
The X-Men Gospel

June 15, 2014 // 20 Comments

In all literature, there may be only five or six truly Great Stories but these few stories are told again and again, a thousand different ways. I was reminded of this while watching X-Men: Days of Future Past. (Warning: spoilers ahead!) On the surface, this is a film about saving the future by altering the past. [...]

May the grace be with You

May 4, 2014 // 28 Comments

This week I made six Star Wars movies. Well, they weren’t actual movies, more like short video clips riffing on the theme of Hyper-Grace. Here’s the first one:   Why did I make these clips this week? Because today is Star Wars Day, of course, and “May the Fourth be with you.” Geddit? I am reminded of [...]

Star Trek and the great commission: 12 parallels

September 8, 2011 // 14 Comments

Today, 8 September, is the 45th anniversary of the first regular episode of Star Trek. How could I pass up an opportunity like this to talk about one of my all-time favorite TV shows? But Paul, aren’t you supposed to be writing about Bible stuff? What does one of the most culturally influential TV shows have to [...]