Comment Policy

Comments violating one of E2R’s Ten Commandments of Commenting will not get published:

  1. Thou shalt not write more than 250 words.
  2. Thou shalt not ask what has been answered. (Please scan the comments to see if your question has been addressed.)
  3. Thou shalt not change the subject.
  4. Thou shalt not attack people.
  5. Thou shalt not advertise.
  6. Thou shalt not adopt a patronizing and condescending tone. (Unless you’re a religious superstar or Pharisee, in which case go for it!)
  7. Thou shalt not cut and paste scriptures or recycled comments.
  8. Thou shalt not get a bee in thy bonnet.
  9. Thou shalt not get sulky.
  10. Thou shalt not write more than 250 words.

Yes, that last one appeared twice but you’d be surprised how often I have to delete essays or comments that have been split up into multiple comments. Seriously, if you have a lot to say, write a blog.

One final point: you’re welcome to disagree with me and I generally publish critical comments (as long as they are courteous, fun, short etc.). But, having made your point, don’t come back expecting a second or third whack at the donkey. Move on. I already did.

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53 Comments on Comment Policy

  1. I am so thankful for your Blog! Thanks for taking the time to send quotes and write your own revelations of the grace of our wonderful Lord! Happy New Year!

    • Sahr Yambasu // August 31, 2014 at 6:44 pm // Reply

      The Bible says ‘Without holiness no one shall see God’. What is your opinion about a Christian couple both of whom are separated from their spouses (for good reasons), are living together and want to help run a youth group in their church? Would you allow them?

  2. Ur blog is inded an eye opener I stumbled upon it n I am not d same. I am by nature a “worker”.I v been a christian 4 15yrs n was taught to work out my salvation, anyway I know better now.

  3. Thanks for the free e book, Paul! Grace is free indeed 🙂 Grace and peace to you heaps!!!!

  4. Sharon Chiang // March 14, 2013 at 8:47 am // Reply

    Paul E. The Lord’s truth you speak is causing my religious spirit (which I thought was WAY smaller than it is) to throw a kiniption fit. lol I think it’s looking for another home. Thanks be to Jesus Christ for giving you the revelation I’ve some how missed all these years and for spreading THE GOOD NEWS!!!

  5. I am soooo in love with the Gospel of Grace. Its hard for me to believe that after 75 years as a “Christian” I found the true Gospel of Christ. Thank you Jesus. I would like for you to answer a question that some have ask me and I don’t know exactly how to answer.
    Who do we pray to now that Jesus has left to be with the Father? Do we pray to Father or to Jesus or to the Holy Spirit? I feel that the Holy Spirit is sometimes left out even though He is the power of God. I never see this in print so a new post from you would be nice You are greatly loved by Grace people and I thank you in advance.

    • I don’t think it really matters. You can pray to the Father, as Jesus taught (Mat 6:9). You can pray to Jesus since the fullness of the Godhead dwells in him (Col 2:9). Or you can pray to the Holy Spirit who is also known as the Spirit of Christ (Rom 8:9).

  6. Hi Paul,
    Ur comment policy in ten commandment form had me in splits! Way to go brother! By the way, just wanted to know, the trials James talks about in James Ch1; are those persecution related or some other hardships?

  7. Bryan Colbourne // February 7, 2014 at 5:42 am // Reply

    Hi Paul,
    I love your blogs and your first book “The Gospel in Ten Words.” I received notice of a Kindle sale on your second book, “The Gospel in 20 Questions” but it doesn’t show that book on sale in Kindle.

    • Sadly, it was just a 24-hour sale. But there will be others. We tend to do something like that every birthday (5 Feb), so mark your diary. I’m glad you enjoyed GITW.

  8. I think you’re teaching some heresy on the complete meaning of repentance…

  9. Hey Paul….I was backing up my discussion with Scripture…why did you delete that? Why not just post the Word of God and let it speak….

    • This is the comment policy page. Read it and you will see that comments >250 words, that cut and paste scripture, and that are unrelated to posts, will not be published.

  10. I want to talk about grace, sleep in grace, eat grace, swim in grace. Jesus is real! Ha. How liberating! I feel like a new born believer but I’ve been saved 20 years. Does this ever get old? Do I need to be careful to guard it or is that just another concern I need not worry myself with? Elated.

