God’s Plans Are Better Than Your Plans

The story of my life: I made a plan and God laughed.

Because I am a pastor’s kid, many assumed I would become a pastor. “Not me. No way. No how.” Then I became a pastor.

Because I blog about grace, some said I should write a book. “Not going to happen.” It happened.

Because I love unpacking scripture, some suggested I make a Bible commentary. “Not a chance.” And now I’m writing a commentary.

It’s funny how life works out.

Despite my initial reluctance to do these things, I have learned that God’s plans are always better than my own. Truly, he knows us better than we know ourselves.

Take the Grace Commentary, for example. I have gone from, “no way am I doing this” to, “I can’t wait to see what happens next!”

I know the commentary is a God-thing because I regularly get messages like these:

Wow, just wow! Every entry in the Grace Commentary is a chain-breaker, a freedom-maker!

I am a youth pastor, so I am using the Grace Commentary weekly to help me write my lessons, especially for ‘sticky’ verses where I am struggling to see grace.

Our entire church uses the Grace Commentary.

God is using the commentary to get his message of grace to people everywhere. That’s really exciting. But it is also a huge challenge. It takes a team.

If you are excited about the Grace Commentary, why not join the supporters’ team today and become a partner in this project?

I spend one week a year on fundraising so this is the only email I’ll be sending to E2R subscribers. If you’re in, you’re in. It’s easy to sign up and you can cancel at any time.

Sign up for just $10/month by this Saturday June 1, 2024, and as a token of my gratitude I will send you an advance copy (pdf) of The Grace Bible: Galatians. This means you will see my next book long before it’s released.

You will also get instant access to my library of classic sermons, study notes, ebooks, parables, publishing tips, etc.

And if you can manage $25/month or more, I will add your name to our official supporters’ list. You’ll be famous! Sort of.

It is a privilege to share the gospel of grace with so many people around the world. If you are able to join the team, we’ll be thrilled to have you.

Thanks for reading.


3 Comments on God’s Plans Are Better Than Your Plans

  1. thespisonline // May 31, 2024 at 11:51 am // Reply

    Your story makes me laugh because I can relate. In high school, I remember saying I would never be a teacher, a preacher, or a missionary. I have done all three. 😁

    • And I bet when you tell people this, they reply “Never say never.” 🙂

      • thespisonline // June 1, 2024 at 3:22 am //

        Yeah, or I hear the classic man plans and God laughs. Sometimes I get reminded of Jonah and his efforts to avoid Nineveh. Thankfully I have not been swallowed by any giant fish, LoL.

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