What is the Cure for Guilt?

Hebrews 10:22 and the new language of grace

The other day I lost my temper.

It was only for a moment, but it was enough. Damage was done.

Later I felt sick about what I did and took steps to make amends. This is how guilt works. Guilt is a signal that our lives have been disrupted by sin. Guilt is a sign that a hurt needs to be healed.

But there’s a problem.

Ever since sin was given free leash in the Garden of Eden, guilt has gotten out of control.

Waaaay out of control.

We feel guilty for things we did and didn’t do. When we do well we feel guilty for not doing better. And when we fail, guilt pounds us.

Worst of all, guilt never goes away. Like an alarm that won’t switch off, guilt is the soundtrack to our lives.

Burdened by guilt we turn to religion to find relief. Instead, we encounter the condemning ministry of the law. Religion tells us we’re worse than we thought. We have not only let down friends and family, we’ve let down God.

With religious zeal we try to make the guilt go away but it’s no use. We keep nine laws but break the tenth. We’re good six days but stumble on the seventh.

No matter how hard we work, the guilt pile just keeps growing.

Guilt is a killer

Guilt and condemnation are at the root of many of our health problems. Our emotional bones were made soft for love, not hard for guilt-bearing.

I was a pastor for ten years and I can tell you that a lot of counseling done in the church is guilt-based. Pastors spend the much of their time helping others manage their guilt. Which is ironic since pastors are the ones making you feel guilty in the first place.

(Don’t feel condemned my preaching brothers, but stop preaching mixture. It’s making people sick and sucking the life out of you.)

If only there was a cure for guilt.

There is!

Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. (Hebrews 10:22)

What is the cure for guilt? Since the cross is God’s cure for sin, it is also the cure for guilt. Do you battle with guilt? Then look to the cross. All your sins are there.


Justified = not guilty

To be guilty means to be held responsible for your sin. I’m all for taking responsibility for our mistakes but when it comes to sin all the responsibility in the world isn’t going to clear your sinful name. Your sin burden is simply too great.

On the cross, Jesus took responsibility for all your sin. He literally became sin and in him all sin was condemned (Rom 8:3). The gospel declares your sin problem has met its match in Jesus Christ.

Do you know what this means?

Under law, the best of us is justly charged guilty of sin. But under grace, the worst of us is charged righteous on account of Jesus (see 2 Cor 5:21).

This is one of the most profound revelations of grace yet many miss it. They say, “I know I am righteous and justified but I feel guilty.”

Connect the dots. If you are righteous and justified, you cannot be guilty.

“But, Paul, I feel guilty.”

That feeling is a symptom of unbelief in the goodness of God. Don’t let that feeling run around like a rat in the attic. Deal with it. Take that feeling and make it bow to the obedience of Christ.

He has forgiven you all your sins: Christ has utterly wiped out the damning evidence of broken laws and commandments which always hung over our heads, and has completely annulled it by nailing it over his own head on the cross. (Colossians 2:13-14, Phillips)

Under the law, there was a long list of charges against you. “You’re a lazy Christian, a lousy parent, and a poor excuse for a human being.”

Want to know what Jesus thinks of those charges against you? He nailed them to the cross. Don’t agree with those charges. Agree with Jesus!

Guilt from the Bible?

Many Christians battle with guilt because they have not fully grasped the finished work of the cross. They’re filtering life through the obsolete lens of the rule-keeping covenant.

Guilt is what you get when you are constantly told you are not doing enough, giving enough, praying enough. Since this mixed-up message is the predominant theme of graceless Christianity, is it any wonder guilt has become an epidemic?

Much of what gets done in the name of the Lord is motivated by guilt.

“Jesus died for you, what will you do for him?” Crumbs. I’d better roll up my sleeves and get busy.

“People are going to hell because you are not evangelizing. Sign up for our outreach and make your guilt go away.”

It’s manipulation of the worst kind and it is about as far from Jesus as you can get.

