my family are oneness pentecostals and believe to be saved you most be filled with the holy ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues. Since I don’t believe that way most of them consider me unsaved. Thank you for any thoughts you may have on this.
    Mark Ellis

  24. Robin Waller // June 20, 2013 at 2:23 pm // Reply

    I was raised to believe that you have to be baptized to be saved. Could you please respond to Acts 2:38 for me and let me know what you think. Thank you

    • Mark ellis // June 28, 2013 at 12:30 pm // Reply

      I was raised the same way, acts 2:38 was how to be saved. But then I’d read acts 2:21 where Peter said “anyone who calls on the name of The Lord shall be saved”. So he just said how to be saved, by calling on the name of The Lord.( putting your trust in Jesus finished work). Also in my experience a lot of ministers add the words “to be saved” at the end of acts 2:37 which can change the meaning of what Peter was saying. Just some thoughts I was having about acts 2:38 since it looks like we have similar questions.

  25. I have lived in the pretense of being a Christian for most of my life, saying I love God and that Jesus is my savior but living a life that was not filled with the word. Just recently I found myself at the end of my rope, betraying my spouse and bringing such pain and hurt into her and my life that I was forced to see that my flesh is weak that only through Christ can I find the life I so long for.

    But now I am faced with a predicament, my Wife is not a Christian (she doesn’t have a problem with me following Christ but does not believe that Jesus is Lord). I love her more than all but God and pray for her everyday and ask that God allow his light to shine in her life. I fear that by remaining with her that I am opposing the will of the Lord, and that while I ask for his wisdom on the situation that I my flesh prevents me from hearing an answer other than “Stay”.

    As such, I would like to ask for Guidance from the Church.

  26. Hey Paul, all I can say is awesome bro! This site is one that any Christian or better yet any avid follower of Christ should read , it helps keep clear in our minds and hearts how insanely loving and totally encompassing Jesus and our father are. We are worthy ,he made us ,his work is perfect, we are his finished work in Christ ,lets take this onboard and bask in his glory and enjoy his promises and unending love,he wants us to! God is good, bless you for keeping it real and true to scripture,i am inspired with every thing i read on your site ,the lord has blessed you and blessed us in leading us to this site keep up the job God has given you through you the holy spirit can reach many and edify the big fella upstairs . How cool is God!

  27. Cynthia Martinez // September 27, 2013 at 4:19 pm // Reply

    Hello Paul, there is a question that was posted toward the end of “God Wants You Well” page. I would really like to see your response to the question posted by Rathan Paul. Thank you.
    A question that I have been wondering about lately is, I know that my sin was forgiven when Christ paid for it on the cross (I am whole and I am new), then say I sin and ask God to forgive me, what is God’s reaction since he sees me whole?, I need clarification and guidance here.

    • Cynthia Martinez // October 7, 2013 at 2:01 pm // Reply

      Just found the answer I was looking for on your post “Son or Sinner – What Are You Confessing?”. I have been a Christian for 20 plus years, seeking to please the LORD in my flesh, calling him God and keeping my distance. And NOW thank Daddy, yes FINALLY, finally (with awe in my heart toward my Father), I just discovered who I am (Sept 2013). I recently started listening to A Wommack and J Prince, and then to top it off I somehow found this amazing site. What a blessing and an eye opener. I can’t get enough. Thank you Paul. God bless you.

  28. Hi Paul,

    Just wanted to ask you a quick question: Do you still sin ?

    Don’t be shy to answer honestly 🙂 Thank you!

  29. Could someone out there please pray for me?
    I sometimes read this blog, and I am requesting healing and deliverance
    Thanks, Erika

  30. Kathy Mercer // October 12, 2013 at 6:51 am // Reply

    I just recently found your site, and I praise God! It has meant a lot to me, and I look forward to the new articles that come in my email.
    I have children and I teach Sunday School, so I’d love to know of any resources you’d recommend for 1) teaching Old Testament Bible stories in view of New Testament grace, and 2) teaching children directly about grace and our identity as adopted sons of God. Thank you, and God bless!

  31. Paul, I have a question. Tell me your take on this. If a individual mixes law and grace together not knowing the difference wouldn’t they become double minded? we know what a double minded person receives from God.

  32. I’m in a terrible place and not stable, I’m 17 years old and this is the only way to reach you, I feel god doesn’t love me because I sin to much I believe in god but I’m not perfect . I don’t want to be looked at for having fake grace. Please help me I’m lost

  33. Hi Paul
    I am overwhelmed with gratitude for your writings. You have changed my life.
    And I am not using hyperbole.
    Both my husband and I have had our walks (and our parenting even), transformed by this amazing revelation of grace. We live in the Coromandel and would love to know if you still live in New Zealand.
    We also want to thank you, and to tell you of our transformation since reading your book and articles, and of the direct results of your teachings in our lives, including the salvation of our adult daughter.
    If you were serious about having a yak over coffee, and you will allow us to bless you, we’d love to do that.
    May God bless you beyond measure for what you’ve done for us. Praise the Lord!

