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104 Comments on Archives

  1. John Bushnell // January 2, 2013 at 5:22 pm // Reply

    Do you have any articles on “Christian Fasting” & “Christian Tithing”?

    • Nope. I generally only write about the new covenant.

    • I will say that Mr. Paul, you have copme under great deception. Repent and be saved.
      Fasting and tithing are musts.
      Without tithing, you willnot be ready for the Lord’s return. And to scale any heights in the upward call, you have to fast diligently.

      • Fasting & Tithing are FRUITS and not ROOTS. New Covenant people obey, fast, tithe, serve, pray, worship & praise God NOT BECAUSE to be bless, NOT BECAUSE for God to move & NOT BECAUSE to earn or receive in RETURN!

        WE do all of those because we are ALREADY BLESSED, RECEIVED & FAVORED!


      • GeorgeInChrist // December 14, 2014 at 5:05 pm //

        sounds like law sir

      • Matthew // July 14, 2016 at 3:53 am //

        lol Where is that in the Bible?

      • I’m scrolling down to search some yummy new covenant content and see my name with such a religious response as I’m doing research for a blog I’m writing on detoxing from the religious spirit. So from one Ivan to another, sir you need to understand the scripture is a book of God’s covenant journey with man. The old testament and the old covenant are not synonymous. In the old testament there where 4 or 5 covenants God made with mankind. Your comment reveals that you are still operating under the mosaic covenant which had a shelf life and in Christ is abolished. Romans 10:4. Take some time and search the scriptures in context. It will set you free.

    • I don’t struggle with this in the same way anymore. But what Dr. Paul does write can be found in the post entitled “I believe, help my unbelief!”

  2. Great answer Paul! I get it!

    • Lasaro Basaldua // January 9, 2013 at 4:36 am // Reply

      Tithing is in the new Covenant , the only thing that has changed about it is the motivation.we tithe because we love the ministry and the people that need to hear the good news.

      • Another way of looking at it is that we no longer tith because we have to but because we get to.

      • Lasaro, where, besides the Melchizedek reference, do you find the “tithe” supported in the New Testament? And that is not truly a “tithe” since Abraham gave a “tenth/tithe” of the spoils which were not of his own possessions… It’s interesting that the one part of the Judaism law and the Decalogue (The Ten) which is most difficult to let go is the money law – the tithe (and it’s not in the Ten). Also, a note about the “tithe” – in my research and documentation from both the IRS and other “donation-tracking services” it is reported, and documented, that the average religious (Christian, church-attending, law-focused) family only gives 3 to 4.5% of their Adjusted Gross Income (which is not their gross income). Does that bode well for supporting a “belief system” for the tithe? NO! As a pastor of two institutional churches over a period of 15 years, and researching denominational documents, the members of my congregation, and the collective membership of churches across my former denomination, don’t practice what they preach either. Lastly, the tithe, as presented in the Old Testament, was not an OPTIONAL payment; rather a requirement (for the support of the priestly tribe and ministry). So,a gain, if you keep one of the laws you might want to do it RIGHT and consider keeping all of them!

        Or, you could live in the new covenant and enjoy the freedom that is found in Christ and His finished work on the cross and just give to your heart’s contentment.

      • Where is tithing found in the new covenant?

  3. Paul, I appreciate so much your blog. You answered my question about the Connecticut shooting, and then responded affirmatively to my suggestion about a post on God’s sovereignty. Thank you!

    I have another question. I have heard it said that God brought the Law in because that’s what the people wanted. They wanted rules, as well as a covenant of faith, as with Abraham. The Old Covenant Law was a Plan B, like God’s giving a human king to the people.

    So I’ve heard. I’m not opposed to such a belief, but I’m not sure of scriptural evidence for it. What say you?

    • John campbell // March 23, 2014 at 3:44 am // Reply

      Tithing can be a beautiful and Holy thing IF done wholley unto The Lord in response to God’s grace found In Christ . Tithing under the grace of God, with Abraham , opens and closes the Bible. ( genesis 14, Hebrews 7) Tithing under the old covenant was simply a land tax on the children of Israel . Tithing pertained to livestock and produce ( not $) so the poor, Levites and Priesthood could eat and perform their duties. There is not one mention of anybody tithing $ to ANYONE in the entirety of the Bible! We have been born again INTO a prophesied, blood bought and glorious New and Everlasting Covenant of grace which puts the spotlight on Jesus Christ who became a curse for us. Hebrews 7:1-12, in essence, teaches that the old covenant system with 613 laws, each with a blessing / curse attached; TITHES INTO GRACE! A revelation of God’s everlasting mercy and love can motivate a disciple of Christ to give 5,10,20,50 or 90 percent. “For when the Priesthood changes, by necessity there takes place a CHANGE OF LAW ALSO! ” ( Hebrews 7:12) Those regenerated and redeemed by Christ’s NEW COVENANT BLOOD we have the Law of The Spirit of LIFE In Christ Jesus, the Law of Liberty and the great commandment which contains ” this NEW commandment.