To make matters worse, many of our Bibles were translated by the guilt-conscious. Do you know how many times the words “guilt” and “guilty” appear in the New Testament? The answer depends on which Bible you’re reading:

0    The Passion Translation

2    Young’s Literal Translation

3    American Standard Version

6    King James Version

13    Message Bible

14    NASB and ESV

16    New International Version

34    Good News

45    Amplified

These numbers reveal how much guilt is in your diet. For instance, if you read the NIV you’re getting nearly triple the guilt that you’d get from the KJV. If you read the Amplified, you’re getting nearly eight times as much guilt.

Some Bibles should come with a health-warning: “Contains added guilt and traces of religious nuts.”

I looked up all the Greek words for “guilt” and “guilty” in Vines and found there are very few. In fact, Vines spends more time listing words that have been incorrectly translated as guilty.

Do you know how many verses say that Christians are guilty?

Answer: Zero.


Not one.

So the next time you hear a message that makes you feel guilty, you can reject it as unbiblical.

When I lost my temper the other day, I apologized and quickly made amends. There was nothing religious about that. It’s just love. It’s common sense.

But dead religion would’ve said, “Paul, you’ve not done enough. Every sin is a sin against God. On account of your sin you are now out of fellowship with him. You broke it, so you fix it. Examine your heart, confess your sin before God and he will wipe your slate clean.”

Such a message appeals to our religious flesh but it’s an anti-Christ pile of manure.

Instead of leading you back to the one you hurt, it’ll cause you to withdraw and pray to your navel.

Instead of thanking God that in Christ you are always righteous, you’ll waste time asking him to do what he’s already done.

Instead of laying hold of the grace that empowers you to sin no more, you’ll beat yourself up like a religious flagellant.

(If you think I’m against confession, I’m not. And if you want to write in and tell me about 1 John 1:9, read this.)

The new language of grace

Guilt may be the lingua franca of dead religion but it wasn’t a language the New Testament writers spoke. It’s certainly not a language they speak in heaven.

If you speak the faithless language of guilt, I suggest you learn the new language of God’s love and grace.

When you have seen the finished work of the cross, it changes the way you view your mistakes and failings. You no longer dwell on your weaknesses – there’s no power there. Instead, you fix your eyes on Jesus who was “delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification” (Rom 4:25).

When you sin, the accuser will seek to bring a case against you. And in the eyes of the flawless law, he has a good case!

However, the issue is not whether you have stumbled but whether Jesus has been raised. And if he has been raised then you have been justified. Case dismissed.

It takes no faith to look at your mistakes and condemn yourself. It takes faith to look at Christ and say, “Because of you, I have been judged not guilty for all time. Thank you, Jesus!”


Escape to Reality is bringing freedom from guilt thanks to the support of our awesome readers. Become a supporter and get instant access to bonus materials, study notes, classic sermons and more.

57 Comments on What is the Cure for Guilt?

  1. This was EXACTLY what I needed today! Thank you so much Paul for sending this one out today. God is so awesome!!!

  2. well said, carry on governor

  3. Dear brother, I have been following your blog for a while now, and I really find a lot of your entries very edifying and challenging. I have a blog of my own, but it’s in Spanish, and I was wondering if it would be ok for me to translate some of your entries and put them up there. I would offer due credit, of course. I believe a lot of Spanish speakers would be blessed by what you have to say.

    • Thank you for asking. You are welcome to do that. Indeed, many of the posts here on E2R are being translated into different languages by bloggers such as yourself.

  4. Well spoken! I know its hard to get rid of Condemnation and Guilt in Performance based Church of teaching law and Grace a mixture. I pray the revelation of Grace come to all who Believe that Jesus is Lord of All!

  5. This is great. But I’m still concerned for the people Paul mentions who say “but I still feel guilty”. I’d like to add my comments on this matter. I would say these things: (1) Yes, renewing your mind is hard work. Saying that you “still feel guilty” is like saying, while dieting, “I’m still overweight!” The answer is that losing weight takes time and hard work. Knowing the Truth of God such that it sets you free sometimes takes time and hard work. So, be patient and keep working at it. (2) There are certain techniques that can help you renew your mind (eliminating your feeling of guilt) including meditation which is what I mostly use. You must learn HOW to renew your mind if it’s not happening like you want, leaving you still feeling guilty. (3) When I have guilt, which is always a result of not believing God, I look real deep into my thoughts and beliefs to try to find out WHY I don’t believe God with regard to his lavish grace. Then I talk it out with Him again and again to see if I can get beyond my unbelief. Finding out why you have doubts of this can point you to some study you may be able to do to strengthen you in the area of your doubts.