  11. “Everyone who confesses the name of the Lord must turn away from wickedness.” -2 Timothy 2:19

    Luke 13:3 “But unless you repent, you too will all perish.”

    2 Corinthians 12:21 ” I am afraid that when I come again my God will humble me before you, and I will be grieved over many who have sinned earlier and have not repented of the impurity, sexual sin and debauchery in which they have indulged.”

    Repentance is NOT sinless perfection…..but a turning away from PRACTICING SIN…if there is not this happening in a believers life…there is no eternal security – Galatians 5:21

  12. I realize the one missing piece of the controversy of the hyper-grace message is “sacraments.” The sacrament is the visible channel of grace. To talk of the riches of grace is like talking about the power of a nuclear plant to provide you with electricity, but if you do not fit your house with any channels to get the electricity into your house then you do not enjoy the electricity. Sacraments are the channels by which we receive the unlimited riches of God’s grace. Baptism, communion, confession of sin, anointing with oil, preaching of the Word, laying hands, etc. These are the channels to receive grace.

    • So you’re saying if I need God to move – help me out, come through for me – I need to know, in advance, the specific steps required? I just can’t run into my Dad’s arms and say, “Please fix this Pap!” Well, in that case, my earthly father beats my heavenly father. Easy.

      • You are missing the point. Of course you can run to Dad’s arms, but “how” do you run to him. I assume you meant “Prayer.” Prayer is a means to releasing your faith. It is a sacrament. Prayer is not a good work, though it could be considered that. It is a sacrament, and so is confession of sin, hearing the Word, taking communion, being baptized, anointing with oil.

  13. Paul, there’s this issue of different levels of rewards when we get to heaven. I’ve searched your blog to find articles on it with no success so far. For me, that does not resonate with grace. We can’t earn salvation and nothing we ever do will get us more perks when we get to heaven compared to others. This is my gut feeling. Have you written something on this?

    • Yes – see chapter 20 of The Gospel in Twenty Questions. The issue of rewards is something most grace teachers don’t want to touch – and understandably so. How do rewards fit with grace? But there are some amazing things to look forward to. One day I may chop up that chapter as a series of posts, but not this month.

  14. Hey Paul, is the comment policy the law for posting comments :-).

  15. Paul I enjoy your website. My comment is: It amazing to Me How our Father gets to talk to his Children. I’ve been serving the Lord for many years and then one day the Holy spirit stopped me in my tracks and said to me “will you stop serving me and just start walking with me.” I got it I’m not a servant but a son. ever since that day I’ve been walking with the Lord, where ever I go he goes with me. He doesn’t wait in the car. LOL

  16. Hi Paul, I follow you on FB and have your books! I love how you present the good news of Jesus in such a refreshing way.
    I just read about an upcoming conference with speakers giving positive messages and the importance of thinking positively – no mention of Jesus, of course. My first thought was how sad that within a similar type Christian conference one would probably get mixed messages about himself. I also wonder if a Christian teenager struggling emotionally would benefit from such a secular conference (new age?). Paul, what are your thoughts? Thanks!

  17. Israel MOLETE // January 14, 2015 at 3:22 am // Reply

    Hi Pastor Paul,
    I have just bumped into your website and find it very fruitful.My little concern about divorce and remarriage is one:How many times can Christians remarry?I dislike divorce though,but fellow brothers raise this question more often when we discuss marriage affairs.

  18. Judah Emory // March 3, 2015 at 6:42 am // Reply

    paul i enjoy your website you put the best hyper grace posts of anyone i have ever seen. the hyper grace message is so awesome!!!!!

  19. Judah emory // March 3, 2015 at 1:25 pm // Reply

    I just read your post on 3 reasons I don’t preach repentance. that is so awesomely true you right the best posts on the true hyper grace message

  20. Paul, what is your interpretation of the death of Ananias & Saphira? mark

  21. Hey Paul you need to add creflo dollar to your list of grace teachers he is so awesome.

  22. Glen Lautt // March 5, 2016 at 7:56 am // Reply

    PauI, I have seen connection being made between the Grace movement and mid-Acts dispensationalism. Would you clarify this for me? I have read a lot of your writings and appreciate them. Thanks!