      • David Newman // May 5, 2019 at 7:38 am //

        Very true. Actually it is not the non tithers who are under a curse but those who preach you must tithe because they are preaching returning to the law. Then must keep all 613 or be under the curse of the law.

    • Squawks 5000 // July 25, 2018 at 3:21 am // Reply

      In Exodus 16-20, note that God did not IMMEDIATELY gave the Israelites the law. The Israelites wanted freedom and promise land, but there’s this scene where the Israelites did not want to walk with God because of the current problems (hunger, thirst).

  4. Do you have anything that addresses the 1st Chapter of Job..Satan & God discussing how if God removes the hedge of protection and starts messing with him he will curse God?
    I’ve read a few things you’ve written about Job but seems to not “add up based on this first pow wow in Chapter 1…help me with this please? I love your blog and read it gracefully!!

    • Its important to remember that Jesus said the devil was the author of lies as he was a lier from the very beginning. God didnot say He had put a hedge around Job it was the devil and God is not going to give the devil any information. If the devil wants to believe that let him !
      The only protection we have is to Know God’s Word and His Grace and Job had very little of God’s Word. If the Book of Job teaches us one thing it is that Job had a very limited knowledge of God and that God showed him outrageous grace after all his troubles . Roy

      • Really? Why even Job mentions being “hedged in by God”, Job 3:23. True, satan is a liar, but here he is merely saying what he saw! As It was also for Jeremiah saying; “ He (God) hath hedged me about…” thus bringing forth the great truth we all know and believe (as you well mention the grace of God), “It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.” Lamentations 3: 7 and 22.
        “He that diggeth a pit shall fall into it; and whoso breaketh an hedge, a serpent shall bite him.” Ecclesiastes 10:8. The book of Job is much older than the book of Ecclesiastes, and don’t you know Solomon was speaking of what happened to Job here.

  5. Only just joined the site and have done so because the first article I read was so helpful about Job! Search for “Understanding the book of Job”. Enjoy and be inspired and instructed – it will also lead you to other good articles related to the subject,

  6. Love Paul’s answer to query on tithing and fasting! To the enquirer and to Lasaro Basaldua I recommend Bertie Brits who does a lovely treatment with great scriptural insights as to why Jesus is our tithe. Go to his website, which is clumsy for navigating, or check it out on youtube or just google it

  7. Rey Nielsen // April 28, 2013 at 4:36 pm // Reply

    Only now I realize what through gospel of grace is…. thank Holy Spirit who teaches guides and filled me. Now I can say Christ is in me. Jesus + nothing = everything.

  8. This website and related Facebook posts on Gracequotes, along with Joseph Prince and Andrew Wommacki messages have been such a blessing to me and and my husband. Have been praying for local teaching on Grace and over the last six months of so our local pastor has really been stepping it up with the Grace messages. He’s still a good teacher on being the light of God to those in our community and world (some would say “serving”) so I still try to stay buffed up with other Grace teaching so that I don’t get back into trying to “earn” favor with God. The message our pastor delivered on Easter Sunday was the Gospel in a message titled “The Scandal of Grace”:

  9. Chuck Barnes // May 20, 2013 at 11:45 am // Reply

    It’s so sad Christian don’t search the Scriptures concerning Tithing and Fasting. When Jesus said it was finished we are now under the new covenant. The work been finished now let’s rest in Jesus! The old covenant was given to Jews. The law doesn’t do anything for us. Jesus came to bring us the New Covenant in his Blood.

    • John campbell // March 23, 2014 at 4:32 am // Reply

      I am brand new to this site and I LOVE that many who confess Christ here are receiving Biblical revelation of Christ’s New Covenant blood. Yes, Christ did say ” it is finished.” In my study of scripture, in regards to the timeline of the new covenant, I believe the NC was inaugurated when in Hebrews 9 where Jesus offered His perfect precious blood in heavenly Holy of Holy’s for our eternal redemption. I believe the NC prophesied, begins with God’s promise to Abraham ; ” a Father to many nations”…. etc. Some teach that the NC began at Pentecost and I am ok with that too. However, I believe the revelation of the New Covenant received and actualized by man began with Peter’s vision at Joppa after which he went to Cornelius house. Acts10 is beautiful as this was the first time a Non Jew received Christ AND ” the gift of The Holy Spirit” AND they were speaking in tongues and EXALTING GOD!!

