Can Divorced People Remarry?

Hmm, that’s a tough one. Let me see. Can sinners be forgiven? Can runaways come home? Can crooks get a second chance? Can the broken be made whole?

No, it’s not a tough question. It’s an easy question.

Of course divorced people can remarry!

These questions are only tough because religion has told us that divorced people are unforgiveable sinners. They’re lepers who blight our perfect little churches.

As long as they sit quietly and help with our programs, they are welcome. But the moment they start looking for love, they’ve crossed the line. They had their shot at love and they messed up.

What a graceless thing to say!

I cannot imagine anything further from the heart of Christ than telling someone they cannot experience love, that they are bound by the mistakes of their past and they have no future.

The two Pharisees

There are two sour-faced Pharisees stalking the modern church. The first one is called Against Divorce and the second is called Against Remarriage. The first one loves to quote 1 Corinthians 7:27 and the second quotes 1 Corinthians 7:11. Let’s look at each scripture in turn:

Are you married? Do not seek a divorce. (1 Corinthians 7:27a)

This is a healthy exhortation because divorce is destructive. God hates divorce because it hurts his kids. Your loving Father doesn’t want to see you go through that pain.

But some have turned this exhortation into a law. “Thou shalt not get divorced!” Since the law inflames sin (Rom 7:5) this message actually promotes divorce. Thus it hurts the church two ways; by stirring up sin and then condemning the sinner.

Do you take these words as law? Then be consistent and preach the whole verse:

Are you unmarried? Do not look for a wife. (1 Corinthians 7:27b)

If the first part is a law, so is the second. If divorced people are sinning, then so are those who get married. Obviously that is not what the apostle of grace is saying. He’s saying don’t seek a divorce. He’s saying divorce is not something to look for.

The hand grenade of divorce

In our marriage, Camilla and I decided years ago that we would never say the word divorce, not even in jest. (This is not a law for us, just a healthy choice. There are situations – abusive marriages, for instance – where it could be appropriate to use the word.)

To say the word divorce during an argument is like pulling out a hand grenade. It escalates matters.

Fear of the hand grenade will kill your marriage. How can you be open and honest about your differences when you worry that your partner might pull the pin? Paul is saying keep the hand grenade out of your marriage. Don’t seek it. Seek Jesus instead.

But the fact is some people get divorced and sometimes for very legitimate reasons. What about them? Can they remarry?

Enter the second Pharisee.

“Remarriage is a sin – the Bible is clear about this. There can be no possibility of remarriage except to the original spouse.” Then they trot out the verse that says a woman must not separate from her husband:

But if she does, she must remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband. (1 Corinthians 7:11)

Paul is preaching restoration, which is something we all hope for. If that which has been broken can be put back together, then wonderful.

But what if it can’t? What if the man is a violent abuser? What if the other partner has remarried and now has 14 kids? What if there is zero chance of remarriage?

“Then it’s game over,” says the Pharisee. “If they marry another, they break the command and sin against God.”

Such a law-based message is at odds with the redemptive prospects of grace. This isn’t about rule-keeping but whether our choices lead to life or death. It’s not good for anyone to be alone, but some people are not ready to get married. And it’s not good to divorce, but some are literally dying in their marriages.

Divorced people are sometimes treated like second-class citizens. The message they hear is, “We will accept you for as long as you follow our rules of conduct.” Those who speak like this are far from the heart of God (see 1 John 4:8).

Religion vs reality

It boggles my mind how we treat some people in the church. A sinner gets saved and we embrace him as a brother. A pastor commits adultery and we work hard to restore him. The chief of sinners becomes an apostle and we go “Isn’t God amazing?”

But apparently this sort of grace doesn’t extend to divorcees. No, they must stay on probation for the rest of their lives.

“There’s a difference, Paul. The pastor and the sinner both repented and were forgiven. But the divorced person who marries another didn’t repent. Indeed, they are living in sin, and so they cannot be forgiven.”