    • That’s good advice, thanks Rick. I hope people won’t interpret my brevity as glibness. Guilt is a BIG issue for many folk and the last thing I want is to make people feel guilty for feeling guilty.

    • That brings up a interesting point,it seems I am pursuing and trying to understand more about my identity in Christ,and how IMPORTANT it is to know who you are in Christ and since [perfect love casts out fear] and we are not given a spirit of fear[which guilt seems to be a major part] and the more perfect love we own, the more our identity manifests [am I making any SENSE here], the clearer things become and it helps keep the parasites[the enemy] away,anyway you have a new identity, but you are still you,but he who loses his life will find it [try and keep up here],and I believe all of this plays into your identity,amazing how all of this goes threw my head[and I know God is not the author of confusion, so I guess ill just have to believe he will get the job done.

      ps : Paul,I think your right,just be yourself,and let the fruit grow.

    • Great words, thank you!

    • alexatamblyn // November 10, 2017 at 6:30 pm // Reply

      I like what you say! It helps. Xx

  6. Well, Paul, I know you aren’t feeling guilty about it. 🙂

  7. Joe A.Serge // July 31, 2013 at 1:08 pm // Reply

    Good stuff! Christians need to hear this every Sunday.!

  8. Tom Winzenburg // July 31, 2013 at 1:44 pm // Reply

    Great stuff Paul! I am so glad I found your site (and read your book) as I truly enjoy reading everything you write about. Here’s a somewhat opposite question to this topic – what would you say in regards to people who confess themselves as Christians, yet seem to express little or no remorse or guilt for their clearly negative behaviors and actions? People who always seem to blame someone else for their misery or problems. Do you have any posts that deal with that? For me and many like myself, the true grace message has brought so much freedom from our old religious ways. But I find other so-called Christians who seem to always minimize any of their own wrongdoings and tend to find fault anywhere other than with themselves. How should we respond to people who think and live like this (and call themselves believers)?

  9. Hi Paul. I always appreciate your thoughts and that they make me think deep (and hopefully keep maturing). You mentioned losing your temper and the initial nudging that remindied you of who you are. That nudging seems to have brought you quickly back to focus, rectify the hurt, and allowed others to see Christ through your example. My questions: Is the line of guilt sin where we continue with guilt after asking forgiveness from those we might have hurt and amending our actions/behaviour/emotions? Is this initial nudging/guilt a tool used by the Holy Spirit to gently correct our course (i.e. a good thing)? It seems to me that the initial guilt isn’t part of our sin nature (sociopaths feel no guilt), but continuing & living in guilt, even after we have done what we need to do to correct how we might have affected others, is the sin, and an inability to turn our focus back on what Christ did for us.

    • The nudging you refer to is a work of the conscience. Everyone has one. I don’t know about sociopaths – they probably had one and grew numb to it.

      As to the separate issue of how God deals with us when we sin, see this post.

      • If there is no sin what is the purpose a conscience, Did Adam and Eve have one or was it conceived in Eden , When God said to them who told you, could we conclude that this was a new voice.The birth of conscience I am not saying that the events were not real, but that they as with many things have a greater spiritual truth. My question is really this, Is it not part of our inheritance to be free from this voice.

  10. Beyond the Pale // July 31, 2013 at 7:17 pm // Reply

    Excellent Paul…Wonderful how the things that we regret (like losing our temper or, like Peter, denying our Lord) are the things God uses most in our lives as the tools to encourage others… not that it’s “wonderful” that we do these things, but that we have a Father who can redeem a bad choice an bring Life out of it.

  11. Great article Paul. Guilt can’t be our motivator to do good works, because guilt will always say you’re not good enough. Jesus came to take away our guilt.