    • Its so sad when Christians continue to make excuses to justify not giving Jesus His proper tithe. The tithe has always been an established principle of honoring the Lord. Father Abraham did it before the Law was ever given to the Jews and even in the great book of wisdom (proverbs) the Lord is rather clear we are to honor Him with our firstfruits of our income. Its sad when Christians treat money as if its unimportant to the Lord. I mean it was very important under the Law but now it no longer is under the New Covenant? C’mon now. Jesus said we are not to leave tithing undone and we are to have the love of God for us as our motivation to keep bringing Him the tithe.

      • So are we to takes Abraham’s lead in tithing? If so he did it once, with monies that were not his, but rather spoils of war which he said he would not keep. First fruits and tithing are two different things. This isn’t an excuse not to give. The new covenant is very clear that we are to give but not under pressure or obligation but as we purpose in our hearts. Jesus’s words were spoken to a priest or Pharisee if I’m not mistaken, and they were functioning under the law. Remember that Jesus’ ministry was performed under the old covenant. The new covenant didn’t come to pass until Christ’s resurrection or Acts 2 – take your pick.

      • You may be interested in this post on Abram’s tithe.

  10. Leslie Snell // June 16, 2013 at 8:22 am // Reply

    I love the gospel of God’s grace. But if we have the blessed assurance of salvation can believers loose their faith? and if so, does that mean that their salvation is in jeopardy?

  11. It seems as if “tithing” is not something those on this site believe in? How about the giving of offerings?

    • chrisvanrooyen // June 21, 2013 at 5:21 pm // Reply

      You cannot tithe or offer anymore you cannot give to something that is yours Jesus explained it to Peter. Sons cannot pay the temple tax they are sons and are the temple what you can do is invest in your Kingdom and I would suggest we give everything.

      • gslloydd // June 27, 2014 at 2:56 pm //

        Good idea. I agree. That’s quite difficult for most. Why not start with the tithe and see how God blesses that. First the blade, then the ear, then the full head in the ear. Mark 4:28. Grow in grace and character and wisdom. Continue to give more and more.

    • chrisvanrooyen // June 21, 2013 at 5:22 pm // Reply

      To add if you feel you are giving or making a sacrifice there is a problem with your belief system.

    • Not as a requirement or duty but rather a desire, from the heart.

    • Why is Tithing such a concern to some ?

  12. Chris,
    Thanks for your reply. It may just be a matter of symantics……….you say invest and I say give. Eiither way for me all that I have is because of Him and He has given me all that He has! I give (invest) those “things” (money, time, clothes, whatever) into the Kingdom for the King. I was just curious as to the thinking here on this site. Bless you.

  13. I dont know about tithing. Iam a christian not a jews. St. Paul teach me to give generously not by percentage or amount.

    • Well said, I can image gentiles paying tithes. The Jews would wonder what are you doing?

    • We want to give because he first gave us. It’s not because we have to or even a certain amount, it’s simply out of the abundance of our hearts and abilities.

    • I think the most closest scriptures for me for tithing is in 1 Corinthians 9:14 right after giving cheerfully. The Apostle Paul says something that it’s a command from the Lord…1 Corinthians 9:14 Even so hath the Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel. this begs the question, how the ministers or the priest gets their portion on God’s blessings? Isn’t it through the tithes and offering the worshipers bring into the store house? what is the purpose of their tithes, isn’t so that there maybe food in the house of God and to help the needy, widows? Isn’t it the mandate of the true church of God according to Apostle James?

      • You use words like command and mandate as though we were still under law. There is no law or command in the new covenant about tithing, for we are not under law but grace. Paul said, “So also the Lord directed those who proclaim the gospel to get their living from the gospel.” The original word means to arrange or direct. I have written elsewhere on tithing and widows.

  14. Paul, what’s your thoughts on 1 Corinthians 6? Do you have a post on this chapter?

    God Bless

  15. Leslie Snell // December 4, 2013 at 7:09 pm // Reply

    As a believer, do we need to ask God for wisdom, healing etc. If we already have these things through the gift of salvation?


    • I definitely think we should ask for wisdom, and so does James (James 1:5). When I have big decisions to make, it is my habit to ask the Holy Spirit, a.k.a. the Spirit of wisdom, for guidance.

