“All of Grace” by Charles Spurgeon

Prior to the coming of Jesus, the eternally good news of God’s love and grace was obscured behind the temporary strictures of the law-keeping covenant. Some wise old guys like Abraham, David and Isaiah saw it, but it is fair to say that the good news of God’s grace was not widely appreciated until Jesus showed up and revealed his Father’s loving heart. As John said, “Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.”

So the gospel of grace is no new thing. People have been proclaiming it for at least two thousand years. And in the 19th century few people did it better than the grace preacher Charles H. Spurgeon. (The “H” stands for hyper-grace.)

Since Spurgeon’s books are all long out of copyright, some enterprising folks have started repackaging them and selling them on Amazon. I recently got a hold of one such book, All of Grace, and it’s a treat.

Reading All of Grace is like having Spurgeon step out of Victorian England and into your living room. You can almost smell the chimney fires of London in this book. The language is old. The sentences run forever. But the hundred-year old message thunders loud and clear. Spurgeon spells out his gospel point by pulpit-thumping point. He’s passionate. He’s emphatic. And by golly, if you refuse to believe his message of grace, “then there’s something wrong about you altogether” (p.79).


The Abyss of Grace

Spurgeon writes of the “abyss” of God’s grace. “Who can measure its breath? Who can fathom its depth? Like all the rest of the divine attributes, it is infinite.”

Again and again Spurgeon hammers Romans 5:6: “Christ died for the ungodly.” Are you ungodly? Then Christ died for you! Take your stand on that revelation and let nothing move you. If the devil should remind you that you are a sinner, smite him with his own sword: “Christ died to save sinners.” If religion tells you that you are disqualified on account of your sins, then rejoice, for you qualify for grace. Christ died for sinners.

And Christ will not leave you ungodly. Just as Jesus can cause “the Ethiopian to change his skin, and the leopard his spots… he can cause you to be born again,” says Spurgeon. He can make you new:

This is a miracle of grace, but the Holy Ghost will perform it. It would be a very wonderful thing if one could stand at the foot of the Niagara Falls, and could speak a word which should make the river Niagara begin to run upstream, and leap up that great precipice over which it now a rolls in stupendous force. Nothing but the power of God could achieve that marvel; but that would be more than a fit parallel to what would take place if the course of your nature were altogether reversed. All things are possible with God. He can reverse the direction of your desires and the current of your life, and instead of going downward from God, he can make your whole being tend upward toward God. (p.31)

With these foundations laid, Spurgeon goes on to demystify faith. Faith is a work of grace; it’s the conduit along which grace flows. It is not the means for saving us but it is the means by which salvation comes to us.

The power lies in the grace of God, and not in our faith. Great messages can be sent along slender wires, and the peace-giving witness of the Holy Spirit can reach the hearts by means of a thread-like faith which seems almost unable to sustain its own weight. (p.39)

Spurgeon describes true repentance as a change of mind, something that happens after we see Christ. He staggers at the idea that repentance may be measured in tears shed or groans heaved. He says, “Unbelief and despair are sins, and therefore I do not see how they can be constituent elements of acceptable repentance” (p.65).


Confirmed unto the end

At many points in the book Spurgeon anticipates reader’s fears and questions. Near the end of the book he notes that some Christians are worried that they shall not persevere to the end. They fear that they shall stumble at the last hurdle and lose all. Spurgeon scorns this fear for what it is – trust in self instead of Jesus.

Beware of mixing even a little of self with the mortar with which to build, or you will make it untempered mortar, and the stones will not hold together. If you look to Christ for your beginnings, beware of looking to yourself for your endings. He is Alpha. See to it that you make Him Omega also. (p.104)

Given all the mixed-grace that is preached in this day and age, it’s refreshing to drink pure, sweet grace straight from the tap. In Spurgeon’s case it’s like taking a draft from a hundred-year old bottle of well-aged wine.

Spurgeon on mixture

35 Comments on “All of Grace” by Charles Spurgeon

  1. What a great post Paul. Very re-assuring to know that Spurgeon comes to the same bible based conclusions as we are today.
    Love the bit about ‘H’ standing for hyper-grace. Sounds good:
    Charles Hyper-Grace Spurgeon!

  2. Wow….I have a collection of his sermons and always marvel at the revelation he had. It comes as a surprise that anyone would say that Grace is a new doctrine. It’s been here all along. It’s just that we just didn’t realize it.