    A friend of mine recently suggested I read ________. I reached the chapter about lukewarm Christianity. I had the impression that the author wanted to make you feel as guilty as possible by pointing out all your flaws so that you would change. It was a very guilt-driven book so I quit reading it. Only God’s grace can motivate us to change our lives, not guilt.

  12. Hi Paul! Thank you for what you do and your time! i would like to ask what your thoughts are: i feel guilty when i don’t pray for sick people…(by going up to them and laying my hands on them.) where is that feeling coming from? Thank you for all you do…and this post is really what i needed!

  13. Thanks Paul ..your.posts are always timely. Sometimes it’s not hard to start thinking …I’m not dong enough…not being bold enough etc …guilt is so subtle..it leads to condemnation and despair. But the Holy Spirit within us guides and encourages …He’s not in the guilt and condemnation business.

  14. Jyothi Samuel Kumar Arapally // August 1, 2013 at 11:03 am // Reply

    Thank you so much for addressing this issue, Paul. This is one of the most important issues that needs to be addressed in the Body of Christ and I’m glad that you did just that. I love your website. I have been sharing it with all my friends and I believe that they are all blessed. In fact, I’m really, really blessed. God Bless you, Paul 🙂

  15. Paul it’s been awhile I last read this kind of undiluted Grace message on E2R. Maybe because you delved a lil into hell issues. This is the kind of articles I read on E2R that makes my heart spring up in joy. If you live where religion is being preached every time, you will appreciate what your messages does to me.

    • I love to write about the gospel – I feel I’m on sure ground there. I don’t particularly like to write about hell or inclusionism, so why do I make those detours? To give people choices. I am a huge believer in freedom and question-asking and it seems to me that many of the conversations being held on those two subjects diminish both.

  16. I think it is normal to feel guilty when we sin because our new nature doesn’t like it. But then we need to confess, “Lord, what I have done is wrong, it is sin, but thank you, I’m forgiven, I’m justified, I’m sanctified, by Your perfect sacrifice,” and get rid of all condemnation.

    • Joe A.Serge // August 7, 2013 at 1:47 am // Reply

      Right on Ina, The Holy Spirit convicts us that we’re not acting as the beloved children of God.. And that’s who we are..

  17. Good post, but I think you set up a “straw-man” just to knock him down. I mean this sentence here and I quote: “Worst of all, guilt never goes away. Like an alarm that won’t switch off, guilt is the soundtrack to our lives.” That is not a true statement even for unbelievers “guilt never goes away?” Yes, it does. Not everyone walks around with the burden of guilt riding on them. You make it sound like this is a driving force in everyone’s life and it is simply not true. Even for those who don’t understand the “finished work of Christ.” There are many people who are not moved by the so called “soundtrack of guilt.” Your post beside that is good, but your straw-man pushes people away from believing the rest of what you say and they NEED to hear the rest.

  18. A gentle nudge comes from the spirit of God, that is all that is required to move the believer in the right direction. Guilt does not come from God,and is always the result of pride you feel so bad because you know you are so good, a works to please mindset. The world tells us that guilt is good ,it is the result of a good conscience, a healthy mind.For the world this is true but not for us , the Spirit God deposited in us in the new birth should replace our conscience and lead us.

  19. I’m one of the people that “knows I am righteous and justified but I still feel guilty.” It has little to do with believing God that declares me righteous and more to do with how my sin has hurt others. That’s the part that’s hard to get past. Advice?

    • As I say in the post, guilt is a sign of a hurt that needs to be healed. The good news is that God does not hold our hurts against us – he does not judge us as our sins deserve – but they still hurt real people. Some hurts can be mended; others cannot. We often need to the divine wisdom of heaven to know how to respond to the damage we’ve done. If I were you – and I sometimes am in the sense that I hurt those I love – I walk talk to Daddy about it. Ask him what to do. He will show you.

    • Read it till you see it brother, knowing in your head and being convinced are totally different. I thought that I believed I was righteous. Read Romans 4 through 8 over and over till you see it. Read chapter 6 in the Living translation, its clear as a bell. Don’t say to yourself, but I know this stuff. Read it like you’ve never heard it b4. Don’t let anyone but the HS interpret it for you. I pray for your eyes to be open! Love you!