  16. What grieves the Holy Spirit?

    • Our sins and bad decisions, not because they hurt him but because they hurt us, the objects of his affection. And preaching mixture – grace + law – surely grieves him.

      • Warren (South Carolina) // June 7, 2015 at 3:46 am //

        It not only grieves Him it also “tramples under foot” the blood of Jesus (counts it as of little value). Maybe the same thing.
        Warren (South Carolina)

    • A little late to answer, but when we ignore the urgings of the Holy Spirit, or indulge in clearly unclean and unholy pursuits (such as pornography or licentious behaviour), I think we grieve the Holy Spirit.

      Note: I said “I think”. Please feel free to correct me, anyone. My main purpose on this site is to learn (I’m a 1-day old “newbie” here).

      • I also think we grieve the Spirit by not believing what Christ has done and accomplished for us, choosing to believe our feelings rather than what God has said about us now (we are saints, we are holy, we are no longer under condemnation, etc.) and believing the lies of the enemy regarding those things rather than what God, perfectly trustworthy and true, has said.

  17. Michael Jenkins // January 25, 2014 at 1:13 pm // Reply

    Hey Paul,Do you have anything regarding Matthew 10:34-35. It is when Jesus says that he did not come to send peace but a sword to set a man against his Father,and daughter,etc. Is he saying that to people that are under the law or what? I know that he is called the Prince of Peace, so this scripture seems to contradict this. I try to filter everything through the cross but never concluded anything on this verse.

    I hope that you can answer this.

    By the way, I really love this website and I am going to read all your books.

    • Hi Michael,

      “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn ‘a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—'” (Mat 10:34-25).

      Jesus is saying something that is not considered very politically-correct in some circles, but is nonetheless 100% true, and it’s this: truth is divisive. It’s not that Jesus is seeking to turn fathers against their sons, but people divide themselves by the response to truth. Jesus is Truth. Some people respond to him with love. Others respond with hostility and stone-throwing.

      You will sometimes hear preachers saying there is no Us and Them in grace. And it’s true. God loves us all. But not all love him.

  18. Brother Paul, could you explain Mathew 17:21? Why Jesus recommends prayer and fasting to cast out that particular demon? I could not able to grasp the motive of Jesus behind that suggestion. Could you help me?

  19. Dear Paul:

    It was only yesterday I came across your blog when I was randomly searching for things on the net about Joseph Prince. How delighted I am! I feel like I belong here, and a sort of journey is just beginning. I have already determined, in a way, to find as much time as possible to read up on the many things you have on your blog.

    I have already subscribed to your blog and downloaded the free eBook (thanks!!!) and read the beginning and the ending of it…(will get to the middle later). I’m planning to print it out like a little book and get my 2 kids to read it.

    I will much appreciate it if you would be so kind as to breathe a word of prayer for me as you read this, that I will come into a full and proper understanding of grace. I feel like I am just beginning to grasp it but it really needs to hit home hard and blow me away. I need the fullness of it.

    Thanks for all you are doing, may your ministry be blessed and protected, thanks above all to the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

  20. hi paul. thank you for this grace preaching that you are doing. its great. but even after listening to the preaching of radical grace(through joseph prince and now you also) i have still not experienced it. i know about god’ s love and his grace, i understand but am not able to receive his grace. what would you suggest?

    • Grace is something to be believed before felt. Do you believe that God loves you like a Father and that he loves you now for who you are and not as you should be? When you make mistakes and stumble do you still believe this or do you come under guilt and condemnation?

  21. no christian “tithes” today.Most people who think they are “tithing” have a distorted definition and understanding of “tithing”. All kinds of error is taught regularly in our churches concerning “tithes and offerings”.Like all imposing of the law,it is detrimental to life under grace.I highly recommend “Should the church teach tithing” by Russ Kelly.I believe the distorted and manipulative way “tithing”and giving is often taught is an embarrasment,and does more to hinder the gospel than it does to help get the word out.It personally bothers me a great deal that men who are supposedly so concerned about preaching the truth of Gods Word and have such great insights and exegesis of scripture,are so “dull”,ignorant,and flippant with their teaching “tithing” as they do.It appears as a “chosen” ignorance to me.Pay no attention to one who would try and impose the ordinance on you as your obligation to the local church.