  3. I was able to get his Kindle version of the book for $ .99. Looking forward to reading it.

  4. Oh how precious to my heart are these words. When I first came to Jesus I assumed a motto, “Some of Christ and most of self.” , then after a fe years it became, “Some of Christ and some of self.” Then after many years struggles and failures I finally relinquished to , Some of self and most of Christ.” While I knew some measure of joy my anxiety and my doubts remained. Then I cried out to The Lord in desperation and he whispered, “My precious child your fear and doubts will give way to peace and joy when you are willing to admit its ALL OF ME AND NONE OF SELF.” Jesus plus nothing equals everything!

  5. Keith Clement // February 13, 2014 at 2:51 am // Reply

    Keeping these in mind keeps us in line.

  6. I read this beautiful book in 1986 an old man gave it to Pete saying that it was out of print and it will change your life…amazing how there is revelation but the heart is hard till it understands…I need to get this old Spurgeon masterpiece out again !

  7. I haven’t read this book, but Amen!

  8. good post,for me it was always there,i just didnt really start to grasp it till the early 80s when I started to listen to Andrew Wommack on the radio, then i stumbled on to Joseph Prince, accidentally. Growing up under Bob Mumford and Derek Prince,in the 70s, I thought Joseph was related to Derek , and I was hooked,like the Lord was saying,you need to hear this. funny thing the other day I went to the bio on Bob at the Lifechangers web site and he says the first message he preached in 1959 was Romans 8:1 there is therefore no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, see ya gotta pay more attention.

  9. Awesome. Amen and amen. And thanks for referring the book. Just ordered on Kindle. 🙂

  10. Lots of good points of grace. Just to clarify though, Calvinism is contrary to full revelation of the gospel of grace. God is good.

    • John W. Reed, I agree 100% with your WHOLE comment. And God is always good.

      • Thanks Barbara. I believe Spurgeon got the message of grace. Perhaps it was that there were only two schools of thought back then? Calvin and armenianism? Calvin would have been closer to grace truth than Armenianism in SOME aspects. Pastor Prince quotes Spurgeon some when he mentions grace is nothing “new”. Im not throwing stones I just know Spurgeoned aligned with Calvinist teaching. Problem with Calvinism is even though they believe in grace and eternal security it is not security because you accepted Christ its because He made a choice for you. Also it teaches we still have a sin nature. Im the righteousness of God in Christ. I have a new nature within! God is always good

  11. Diana Komavli // February 13, 2014 at 9:48 am // Reply

    I don’t know much about Charles Spurgeon, but the quotes I have read on your blog make me want to know more about him. I would also like to include E.W.Kenyon to your list of people who understood the true Gospel of Grace; I believe Kenyon died in 1948, after having published many books that dealt with God’s love. I think he was misunderstood in his time (anything new under the sun?).

  12. Spurgeon is proof that Grace changes people. One of His early messages was called “The Fainting Warrior” You wouldn’t know it was the same Spurgeon. Sermon 235 on the Spurgeon site. What is His testimony? What changed? Don’t get me wrong. I love Spurgeon. Just curious.

  13. We often get caught up the modern advertising mindset of Newer, Improved bigger, better, of ingredients within the same product. If the companies actually added all the newer, improved, bigger, better, products the advertising claims than over the last 10-20 years there is no room for the original ingredients at all.
    The Gospel has never changed, Grace is not an improvement nor a healthy addition to the eternal gospel of the Bible. The Good News requires nothing added, improvement, or adjustment. It’s the power of God for Salvation. History has noted our Lords revelation of Grace though many preachers. The historical puritans and classic theologians are often misunderstood for their stiffness and lack of passion. Though, once adapting to their use of the written language, their passion is moving and inspiring. Their zeal and logical craftsmanship is unparalleled in modern writing. CH Spurgeon is a fine example of their influence, as preacher boldly proclaiming the New Covenant In light the full council of God. I have found historical Doctrine of Grace to be a primer to living the Gospel of Grace. I am happy to be included in nothing new gospel message, with no need of improvements. I have rest in the Gospel of Grace as thoughtfully explained in the Doctrine of Grace.The New Covent of Grace is nothing new, just new to me and many you….
    Sola Gratia…

  14. Ive heard Charles Spurgeon’s name here and there but never really knew he was a grace gospel preacher until i read your articles. thanks a lot Paul. One of his quote I read in your previous post, ” No Christ in your sermon Sir? then stop preaching until you find something worth preaching”, man that was powerful. Challenged me the way I preach. I feel you need to do some audio sermons Paul, will be very helpful for lot of them. And, I should say you are very humorous and i love it. God Bless

  15. An awesome man touched by Gods truth. In Jesus there is perfect rest for our past, present and future . There is no hope in him for the believer only absolute rest and surety. Hope is for the lost.