  34. Paul Ellis

    Thank you a thousand for teaching and explaining the most hard understood texts. You fight just like Paul did for a fear free church. We do belong to daddy who never leaves us nor forsakes us.

    I experienced alot of struggle last few months but your posts helped me out of this struggle.

    For ever thankfull.


  35. Hi Paul,

    Thanks so much for your blog. I have 3 topics I would love to see you write an article about.

    1. Sharing the Gospel of Grace with Unbelievers. I am only familiar with how its been done poorly. I am learning what Grace means for me as a believer, but struggle to see what it means for a “Pre-Believer”. I feel an article on this would also help articulate the finished work of Christ. Testimonies would be a plus!

    2. Why does the Post-cross Jesus command the disciples to teach the Pre-Cross commandments in Mathew 28. Doesn’t “all” in this passage mean all?

    3. A Response to Micheal Brown and his Hyper-Grace book . . . of course it has to come out first! 🙂

    Thank You,


    • Hi Steve,

      Thanks for your comment and feedback.

      1. That’s a good question. I certainly don’t think we would change anything about the message – we all need grace. But we might change the packaging. It’s true most of my writing is geared towards those with some understanding of religion but I have often thought about how I would present my message to those with no familiarity with Jesus and the Bible. Stay tuned!

      2. Probably for the same reason Paul says the law is good if used properly. There were self-righteous people before the cross and there are self-righteous people after the cross and the all need the hard law to plow the hard ground so that every boasting mouth will be silenced and our need for grace revealed.

      3. Haha! Maybe.


  36. I’m trying to subscribe to E2R. The directions said to enter my email address in the sidebar to the right however none appeared only comments to your continuing blog.

  37. Are you familiar with Pilgrim’s Progress? A family member of mine wants this book (Christmas gift idea) and being I have never read it I’m a little leery of purchasing it.

  38. Hi, I tried to access your past articles in the archives (by subject index). It appears that the links are broken. Do you think you could fix them? Thanks so much!

    Certainly being blessed by this blog. It goes in line with trying to renew my mind with Romans 4/justification by faith. I’m not a new believer, but I’m having to continually reinforce my mind to reject the concept of earning grace, because that’s what my mind inherently tends to believe.

    Do you have any advice to an aspiring writer? I’m a college student to whom God affirmed several times during my life that he wants me to write. I’m going to start reading a lot more books (I love the style and subjects of C.S. Lewis) and am going to practice writing more.

    Also in terms of becoming sanctified, do you believe it’s a matter of continually reinforcing the truth of acceptance by grace i.e. reading/reaffirming/accepting the truth? That is the ultimate “work”? And aside from that, not sinning should not be a deliberate effort? If I have not yet fully accepted grace (as in, I still have insecurities and I struggle not to feel condemned/judged), is it unrealistic at this time to expect myself to produce works?

  39. Beloved brother; this website has been a tremendous help to me, and I truly appreciate the ways Jesus works through you!

    That said, I’m looking for Biblical answers to what I call “rabbit trails.” There are times I feel “led” to visit a specific location (like a local store) for an opportunity to share The Gospel with someone. As I’ve followed these “trails” over the years, some have produced amazing connections that I believe are truly “God moments,” while others have been completely wrong (store is closed, no one around, etc.).

    Because of the way I’m wired (and two parents that were never quite satisfied with my performance as a child), this pattern has really worn me down in recent years. As random thoughts fill our heads on a daily basis, I’m regularly dealing with confusion and condemnation in my attempts to discern these thoughts and decide whether or not to act on them.

    This is a heavy burden for me, so any resources you can point me to will be GREATLY appreciated!

  40. Hey Paul. Just recently stumbled upon your website. I accepted The Lord about 1 year and a half ago. 4 months into the journey I put one foot back into the world while still having one in the church. Not actually going to church but listening to sermons and messages etc. about a month ago I re gave my life back to Christ but I’ve felt so guilty over what I had done (Going back to my old ways). I’ve felt like I’m not forgiven. I’ve stumbled upon so many bible verses that to me and what I grasp from them is that I messed up bad and I can’t be restored back to repentance. You can imagine what reading this has done to me. Fear and anxiety to the max. Horrible horrible horrible. Ive talked to my pastor, a brother in Christ and have all told me that Christ paid for it all and that I can come back. To just remember a point when I was good with god, pray and repent. I have repented, read the bible and attended church but I feel like I’m missing something because I feel condemned at times and on top of that doubts have risen in my mind. The doubts have subsided due to prayer and reading the word but I feel like I’m not grasping something right. I’ve read some comments on the site and have spoke to me in the sense that I’m trying to be self righteous and trying to earn forgiveness from God. Basically trying to be a good boy on my own. I need help and need some explanation about what’s going on with me and what I need to do. Thanks.

  41. Scott Johnston // January 4, 2014 at 9:35 am // Reply

    Paul, thank you so much for all you have done on this site and in your books. I have read most of your articles and many others but I have not found much of a response to Colossians 1:24- where Pauls sufferings are making up for the lack of the sufferings of Christ? I do not comprehend the scripture. I have however read many authors that believe this is a scripture supporting God ordained suffering for leaders in the faith. I know it all sounds wrong, but I struggle with understanding the scripture. Any help or suggested readings?