    • So I guess the Lord didn’t put the teachings on the tithe and money in the Bible huh? Sounds to me like you just have a guilty conscience because you have a poverty spirit and continue to refuse to bring the Lord’s tithe. Its ok. If you don’t have a heart to give, the Lord doesn’t want you to bring Him his tithe. But scriptural, the tithe is an expression to the Lord that all you have comes from Him. Its an expression of worship and praise and gratitude to Jesus. Many Christians still think they have all their money because its due to their ‘hard work.’ As opposed to Jesus supplying their finances through the finished work of the Cross.

      • So Robbie,, who do you suppose we give the tithe to and what for??.. As for the Jews it is all plainly explained to them so they have no qualms.. As for Christians just one drop of the laws requirements,, is like the Bible says ” one drop of yeast will spoil the whole batch of dough…Either Jesus nailed the whole Law and everything that went with or he didn’t ???… I thought a long time ago that Jesus put tithing on my heart but guilt and condemnation came with that.. Only and I mean only Satan makes us try to obey Gods laws by the Law ( conscience ) and not Grace…The conscience came from that forbidden tree which no Chrustian should have anything to do with.. God bless you and give if you like to the poor Christians you live amongst.. Xxx

  22. pastor Paul, James 5:9,12 conveys the idea that a believer can still be condemned. Please can u throw light to this?

  23. Thanks
    Wanna ask another question sir. Going through Matthew 24:39-51 Where Jesus said the hour of his return no man knows and then said We should be ready lest his coming meet us unawares. Please How can We be ready always.

    • Squawks 5000 // August 20, 2018 at 3:13 am // Reply

      Here’s tips on how we can be ready.

      1) If you haven’t (yet), accept Jesus’s gift on eternal life. He loves you and wants to have a relationship with you [John 3:16].

      2) Spend time walking with Jesus. Walking with Jesus lets us grow spiritually. This is commonly done by reading the Bible, finding a grace-based Bible-base church, and praying.

      3) Encourage one another, build each other up, and show love. The coming is unpredictable but that doesn’t mean we should panic — it’s a good thing for us because we get to be in heaven (with God) forever [1 Thess. 5:11].

      4) You can also share the good news to other people [Matthew 28]. Why simply just go to heaven if you can convince a bunch of your friends to also go there?

      Also, go check out 1 Thessalonians 5 — Paul the apostle talked about it in his letter.

  24. Christopher // August 20, 2014 at 8:03 am // Reply

    A friend of mine quoted the parables in Matthew 25 and says that it pertains to good and bad Christians, which will be separated and the “bad” Christians will be lost forever. I have searched the website for articles regarding the parables, but no success. Where will I find it or how would you explain the parables in that chapter?

    • Leslie Snell // August 21, 2014 at 2:59 am // Reply

      Hi Christopher,
      I believe you are quoting Matthew 25:32. The Lord is describing two categories of people one are the sheep ( the righteous) and the other are the goats (the unrighteous). We are either saved or not. The righteous will naturally bear fruit for the glory of Christ. The unrighteous will not.

      • Christopher // August 21, 2014 at 9:18 am //

        Thank you Leslie, but is there a Grace perspective of the parables? The argument here is that we believe, once saved, always saved, and this friend of mine was using Matthew 25 to prove that Christians can lose their salvation. He argues that the goats and the sheep are both Christians. I’m hoping that Paul has written something about these parables and refer to one if his archives.

  25. Leslie Snell // August 22, 2014 at 4:43 am // Reply

    I would say that the grace prospective in this scripture would be that God gives us a free will to choose. Weather it is receiving Him or rejecting Him. Therefore, the goats had a choice to become sheep-by God’s Grace. But they choose not to.

  26. Apostle Johny // September 5, 2014 at 2:58 am // Reply

    Im so thrilled by the topics and messages comments and answers about grace it blesses me a lot,thank you Paul and all the saints,I receive the grace message 2006 while attending a conference in South Africa with Prophet Kobus van rensburg

  27. 1John 3:15 says a believer Who hates his brother has no eternal life just as Jesus also said in Matt 5:22.
    please can u shed light on these Scriptures as they seem to negate eternal security. Thanks

    • hey dominion I’m not sure whom you are addressing this question to but hopefully I can give it a shot if you don’t mind.When we speak of eternal life there’s only one thought that we usually process this phrase to mean,everlasting,perpetual and continuos living forever.But Jesus added a spin on this eternal life to mean something different.In John 17:3 Jesus says this”eternal life” is to know you the only true God and the son whom you sent.
      When reading 1 john 3,the context is about a loving God and truly knowing him.When you read vs.15 it says that everyone who hates his brother is a murderer and eternal life or the true knowledge of God and the Son is not in him.
      The father did more than just send his Son to die but more importantly to restore his image and likeness to his children.What father isn’t happy that his children aren’t his spitting image God is no different.
      If eternal life only meant living forever then how could Jesus say it also has a fuller meaning and that is to know Your father God and his Son your brother and reunite you into the highest quality of living he could give you,eternal life knowing the Father and the Son.This verse speaks not of your eternal security my friend but if you truly possess the knowledge of the love of God for us to love our brothers as he loves us.Hope this helps.

