“He Qualifies You” by Chad Mansbridge

I picked up this little book on my last trip to Hong Kong and read it in an hour. It was an hour well-spent.

In this book Chad Mansbridge, of Bayside Church International, outlines the three main covenants of the Bible, namely, the covenants that God made with Abraham, Moses and Jesus.

Why do you need to know this stuff?

Because many people in the church today are mixing covenants. Just like the Galatians they mix the law covenant of Moses with the grace covenant of Jesus Christ. You know Christians are mixed up when you hear things like:

Jesus died for you, what will you do for Him?

When you sin you come under His condemnation.

If you don’t tithe you’ll bring a curse on yourself/us/our church.

If you’re sick there’s probably unconfessed sin in your life. Or maybe your Grandfather sinned.

Although we’re not saved by observing the 10 commandments, you’d better do them anyway. Or else.

Whenever you mix the new wine of the grace covenant with the old wineskin of the law covenant something good will be lost. And that’s why we need to grasp the different ways God has chosen to relate to people.

Under the Abrahamic Covenant God blessed the descendants of Abraham because of their pedigree. Under the Mosaic Covenant, God blessed the Israelites on the basis of their performance. Under the New Covenant God blesses us because of our position in Christ.

Under the New Covenant we are qualified by the Father through Jesus Christ (Col 1:12). It makes no difference whether we are Jewish or Japanese or Javanese (Gal 3:28). It makes no difference whether we perform all 600 commandments found in the Old Testament (Gal 2:16). What matters is that we are in Christ, clothed with His righteousness (Php 3:9).

These are exciting days. All over the world the church is waking up to the profound truth that He qualifies us. The lights are going on and Christians everywhere are being set free from dead religion. It’s not about me, it’s about Him. It’s not about what I am doing or not doing for Jesus, it’s about what He has already done on the cross.

Read He Qualifies You or watch Chad Mansbridge preach the same message here. I guarantee you’ll come away thanking God for the awesome good news revealed to us through Jesus.


See all E2R’s book reviews here

7 Comments on “He Qualifies You” by Chad Mansbridge

  1. Michael Crass // February 13, 2013 at 6:43 pm // Reply

    Great book! I’ve read it two or three times. I love how simple, clear, and to the point it is about the three covenants.

  2. Thanks Paul. I just read it. I can’t remember if I was first made aware of this little gem here or on Ryan Rufus’ youtube. Either way, thanks for putting the word out there. It contains a profound, yet simple message. We are qualified by his performance and pedigree, both of which become ours through our born again position in Him :-). The book also reveals the Father’s heart of love and grace towards his people throughout history. We are His sons indeed.

  3. After the cross it’s “done, done done”. The cross is still working

  4. Warren (South Carolina) // June 9, 2015 at 7:59 am // Reply

    Sounds like a good add for my library. Thanks!
    Jim Richards helped me to see that the new covenant is not with individual Christians (as I had assumed/been taught) it’s with Jesus Christ. We would have broken it if it was with us obviously.
    Any good books on lambano (receiving & appropriating unto oneself by faith the promises) you can recommend?
    Warren (South Carolina)

  5. Why does Paul say we are not important then?

  6. Jimmy (California) // September 15, 2022 at 4:12 pm // Reply

    Links are broken. Here’s the book if you want to fix them…

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