  42. Question: are you in the reformed camp?

  43. Dear Paul, My church split last year because the pastor apparently talked too much about grace and not enough about repentance. Since then, I have been asking the tough questions, and I recently found your web site and the teachings of Joseph Prince. Wow! Grace has shifted my paradigm and now it’s like reading the bible with 3D glasses. Everything lines up. I’m no longer confused. Grace makes understanding the bible easy. It’s either grace or law, life or death, faith or control, hope or despair, white or black. There’s no gray area, which is where most churches wallow. So the good news for me is that I get the good news. The bad news is it looks like I’ll need to find a new church.

    • That’s a story many of us are familiar with, Geraldine. I wonder, where did your old pastor go (the one who spoke too much about grace)?

      • Geraldine // March 14, 2014 at 5:21 am //

        Short version. A group (that did not include the pastor) left to worship, pray and heal, and they very quickly formed into a new church. The pastor was unsuccessful in finding a job, he had looked nationwide. After 6 months he became their pastor. I was torn because that group included most of my friends, but God impressed on me that he wanted me to stay where I was, lead worship (I am one of the worship leaders) and not worry, He had it all in control.
        So a year later I am still at the original church, and I feel like my eyes have been opened wide with toothpicks. It was suggested that it is not considered good form for a former pastor to stay in a community after a church split as it delays healing. What do you think about that? Not very graceful thinking, huh? However, there are many elements of the new church that I am uncomfortable with, so I will wait upon the Lord for my next assignment, which may be to stay put. Interestingly, the original church was the result of a church split 40 years ago.There aren’t many options in New England where I live. I’m hoping for the Spirit to come like a mighty rushing wind and breathe new life into old bones.
        Recently life has been traumatic, my husband suicided 5 years ago, and I am now a widowed mom. And then the church split, another kind of suicide. Death has been all around me, so I am desperate for life. The gospel of grace has shown me life where there was death, forgiveness where there was anger, healing where there was hurt. Praise God!

  44. Colin Mills // March 13, 2014 at 11:31 am // Reply

    Paul, i’m trying to look into your site but I am having problems accessing some of the posts in your archive. I am using an Ipad ios 7:0 and the safari browser and when i try to go into some of the subject directories it takes me over to my podcast app and asks if i want to subscribe to a feed, if i agree nothing happens! Any ideas on what is happening?
    Thanks, Colin

    • Hi Colin,
      I pass this along to the WordPress people and see what comes back.

      • Hi again Colin. Here is a message I’ve just rec’d from a WP support person: “I’ve tried to reproduce this problem on both an iPad an iPhone is both Safari and Chrome browser without success. In either case I’m not taken to the Podcast app, but rather see your list of links. Can you ask your reader for more details? What podcast app are they taken too? Are they still seeing the issue?”

  45. i was wondering…is illusionism / cardistry against Bible,or God? also can you explain me when to do the sign of the cross?:D
    Have a great day

  46. Mike Jones // April 5, 2014 at 8:10 am // Reply

    Paul, I was just recently introduced to your site and have enjoyed it very much. Have you ever considered posting a Biblical Reference Index in addition to you Subject Index? I for one would find it helpful. Thanks for considering.

    • Yes I have, but it would take more time than I’ve got to spare at present. What you can do if you are querying a particular scripture, is enter it in the search box at the top of this site. For instance, if you enter “Hebrews 10:26” you’ll get taken to a post on that very verse. Hope this helps.

  47. Gerry Mazas // April 15, 2014 at 7:36 am // Reply

    Hi Paul,
    Thank you so much for your explanation of Hebrews 6:4 & 10:26. Given the choice, I’d rather read Revelation than Hebrews. Once I even considered gluing those pages shut.
    Everything you said makes perfect sense and I see it in a very different light now.
    Think I’ll exhale.

  48. SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!!!who are u??(you are really from God :by their fruits you will know them)this is the first time am meeting a man of God who is actually preaching Christ!!!!!!!!God bless you..truly Christ lives in you and may He continue to speak through you to the lost and helpless…Lets continue to pray for the men of God who preach what they don’t understand and in the process to win souls for Christ push them away(Jeremiah 23v28-29)and rebuke them as well…….truly its all about Christ….

  49. I live in Dallas, TX and since this revelation hit me, all I want is more of it. I mean, I’m starting to get it and it’s changing everything. This includes where I want my family to worship. Do you know of churches in my area that are grace centric? I attended Grace Revolution (planted by Pastor Joseph Price’s) but it’s service time and format don’t work for my family. Do you know of any others I could try out? Please?

  50. (Apostle) Paul Ellis: Thanks So Much for all you are and do! My wife and I live in Wilmington, NC, USA; and, desire to find other “HYPER-GRACE” Members in our area. Do you have a Wisdom-Way(s) we can join in a “GRACEROOTS” Move to Enjoy/Encourage one another in Real-Life Community as well as this Glorious Virtual Community? Thanks Again and Again, Dennis and Linda Musser.

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