    • To add with what donavan so aptly shared; “If a man say, I love God, and hates his brother, he is a liar: for he that loves not his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen?” 1 John 4:20. So its not a question of negated eternal security, but rather, did such a one ever have it in the first place. As John wrote that eternal life starts at the time of “true” belief, 1 John 5:13, of which “liars” have no portion!
      In other words; Born once die twice, born twice die once. One that hates their brother has only been born once!

  28. Apostle Johny // September 15, 2014 at 7:43 pm // Reply

    Leslie a covenant is an agreement between 2 persons,a testament is only valid when the testator has died,like Jesus for our sins now we have the benefit of the His finish work on the cross.A covenant is an agreement,a testament is draw by the testator without consent of the anyone.I hope its understandle or anyone can share light on this subject.Grace!

    • Hi Johny,
      Not disagreeing with your definitions. However, if you look at the word Testament in the Greek. It gives, diathēkē which means a compact, a covenant, a testament. Example:
      God’s covenant with Noah, etc.This word is also derived from the root word diatithēmi, which means to arrange, dispose of one’s own affairs, of something that belongs to one, to dispose of by will, make a testament. An example would be: to make a covenant, enter into covenant with one. So, I believe that covenant and testament are synonymous with one another.

  29. lutwama marvin // September 16, 2014 at 7:55 pm // Reply

    paul,i thank God for having become a member of this blog/site ,for 3 years i have been trying 2 b’me one but in vain.Am a grace believer and a preacher of a young church of 1year and half here in Kampala Uganda East Africa ,though we meet persecution and resistance from men of the law we stand strong in the truth .I love the peculiar wisdom in the Spirit of grace and in the grace preachers,who doesn’t preacher empty dogmas and lifeless theology that leads believers to coldness .thanks paul ellis for the work of igniting us with the gospel message Of Grace.may the lord Jesus bless u.amen

  30. Paul, happy third anniversary of this life transforming platform. Grace be multiplied to you.
    please, I got a little bit off balance at the death judgement that fell on Ananias and sapphira even under the dispensation of Grace. Can u please shed light on it?

  31. John Campbell // December 26, 2014 at 4:00 pm // Reply

    The main message of the Bible is the prophosied, blood bought and glorious new covenant of grace which continually puts the spotlight on Jesus and who we are in Him; which is a redeemed and beloved child of God AND Kingdom of priests at New Birth; whose primary purpose is to minister unto The Lord in the inner court as a priest to be nearest His presence and empowered as a conduit to present Jesus Himself to others and bring the Kingdom of God to earth!
    Ministering unto The Lord is our FIRST ministry and ultimate destiny…
    Merry Christmas to all!
    Thank you Paul for this beautiful Christ centric fellowship in Him.

  32. As I see it, tithing is a man-made way to garantee income to finance a ministry. While God says He will provide His way, man uses his intelligence to manipulate the process in the name of God. Many believers are being deceived because they are taught things like “you are robbing God”, “God gives us so much, why not given Him only part of what we earn?”, “the money is God’s, not yours”, as if we need an outside law to “remind” us to give, which is totally legalistic, making people replace God’s Spirit by a rule. These emotional blackmails are pretty much demonic in my view. In Acts people sold properties spontaneously, as the Spirit directed, and gave the money to those in need in their circle, much different than what happens today in churches. Besides, this modern law gives outsiders the impression that God is interested in or needs our money (this is ridiculous) and makes us people who are also like that… it’s a shame….

  33. John Campbell // May 3, 2015 at 3:24 am // Reply

    I also believe required 10% is a sin against God and a sin against the new covenant blood of our Savior….to suggest old covenant curses over a blood bought child of God IS antiChrist.
    Scripture is crystal clear that Jesus disarmed the rulers & authorities in a public display when He took the old covenant Torah out of the way having nailed it to the cross!
    There is not one mention of anyone tithing $ to anyone else in the entirety of scripture..Bless you!