So now we’re preaching conditional forgiveness? We’re telling people that Jesus won’t die for their sins unless they repent?! That’s the back to front. That’s the perverted message of DIY religion.

When Jesus went to the cross he carried the sins of the whole world (1 John 2:2). No person and no sin were excluded from his sacrificial work.

This is why we preach unconditional forgiveness. The punchline of the gospel is not “repent to be forgiven.” It’s “God loves you – repent and believe the good news!”

God’s love is not affected by your marital status

Whatever sins you have done were carried on the cross long before you did them. There is nothing you can do to make God love you more and nothing you can do to make him love you less. If there is an unforgiveable sin, it is not divorce.

(What did Jesus say on the subject of divorce? See this article, and this one.)

To the married, I say this: do not seek a divorce, and don’t treat grace as a license to sin. Only a fool would exchange heavenly treasure (marriage) for earthly junk (illicit intimacy).

And to the divorced, I say this: You are not an unforgiven sinner! God is for marriage and against divorce, but more than that he is for you. God justifies you, so don’t let the Pharisee condemn you (Rom 8:33-34). You are precious to your Father. He loves you and is pleased with you. Your marital status does not affect his great love for you one little bit.

Can you remarry? By the grace of God you can.

Should you remarry? That depends. Ask your Father. He knows you better than you know yourself and he will lead you in the path of life. Maybe you will remarry, maybe you won’t. But with God on your side, you cannot lose (Rom 8:28).

That’s my two cents. Now I want to hear from you, especially if you are divorced.

Have you experienced grace or ungrace in the church? I don’t want to turn this into a bitter thread, so please adopt a constructive tone. Let’s hear your suggestions for how the church can do a better job of loving divorced people.

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17 Comments on Can Divorced People Remarry?

  1. Those who teach that divorce or remarriage is sin also teach that you must divorce again and remarried to your first wife to be forgiven..something is wrong with that works-based christianity. They cant be teaching the law because the law teaches against that. And they cant be teaching Grace because Grace doesnt teach that nowhere at all. And by him all that believe are justified from all things from which you could not be justified by the law of Moses.

  2. Mr. Sands, if you want to understand where scripture shows that God is against abuse and does not hold a spouse to someone who is displaying an ongoing pattern of coercive control or mistreatment, pay a visit to the website The creators of this site are reformed in their confession, and have spent years researching the scriptures, original languages, biblical,historical and socio/cultural context of all that Jesus said, both directly to the Pharisees and also through the whole of scripture, as well as sorting through what others have already written on the subject, ie, permanence guys like Baucham , guys like MacArthur and Adams, Instone Brewer, etc. Scripture has a lot more to say on the subject than we are commonly taught in church and hear in Christian circles.

  3. This is an additional comment relating to how the church can do a better job of dealing with divorced people. I have been divorced twice from men who displayed unrepentant patterns of coercive control, which they were not willing to admit to or repent from. Both professed faith.

    Before it gets to the divorce stage, the church needs to learn about abuse and about what God thinks about it. They need to tell the difference between your garden variety sinner who is occasionally harsh or a bit of a jerk but otherwise decent and someone who is quite content to continue in a pattern of sin. They need to be able to have the discernment to tell the truly repentant from those who are merely momentarily remorseful because they are trying to avoid loss and save face but have no serious commitment to change. They need to be able to tell between believers and unbelievers, something the church at large really sucks at, pardon the slang. They need to understand that someone who professes Christ but is continuing to do emotional or physical harm to their spouse from which they won’t truly repent only THINKS they are saved but likely is not. So applying the verses that suggest that reconciliation is mandatory between Christian spouses is harmful.