  23. sir,isn’t the casting out demon,prophesy and miracles are done in the name of Lord(Jesus) and speaking to the christians

  24. You are the best! 🙂

  25. Andres Arias // October 27, 2016 at 5:13 pm // Reply

    Hello Paul,

    I enjoy your work very much. You speak a lot on God’s grace and I love that you do. I believe that God wants us to live a rich and satisfying life. Now my question to you is, how do you take into account the lives in which the apostles lived? How does that match up with Jesus saying He wants to give us a life more abundantly? Although, I believe God constantly takes care of us, I have a hard time lining that up with Paul being flogged, Peter being crucified, and James being beheaded.

    Thank you.

    • God does want us to enjoy his abundant life. The apostles were persecuted by the Romans and religious Jews. God is not a Roman. By that I mean his desires and their desires are not the same. The apostles freely chose to preach the gospel knowing full well it would bring persecution. Read Paul’s epistles and it does not sound like his life was lacking. He experienced God’s goodness during times of hardship.

      Thanks for the feedback.

  26. I have left a couple of comments, and all I get is “sorry this comment can not be posted”! I started a blog with “wordpress” awhile back and noticed all my comments go through “wordpress” now, could that be a problem?

  27. I was reading in Ezekiel 18:21-24 and would like to know how a grace perspective would view God’s words about righteousness leading to life and if he turns from righteousness he will die? I checked out the scripture index and didn’t see any commentary on Ezekiel 18.

    • Star Saiyan // May 10, 2020 at 8:43 am // Reply

      That’s a pretty good question. For context, Ezekiel is addressing the claim that children would be punished by the parents’ and reassures that children are NOT responsible for their parents’ sin. In fact, everyone is only responsible for their own sin.

      Regarding sin and death, this is less about “God will strike you” but more of “side effects of sin itself”. Think of it like the effects of car crashes from distracted driving. When someone texts while driving, the government who makes the rules don’t kill the texter when the texter dies — the texter crashes into something and has a fatal injury. Also, the distracted driving rules aren’t meant to be a way to appease the government; the rules are there to make sure that people stay safe on the road.

      Thankfully, we can come to Jesus for forgiveness, but our sin still screws us and other people (because sinning sucks). In fact, the fact that we have sinned at least once means that we NEED a resurrection in order to live eternally (which is where Jesus comes in). As Romans 6:23 stated, “The wages of sin is death.”

  28. Russell jones // November 13, 2017 at 5:44 am // Reply

    Just read your article on Faith (God’ Faith In You). So good! (Take the keys, crash the Mustang) If you have not read the Mirror Bible I would encourage you to check it out. Life changing for me. “For centuries, theologians and philosophers have been looking at religion upside down. The real phenomenon at its heart — the mystery and miracle — is not our faith in God. It is God’s Faith in us.” Jonathan Sacks

  29. Would like to know from the Grace perspective, what happens to Jews that don’t except Jesus as Messiah?

  30. pnpwertz2comcastnet // May 15, 2018 at 4:21 am // Reply

    What is going on in Psalm 44? The Israelites have not forgotten God, but calamity has fallen on them? Why

  31. I was going to get Dr Browns book but I saw your book as “others bought” at the bottom. After reviewing a sample of you book in response to Dr Brown, I bought yours. Clark Whitten was a former pastor of mine, so I was shocked Brown listed him as a hyper grace preacher.

    Your explanation of mixed grace gospel describes most christian doctrine. I was pretty much ready to give up because of that doctrine. Andrew Wommack and then Joseph Prince were instrumental in cleaning up the mess from the years of pentecostal fundamentalist works based holiness. I learned to take off the blinders of “works” and see all the grace in the New Testament.

  32. Paul I was wondering if scientist “discover” that there was life on Mars, many will say, there is no God of the Bible. As we know the Bible is not about science but God’s relationship with mankind. We know that the Bible does not explain the universe except that God created it. So, I’m very interested in your views on the Bible and life elsewhere. This could test many Christians Faith in Jesus.
    Yours in Christ

  33. Paul, I read your article on why you don’t preach repentance, and I found it to be in serious error. Jesus’ ministry was laser focused on true repentance, obedience, and keeping of God the father’s commandments.

    “From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”
    Matthew 4:17, KJV

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