  34. What if you Fast as a way of using it to just be away from worldly distractions. When I Fast my mind feels clear & attentive. I don’t do it because I think I will be blessed, I do it because I know I am able to receive revelations better when my mind is not distracted by food or other things like internet & tv. Is it wrong to use Fasting for this reason?

  35. I “tithe” my percentage to childrens homes & the poor, because I have a heart for these people who struggle. It upsets me when I am at a Church & see the sick, weak & poor struggle day in & day out & the Minister drives a smart car, lives in a smart house, has medical insurance etc BUT preaches law keeping members in a lie. I will only start to tithe to a Church once I have found a Church which preaches the true Gospel in all forms & a Church which looks after their sheep – which I have had a hard time finding. Only then I will give out of gratitude for the truth being spread & not because of an OT lie of “robbing God”. Is this wrong?

    • It’s not wrong. It’s right. Don’t let anyone charge you for what God has freely given.

    • What excuses did Abraham, Isaac and Jacob use to not bring a tithe in their day, to the Lord? None of course. So why are 21st century Christians using all sorts of qualifiers now before they bring their tithe? Btw, preachers should be the most prosperous of all in the Body of Christ. They do all the ‘heavy lifting’ so to speak by dedicating their lives to preach about Jesus to masses of people. They are easy targets of criticism, especially by pew warming, bomb throwing Christians. Not every preacher has a full revelation of the Gospel that Paul preached. Pray for preachers to get a greater revelation. Even a great man of God like Pastor Joseph Prince, as an example, was once someone who preached mixture. No preacher preaches pure Law. And there are tremendous blessings attached to your tithe when you bring them out of the right motivation and revelation.

      • I hope by now you have come to realize that all who preach tithing are petite scam artists, No christian can follow Abraham`s example of tithing as he tithed from (THE SPOILS OF WAR} Gen. 14.,,,where in the bible can one find, where Jacob ever tithe. You are saying on the one hand,,let`s go to war,win the battle,collect the `spoils` and bring the tithes to ???, and on the other hand, something that does`n`t exist,as Jacob never tithed. My advice to you and all others who are of this view is to `study to show yourself approved unto God ,a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth, 2nd Tim. 2:15.

      • cyprion, The tithe is more than just spoils of war, as it is a tenth of everything, and is holy unto the Lord, (Lev. 27:30-32). The truth is that today a Minister of the word is equivalent to the Levi who ministered in the Tabernacle, as is revealed in the book of Numbers, that the tribe of Levi was to receive the tithe as wages for their service in the tabernacle (Numbers 18:21)
        Also, Jacob lived before the Tabernacle was built, so true, who would he be giving them to, and for what? Yet he vowed to pay the tithe (Genesis 28:22) (maybe was a prophesy of what was coming?) For as yet they did not possessed the land, only promised they would!
        Remember, Abraham paid a tithe way before the law was given, so tithing was from Abrahams heart, to show gratitude, not obligation. Today? WE are not under the law, as that is why Paul said to give cheerfully from a willing heart. After all that is what God loves. (II Cor. 9:7). Thanks

  36. Hi Paul-

    Thank you for your wonderful blog. I really enjoy your posts. Ive been meaning to ask you this question and have touched on the subject in my comments to some of your articles where it seemed relative to what you were writing. It’s a tough subject so that could be the reason you choose not to reply to my comment that tackles homosexuality, not sure. At any rate, I know you are responding to tons of people. My question:

    What is your take on homosexuality (well the LBGT community as a whole) from a grace perspective?

    The reason I ask is that I’m passionate about my relationship with Jesus, the Bible, The Gospel aka Grave message and that is one of those tough subjects that is highly debated in Christian churches etc. Plus I have a family member who is gay and we believe he has been his whole life possibly. I’m not sure that it’s a choice for him and many believe that it’s not a choice for most. I’m just curious what your take is on this subject. For me it’s just not right deep down inside, but then Im not a homosexual. Lastly, that being said….I settle the struggle to reconcile mixed feelings with the fact that I’m called to LOVE in Christ. So I choose love over condemnation and judement over one sin from the Bible when humanity is sinning in numerous forms everyday. Yet those sins seem more “excusable” than sins like homosexuality.

    God bless and I hope to get your insight on this tough subject. Your are anointed in the grace message.

    • Squawks 5000 // July 25, 2018 at 4:02 am // Reply

      Here’s my take on homosexuality:

      1) I believe that homosexuality is not God’s optimal plan for our lives. Jesus and Paul said that.