    I have always thought it would be helpful if instead of trying to force people in troubled marriages to stay together, they would actually provide a safehouse of sorts, a combination grace based spiritual health ranch/bible college/prayer and teaching ministry situation, for temporary separation where each spouse can face and deal with their root issues and get strong and healthy and THEN work on coming back together. Imagine being a woman suffering from CPTSD married to a man with a problem with fits of rage whenever he hears something he doesn’t like, trying to heal from that and deal with her own issues while dealing with him. People get locked into patterns that act like chinese handcuffs, no matter how you try to control it or pull back, it just tightens and locks you in…

  4. It boggles my mind how the word of God is not the standard that we live by anymore,but is seen as a suggestion. Instead of our life adjusting to the truth of the Bible,we use the Bible to adjust to our situation. Whatever God says He means . Heaven earth will pass but His word will not. Is it a suggestion God made when he says if you look at a woman to lust after her you already committed adultery with her, so why when he says remarriage is adultery we find every excuse not to repent and turn away like all other sins ,regardless of the circumstances . Fornication homosexual is not the unpardonable sin but when one is in Christ they are expected to confess and forsake that sin ,do why not a adulterous marriage. If I am not mistaken there is no circumstances given but one for divorce.and one for remarriage. Death,crucify your flesh my brother it’s not worth your soul.

    • On this website, Paul Ellis is always talking about the Word, in fact, he is helping us to get to know the Word, that is to say, Jesus. The Scripture changes, now no more circumcision, now no more stones, now no more festivals, now no more smell of animal blood . . . as you can see the Scripture changes, not Jesus, not the Word of God and Jesus is what this website is all about.

      Our brother Paul (the other Paul) has something very interesting to say:

      1Co 7:27 If you are married to a wife, make no attempt to get free from her: if you are free from a wife, do not take a wife.
      1Co 7:28 If you get married it is not a sin . . .

      “If you are free from a wife” meaning . . . if you are divorced, do NOT take a wife . . . but if we keep reading, things get more interesting . . . “If you get married it is NOT a sin” . . . so no repentance, no sorrow, but a new life . . .

      Another version:

      1Co 7:27 Do you have a wife? Don’t seek a divorce. Are you divorced from your wife? Don’t look for another one.
      1Co 7:28 But if you do get married, you have not sinned.

      Grace and Peace

  5. Its quite interesting that when Jesus spoke to the woman at the well He said to her ” You have had five husbands and the one you now have is NOT your husband”. Since He was clearly differentiating between legit and illegit situations I think that this would have been an excellent time to tell her what to do, if indeed those who teach only the first marriage is valid are correct. I don’t believe her five husbands were all dead either. That would have no moral significance although it did serve to prove to her who He was. It was like saying ” Yes woman, that is certainly an understatement, you have had five husbands that either dumped you for some reason you gave them or you dumped them and now, overcome by the shame of it all, you haven’t even bothered to marry this one”. If that teaching is correct I would think He would have said something like ” You have had one covenant husband and four adulterous relationships or four non covenants. He clearly regarded them as marriages. He did not tell her to go back and find the first one and remarry him.

    • Good point Patricia, thank you

    • John W Reed // August 31, 2019 at 3:46 am // Reply

      Patricia, well said! The idea of divorce and remarriage as the unpardonable sin is prevalent in the minds of many churches and ministries. When Jesus mentions divorce and adultery He was not suggesting adultery was the ONLY legitimate reason for divorce. Paul and Peter address relationships. If a spouse is abusing the other spouse, the children, that is a valid reason for divorce. If a spouse abandons the marriage that’s a valid reason for divorce.
      That said sometimes in a selfish, me centered society we can see many divorces are for selfish reasons. In either case there is restoration and remarriage is not a sin.

  6. Having grown up in a christian home, and having made the decision to never talk about divorce after my marriage, things changed and after thirteen years we divorced. After hearing so much about how God hates divorce and seeing how many people within the church looked down on divorce people, I dropped out of church. I felt much to guilty to attend. It took two years before going back to church. It was at a new place and a new pastor, one who taught on grace and the unconditional love of God. Another year later I remarried and have been happily married for twenty-nine years now. Yes, the religious system causes people to pick their favorite verses to misinterpret and condemn others so they will feel better about themselves. I know God hates divorce, but that means that God does not want people to go through the pain and negative effects of it. God still loves people and wants them to be happy. The main thing is to focus on Jesus and God’s love and acceptance. Do not listen to the religious condemnation. If you divorce and have kids, always stay connected and loving. Continue to be a good parent to them and let them know you are there for them. Divorce is not what God wants, but it is not the unforgivable sin either. Follow the leading of the Spirit who is within you and do not feel guilty where that may lead you.