  16. I believe in the grace that comes through the resurrection power of christ, i always see and ear the grace speaking to me whenever i miss the line in my walk with christ, but what i dont like about my actions at times is that this, why do i keep on committing this same sin (sex) with same particular girl most of the time.
    Please someone should help me out of this mess through the knowledge of the Holy ghost; because i’m not being comfortable with it anymore. Love you all

    • Ogunwa, first, God loves you no matter what sin you’re struggling with. Sin grieves him because it makes you, his child, miserable. But it does not change how He feels about you. You are forgiven. Secondly, I would advice you to ask the Holy Spirit to reveal your true identity in Christ. When you really know who you are, you will act according to that identity. I’m assuming you’ve received Christ in your heart as Lord, and if so, you are a joint heir with Christ and you have the mind of Christ. When sin comes knocking, tell it you are a son of God and there are things son of God don’t do! If you fall again, however, don’t despair. You are still righteous. Get back up again and keep asserting your identity, stand firm in it, and you will overcome.

  17. Michael Jenkins // February 14, 2014 at 11:39 am // Reply

    Powerful truth, it is so amazing to know the good news of the finished gospel!

  18. humbleheart72 // February 15, 2014 at 5:17 pm // Reply

    Thank you for posting this book review. I have added it to my wish list. I am currently reading “The Grace Awakening” by Charles (Chuck) Swindoll. It’s excellent! It’s really opened my eyes to how amazing God’s grace truly is and helped me to identify my own lack of grace toward myself and other people.

  19. Actually the Early church had the Grace message. For Example Stephen in Acts chapter 7. Stones being thrown at him and Stephen knelt down praying loud enough for everyone to hear “master don’t blame them for this sin”. his last words. then he died. Saul was right there, congratulating the killers. The message bible translation.

    • As a son of God Stephen knew he had could not lose , but his persecutors had everything still to win, and nothing to lose.

      • Persecutors lost one person that we know of, and that was Saul. He became a preacher of the Good News! The preacher of the New Covenant!

  20. If we would see revival in our day, we would do well to listen to Spurgeon’s words on repentance and to follow his example in all things.

  21. Kagiso "KG 745" // April 30, 2014 at 5:33 am // Reply

    WOW!! I never used to pay much attention to radical grace. Although early 2013 a friend of mine told me that’s heresy, I just sorta brushed it aside lol. And August 2013 I went through some challenges and simply thought I had to REST in God. So I listened to Joseph Prince since I had once heard him mention REST. And my walk with God changed for the better ever since! It’s great to know that there have been men like Charles Spurgeon who also understood this Grace. Thanks Paul. P.S. Audio Sermons from Spurgeon would be of great help Blessings 🙂 Tue, Apr 29, 2014

  22. Andrew Murray preached grace in the 1800s

  23. I love that you are promoting ‘All of Grace’ by Spurgeon! Theologically, Spurgeon is unashamedly Calvinistic, which I’m presuming you’re aware of. Just wondering what your thoughts are on that since he would most likely differ on a lot of points of your theology.

  24. Someone from our generation who’s been preaching grace for at least 35 years is Dudley Hall. I would include Martin Lloyd-Jones as well.

  25. I see you share posts on CH Spurgeon on fb, so I wanted to “add” him on my list of grace teachers, and researched him online and came across a sermon about grieving the spirit. When I read myth 8 I can’t help but wonder why Spurgeon’s sermon says this about the Holy Spirit: “…have in fact so grieved the Spirit that he has gone. It is a mercy for you to know that the Spirit of God never leaves his people finally; he leaves them for chastisement, but not for damnation…” I thought I knew the answer until Spurgeon’s sermon made it sound like you can lose the Holy Spirit…. Am I just missing something? Thanks

    • That the Holy Spirit comes and goes is one of the common misperceptions some have about him. God promised he would never leave nor forsake us, period. Jesus said the Holy Spirit would dwell in you, meaning stay (John 14:17). He’s not going anywhere. Spurgeon had a wonderful revelation of grace but no preacher, except Jesus, gets it right all the time. If you were to look at some of my old sermons you would not think me a grace preacher.

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