      2) I also believed that we should NEVER throw down people just because they are homosexual. Much of the church has misrepresented Jesus, which might be why the controversy exists. Many focus too much on the rules to the point that God’s love is brushed to the side. I believe that Jesus loves homosexuals as much as he loves veteran Christians because we were once lost.

      3) I believe it is possible for a believer to be a homosexual because salvation is dependent on Jesus’ love and is received by accepting it. However, like all sin, homosexuality makes it harder for them to walk with Jesus.

      4) If I have a message to homosexual Christians, I would tell them to find their identity in Jesus. Many people resort to homosexuality (and the conflicts) because they do not see them as accepted by society if they are not homosexual. God gave them a bigger plan than homosexuality.

      To cap this off, the overuse of mixture that Paul talks about might fuel the insane controversy. Just because we disagree due to a biblical conviction doesn’t mean we should hate on them.

      • “like all sin, homosexuality makes it harder for them to walk with Jesus.” You don’t know how right you are. As God also wants it so hard for them that Paul has instructed how to deal with such.
        “…not to keep company (Bad company corrupts good morals, 1 Corinthians 15:33 NASB), if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator (homosexual or heterosexual),…; with such an one no not to eat…put away from among yourselves that wicked person.” 1 Corinthians 5:11,13.
        This is the biblical way to show Gods love, though a rather tough love, yet it will put them in their place, as they are out of place, calling themselves after that Holy name. Hopeful to then consider their ways and be changed by the “Spirit of our God” as were those mentioned in 1 Corinthians 6:9,10,11.
        For those that do not pretend to be Christian brothers, they are welcome to come hear the word of God, be loved, so as to one day be, washed, sanctified, justified “in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.”

      • Squawks 5000 // August 6, 2018 at 9:41 am //

        I just came back from a sermon from a pastor who grew up in a homosexual family — his message is great! I kinda disagree with Thomas Howard on his response (though he did bring up a few points)

        1) Paul is referring to inward close people. I believe we should still love the homosexuals like Jesus did (he interaced with tax collectors, adulterers, and sinners!), but our bigger human influences should be ones who walk more aligned with Jesus.

        2) Not all homosexuals are the same — everyone has a different story. I get that there are some strong advocates out there, but my pastor says that there are also people who know homosexuality isn’t the best yet still struggle in a relationship.

        3) I think I said it before, but the homosexuality issue is more on IDENTITY. Many turn to homosexuality to fill in the God-sized void. Jesus wants to show them that they don’t have to be homosexual to feel secure and accepted because God has a bigger life for them than a homosexual relationship. Jesus showed this by interacting with tax collectors and sinners.

        LSS, there’s a difference between one who advocates for homosexuality and one who has faith in Jesus and strives to follow him yet struggles with homosexual relationships and thoughts. I get that we need to have a strong company so we ourselves don’t get out of line, but Jesus called us to reach out to everyone. In other words, we shouldn’t immediately run away from them if we found out that someone is a homosexual — only if that person tries to pressure us to not stand on truth should we keep distance from him.

        Closing thought — even though the woman at the well was not in Jesus’s close circle, Jesus still interacted with and loved the woman at the well even though she has a bad husband track record in John 4.

  37. Hello Paul and God bless you my brother. Can you tell me the difference in being born again or in being saved, or are they both the same. Thank you and blessings, Marie

  38. Theresa Benischek // August 16, 2019 at 4:50 am // Reply

    I realize this is an old stream of comments but I happened upon it and I one thing to add. The Apostle Paul preached to mainly gentiles. The only folks who knew about tithing were the Jews. Surely if tithing was an important part of Christianity wouldn’t Paul have impressed upon it to the Gentiles who knew nothing of the principle of tithing? He did not. I believe all of this ado about tithing is a self righteous act in that we want to believe we are blessed by motivating God by demonstrating our obedience to the tithing myth. Our blessings have been secured by what Jesus did for us at the Cross, and there is nothing that we can do to add or take away from Calvary.

  39. Do you have any articles or thoughts on the omitted verses at end of Mark 16 (vs. 9-20)

  40. Hi Paul, im curious to know if you will or have done an article on Apostasy? Im wondering if there is a difference between those who “dont remain faithful” versus those who have given up on their faith.. is salvation the same for them if they both at some point accepted Jesus as savior?

  41. Aney Mathew // January 7, 2022 at 7:51 am // Reply

    Hi Paul,
    I have been greatly blessed by your writings.
    Do you have an explanation on why Jesus cursed the fig tree? Seems a bit harsh that He cursed a tree for not giving fruit in season, But there must have been a pretty good reason for HIm to have done that. Any insight?\

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