  20. After being a christian for 30 years I finally “heard” the truth of Grace. And you are right, what most of us hear in churches is mixture, just enough grace to save us, but just enough law to “make us behave”. The problem was, I couldn’t “behave”, and come to find out, my behavior has never been Gods focus. Our freedom is Gods focus, and we can never be free till we know we are no longer guilty. The guilt, from the demands we impose on most Christians is what keeps us from walkingn in victory. The thing is, until you get Grace, you don’t know that you don’t get Grace. Free people gfree people, keep spreading the word brother!

  21. the truth is guilt can tear u apart but thanks b to God for his son Jesus.

  22. Believer27 // May 27, 2014 at 7:37 am // Reply

    Paul why do i feel guilty but i know I didn’t do anything and i have confessed all my sins

    • The cure for guilt is not confession. The cure for guilt is Jesus. It may be that you feel guilty because you have tried to make yourself clean (by confessing sins). In which case, I encourage you to stop trying and start trusting Jesus, that he has done it all. Or it maybe that you feel guilty because you have been told you were guilty and you believed it. A stronghold has formed in your mind. In this case, take that thought captive and make it bow to the gospel of God’s grace.

      You will never overcome guilt in your own strength. You can confess three times a day and you’ll fee guilty as ever. Only God’s grace can break the power of sin, guilt and condemnation. I encourage you to start speaking out what God says about you. Don’t agree with the lies of sin and dead religion. Confess his word. You might say, for example, “I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus” (2 Cor 5:21). You may not feel righteous, but faith is not based on feelings, it’s based on God and what he has said. Agree with him and his grace will change you. More here.

  23. Lee Whitcomb // June 22, 2014 at 10:42 pm // Reply

    Love your work Paul, but you say nothing about justification vs. forgiveness. Forgiveness excuses a fault (sin), but justification removes the very charge. It’s equivalent to a not guilty verdict rendered by a jury. Concerning sin it’s God’s declaration of NOT GUILTY. I have trouble using both words in the same sentence. It has to be one or the other.

  24. I really needed to hear this. I was listening to a guy this morning whom i do respect as a teacher, but he was preaching on righteousness and giving and how the two are closely connected. But he then went on to say that our righteousness is counted by how we look after the widows, care for the sick etc etc… and I immediately started to feel guilty and that I should be doing more. I had to stop myself and bring it back to the fact I am righteous because of my identity, not my behaviour. It is SO easy to fall into the trap of ‘doing’ … it SEEMS right to think that, but it’s not. Grace seems so good it can’t be true, but it is! Keep up the good work Paul, it’s great to get messages like this just when we need them 🙂

  25. Words cannot explain how great I feel right now! I have been feeling crushed, like I am the worst person when I know what Jesus has done for me. Feeling horrible because I know what He has done but I am not believing it in my heart. Coming from a life of condemning church services and guilt for not being Christ like, I feel at times so distant from God. I have stepped into this beautiful Grace message 3 years ago, and I have been changed dramatically in so many areas, but guilt has yet to fully lose its grip(coming and going). I know God is ripping out this condemning mindset but the process is still painful. Messages like this are LIFE itself!!! His Grace is really the only reason I am here today! I desire so much to know His love for me without wavering. Thank you so much for this Paul, you are truly blessed! Pray for me when you have the chance. Thank you brother!!!!

  26. Praise God, thank you Paul. This is what I needed to hear. The enemy has been working overtime trying to condemn me after I preached a message about the righteousness in Christ at my Church.