  7. Beatrice M. Mwaura // January 25, 2020 at 8:38 am // Reply

    Dear Paul
    I log in to your website and read your articles on a daily basis because they are such an eye opener about Grace. I have been so law and performance based that these revelations I am getting almost shock me.
    Now, I am still struggling with parts of 7:11. But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife. (emphasis mine). 
    Yes, I understand that a woman may not be able to be reconciled to her husband if he has already remarried or was abusive, as you correctly said. 
    But, why would Apostle Paul have said the the woman ( and the man???) should remain unmarried? Were those words idle? This is post-resurrection, Grace period, so the words were not during the law dispensation. Pastor Paul, Iam stuck there. Kindly help.

    • “a wife should not separate from her husband and if she does separate she must either remain single or become reconciled to her husband”

      Hi, this is not Paul, this is Juan, but I would like to tell you what I think: when a wife leaves her husband, she is still married that is why she can only do two things: remain single or become reconciled to her husband. As we know, if a married woman or man gets married, she or he commits adultery.

      Grace and Peace

      • I want to say to all those people who have been hurt by divorce that you are so loved by God and there is NO condemnation from Him at all. We have been set free to live an abundant joyful life.
        Jesus did not say to the woman at the well to go back and find her first husband…she’d had five of them, and she wasn’t even married to the bloke she was living with at that time. I didn’t hear Jesus tell her to ditch him either. I have no doubt this dear woman was an amazing testimony to those steeped in Law mentality, and she probably was an exceptional evangelist for the remainder of her days. She could well have lived out her days with her ‘partner’!
        Gluttons, gossipers, law keepers, finger pointers, unclean thought thinkers… there are many categories, bless God we have been redeemed from all guilt and shame by a wonderful Saviour.
        Why put heavy burdens on hurt people, Jesus never did that. Knowing God’s kindness heals our hearts and sets us free. He is our Daddy.

      • As all have sinnedALLLet me think?Have I listed after anything ? Am I guilty and need a Savior. Hmm?Yes I do, forever and always. Every time I think I got it togetherA messenger of Satan (evil) buffets me. Stops me to see I have gotten proud and boastful again.Thinking I am better than others ( Luke 18:9-14)I need God’s Grace period, whether I sin again or notSeeing not to use this clean slate given as a means to gainNor accuse anyone else, seeing that I am not perfectI need perfect and God Father and Son are this periodTo be adopted in belief given meNot in pride or guilt any longer Eph. 1-6,7,13 1john 2:1-2,12 Once one receives one does newNot of self of God alone 2 Gal. 2:20-21 No sin is good  NONE! And only my Father is goodMatthew 19So ask for the adoption between Father and Son And just be new in Love (God’s)1cor.13:4-7 which only God can imputeRom. 4:17-25Thank you to see we all need as not one can stop sin on their own or with God’s help Be crucified with Son to be alive in his resurrection Love to all

        Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

  8. Lorenz Manner // June 27, 2022 at 11:46 pm // Reply

    I want to add that according to Jesus’s words in Matthew 5:32 and Matthew 19:9 the only important reason for divorce is FORNICATION. That’s because FORNICATION destroy the marriage covenant. I don’t take into account the reason for divorce in case of abuse of all kind. Absolutely this can be a very serious reason too.
    I was always against the religious thinking that says all the time NO DIVORCE AT ALL. That’s generally against the Word of God that allows divorce in case of FORNICATION. And it is Jesus Christ that agree with it.
    I don’t have anything against the couples where one of them has committed FORNICATION but in the end they decide to continue to be together.
    I don’t have anything against the couples where one of them has committed FORNICATION and the other part says that she or he cannot continue to be together because the heart is too deep.

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