  27. I’ve been a believer most of my life, but unfortunately I’ve always kept God at arm’s length (or farther) because I’ve always felt so guilty for my sins, I couldn’t face him and all the painful confession-to-be-forgiven I put myself through. For decades, I have easily spent an hour to two hours every time I’ve gone to pray, just confessing every sin I could think of and asking for forgiveness. As you can imagine, this was not only exhausting, but very detrimental to my relationship with Christ. Because of the dread I’d feel at the thought of having to confess all those sins, I would avoid prayer altogether–months typically passed between my prayer sessions! But then I found Andrew Wommack’s teachings, and a wonderful seed was planted. I struggled for a while with this new idea that I was the righteousness of God in Christ, and during this time I found your blog, which has helped me immensely. I’m currently reading TGITW. It all seems too good to be true. Especially when I share with friends on FB, and many of them quickly warn me to “beware” or “watch out” for your teachings, because they’re “not balanced” (and some say they’re downright heretical). But my spirit is finding life in your words, just as it does with AW’s teachings…at the same time, I fear maybe I just have “itching ears”, as those same friends like to say. If they’re right, then I’m risking hell by believing in the grace message. That’s the only thing that keeps me from jumping in completely, though I really want to…the grace message has been rest for my soul like I’ve never known possible. Sorry if this is over 250 words.

    • Let me get this straight – when you did it the old way you felt guilt and dread and couldn’t face the Lord. But now that you have discovered grace you recognize that you are the righteousness of God and you are finding life in your spirit. But Facebook is telling you to go back to the old way?! Seems to me the witness of the Holy Spirit is more reliable than what you are hearing from Facebook. 🙂

      I am delighted to hear about your journey. It is one many of us here are on. And like you we have been hounded by frowners and confused friends. But let me assure you, you are not risking hell by trusting in God’s grace! And as for those who seek to balance that which cannot be balanced, I recommend this. Thanks for your boldness in writing. I hope you will find E2R a safe place to discuss what the Holy Spirit is revealing to you. You are welcome here!

      • Yes, you have it exactly right. It sounds silly, I know, but this fear of an angry God goes so deep…I’ve been taught from childhood that God is angry at me when I really mess up (of course, I have spent a lifetime “really messing up”. And lots of running from God in fear, shame, and the dread of asking him to forgive me for things I knew were wrong when I did them). So reading your posts on here and on FB have been like life for me, and since getting TGITW, I read parts of it and feel years of condemnation, guilt, and fear being broken off of me. This is very exciting to me and I want to share it! But my joy is quickly extinguished when friends comment that this view is unbalanced and that while yes, God is loving, we also have to remember his wrath. I try to come back with Jesus having taken God’s wrath for us, but they always come back with how the “hyper-grace message” is for people who want to hear only good things about God, and how dangerous it is for Christians to follow it. How it causes too many to think they can just live in sin and not fear God’s wrath. After a lifetime of fearing God as I have, and now hearing and actually starting to believe that he’s NOT MAD at me and never will be, to then be told I’m only latching onto the grace message because my “itching ears” only want to hear good things, it’s very deflating and a little scary, because I don’t want to latch onto it for the wrong reasons. But when I read your posts and TGITW, I not only feel good, I feel free. For the first time ever. It’s been that huge to me. I just don’t know any other Christians personally (besides my husband) who believe this way.
        Thanks for your kind words and for that link. I haven’t read it but am about to do so. I just wanted to explain my situation a little further.

      • Let me tell you something I discovered about “itching ears”. It isn’t people who want to hear God’s goodness that have itching ears. It’s the folks who want to puff up self through works and scoring points trying to win God’s favor that have itching ears. “Tell us what we can do. Stroke out pride at how we have it all together.” The longer you immerse yourself in this truth of God’s goodness and grace the firmer your foundation will be.

      • Thank you for that thought. Everything about the message of grace makes so much sense to me AND soothes me, bringing me a feeling of rest for the first time in my life. But it seems as soon as I begin to fully give in to it, I hear an “itching ears” or “false teacher” warning, and I get scared that I’m wrong to love this message so much. They really make me feel guilty and even ashamed of wanting and hoping for good things from God. Your point makes a lot of sense, though.
        I think this journey is going to be one of peeling back many layers of lifelong guilt, condemnation, and fear of God. As well as trying to rest in this new revelation of God’s grace whenever everyone around me seems to be caught in the the “balance grace with wrath” mindset. I think the worst part is they accuse any grace teachings as false teachings, which always scares me…while at the same time I can’t deny that the grace message brings me peace and rest and joy. Thanks for the support, Paul & Colleen. I’m slowly going through and reading everything I can here, as well as really studying my way through TGITW. Praying for revelation of truth that will cancel out the protests of many of my Christian friends.

    • God doesn’t get disappointed when people sin. He knows fully well that we are silly humans in a fallen world with fleshly desires. Nothing surprises Him. He doesn’t call sinners to turn from sin to please Him. He calls them to faith in His goodness. He jumped into this mess, became a man and died the death we have coming to us cuz of Adam’s original sin as well as our own. He lived the perfect life of love (to Father & neighbour) that we could never do and then sacrificed His perfect life as a ransom for us. He took all of our sins away from us and transferred His Righteousness to our account so we can stand before Him pure, blameless, holy. How totally amazingly awesome is that?! We can stand tall because of His blood that cleansed us. We are no longer in filthy rags. We are clothed in pure white robes that come straight from the throne of grace! It blows my mind! It is the goodness of God that causes people to turn to Him. We need no longer fear His wrath cuz we are free from the law which brought sin and death. We are under grace, having passed from death to life! We died with Him on the cross and have been raised with Him, too! Nothing will separate us from His endless love!!!

  28. Wow! I am not guilty!

  29. I love it!!!

  30. Jerry Nendel // July 8, 2017 at 12:03 am // Reply

    Amen! So good!

  31. Any thoughts on what I should say to people who think you need guilt before salvation (or even after), to lead you to repentance? I could share this article, but I doubt they’d read it. I’m just thinking if I try to tell them there’s no guilt in the gospel, they will start throwing the mistranslated verses on guilt at me.

    I want to be prepared. So looking for thoughts from anyone, maybe those who have dealt with friends who misunderstand guilt (and frown on you for preaching a guiltless gospel).

    • Hi Amber. People who frown at you for preaching a guiltless gospel don’t know what the gospel is. The gospel is 100% good news. It’s a declaration of what God has done, not what you have done. A gospel that burdens people with guilt is a feeble gospel indeed, and as far from grace as you can get. Jesus said “If I be lifted up I will draw all to myself.” He was lifted up (on the cross) and he is lifted up (when we tell people about him) and he does draw (because he is attractive in the best sense of the word). The fact is we need the love of God, every single one of us. We need it more than oxygen. And when you tell people about the extreme love of God and what he has done for them, the proper response is joy, not guilt. Romans 2:4 says it is the kindness of God – not our guilt – that leads us to repentance.

      • I agree! And I “preach” this on Facebook, in articles I write for church, or wherever a door opens. It’s like a tidal wave flooding my heart, so much that I can’t help but spill over to other people! But I always get the mixture people saying, “yes, that’s good but don’t forget… we need to clarify the whole gospel.” (I know, face palm). If people could just let go of that “but,” and grasp that the gospel means “good,” and there’s no room for guilt or bad news in the good.. wow they’d be so free!

        I have been praying for wisdom, if I should ever be silent before an argument breaks out (realizing certain people aren’t willing to see radical grace). Or just go all out and spill grace all over the place (at the risk of hurting friendships, and having all of Facebook witness me in a perceived argument). I mean people really get upset over this stuff, I’m sure you know.😄

        Feels like I’m going to lose friends/family over it. Feels like a “prophet” is not accepted in his/her own town.

  32. Thank you Paul, just thank you! One can never plumb the depths of God’s Grace, and there are times when we need to be reminded again of the enormous wonder of it all. Religion is so very harmful, and guilt so destructive. I was raised in a certain faith and taught from a babe to say, ‘through my fault, through my fault, through my most grevious fault’ when I did something wrong and felt such guilt. Even now, after being in Grace for a time, I still need to be reminded that I have been delivered from this wretched burden. Bless you.

  33. alexatamblyn // November 10, 2017 at 6:32 pm // Reply

    Thank you Paul!!!!!!!
    And thank you all the peeps that reply with added insight!!

  34. Shirley Jenkins // August 9, 2018 at 1:40 am // Reply

    If this could be taken “on board ‘ it would radically change more lives than we could dare to imagine. Pure FREEDOM. Thank you Paul. X

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