What is the Prayer of Faith?

James 5:15

 Much of what passes for prayer is wishful thinking.

“Oh Lord, please heal Mary.”

I’m sure you can, Lord. I just don’t know if you will.

“I beg you to heal Tom.”

But if you do, no one will be more surprised than me.

You can pretty much guarantee these sorts of prayers won’t change anything because they are devoid of faith.

The prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. (James 5:15a)

If you are not sure that God will answer your prayers, he probably won’t (see James 1:6–7). You may hope that he does, but faith is not hope. Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we don’t yet see (Hebrews 11:1).

Jairus came to Jesus certain that he could heal his daughter.

The woman who had been bleeding was just as certain that Jesus could make her whole.

You need to be certain too.

There are no formulas or magic prayers for healing the sick. There is only faith in God.

Our faith doesn’t manufacture the healing or compel God to heal us. Rather, faith is the means by which we access the abundant provision of his grace.

Faith is simply agreeing with God. That’s how we receive. If you don’t agree you’ll have a hard time receiving.

Two blind men came to Jesus looking for healing (see Matthew 9:27–30). Jesus asked them, “Do you believe I can do this?” “Yes, Lord,” they replied. Jesus then touched their eyes and said, “According to your faith it will be done to you,” and their sight was restored.

Look carefully at the faith of these two blind men.

How many days had they fasted and prayed? None.

For how long had they pounded the gates of heaven with persistent prayers? They hadn’t.

Yet they had enough faith to get the job done.

How do we know they had faith?

It was evident in the way they spoke. They came to Jesus with a “Yes, Lord” attitude. They didn’t say, “I hope you heal us, Lord,” or “If it be your will, Lord.” They simply said, “Yes, Lord.” That’s faith.

Faith is agreeing with God.

Faith is saying yes to the Lord who heals.


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Text source: The Gospel in Twenty Questions, Image source: Healing of a Blind Man by Brian Jekel.

228 Comments on What is the Prayer of Faith?

  1. Carolyn Fewster // July 13, 2017 at 2:04 am // Reply

    Ok what if you believe, pray and have others pray for your healing and it doesn’t happen? Are you saying it’s because I don’t have faith or enough faith?

    • No, I’m not saying that at all. I’m saying God’s grace comes to us by faith alone; it doesn’t come by doubt and unbelief.

      • Mark 9:23-25 are the verses needed here. I never understood this until recently. I’m a little confused though. If salvation is made in faith and confession is made with the mouth finalizing it why would it not be the same with healing? Someone voices they believe but doubts in there heart counters their faith and healing is not received. If you believe in God, confess it but have reservation in your heart is salvation truly done? I think salvation is more of a trustt issue initially because people have their ups and downs. One day a strong belief and the next not. I know being in the word constantly is food for faith but the question just came to me. I’m reading a book by Andrew Wommack,

      • John K Cheeseman // May 23, 2021 at 5:40 am //

        Dear Paul, this healing topic has come at a most opportune time for me. I am requesting that you specifically remember a particular shall we say concern I have. I recently visited my doctor after not haveing insurance for awhile after being layed off. There has appeared 2 swollen limph nodes on my neck.Lymphoma is one of the possibilities. Now this of course doesn’t encourage joy but rather something else. I am trying to stand on the Lord’s promises by faith and struggle with the flesh as with any other time. I am hoping and praying it to be something much more trivial and request healing. I believe you would pray for me but much also depends on me and my frame of mind. I need peace of mind that any fears stimulated by a negative possibility would be removed. Thank you

      • I trust everyone reading this will pray for you John. Be well.

    • You have also got to take the faith of the person you’re praying for into consideration. Say you are praying for healing of a person with cancer and they say they believe but in their mind they are planning their funeral. Then they die. That’s not God’s fault. The Bible does say that you can’t receive from God if you’re double minded. The Bible also says it’s up to us to prove the acceptable will of God.

    • Christian Miller // July 15, 2017 at 1:23 pm // Reply

      Also along with that Carolyn. If you don’t see physical results the first time after praying… fight the Good fight of Faith! Keep believing and thanking that the Holy Spirit is at work(:

  2. I think we can look at prayer as a type of judgement. In the stories of the gospels they had to believe Jesus could and would heal them, but our belief should be that he did. On this side of the cross the work is complete, so if there is sickness it is unjust. As a son of God, I can “judge” the sickness to be in violation of the completed work of the cross. Jesus already took this sickness upon His body so it has to go.

    • Well said, LJP.

    • Awesome article and very succinct description LJP which I hadn’t thought of this way before. Thank you.

      • Thanks Paul and Ian. I was also thinking this ties in to 1 John 4:17…As He is so are we in this world. Bless you guys.

      • roshaneaso // November 19, 2017 at 7:33 am //

        “There is a beautiful truth in scripture: ‘Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom.'”

        If there isn’t a liberty about something then it’s a mixed-grace gospel and I’m hyper about this: confessing Jesus as the Son of God frees you!

      • Marjorie Keenan // November 19, 2017 at 10:16 am //

        MY PRAYER FOR YOU….Ya Gotta Know My Jesus!
        May He grant you your heart’s desire and fulfill all your plans. May there be shouts of joy when we hear the news of your victory, flags flying with praise to God for all that He has done for you. May He answer all your prayers! (Psalms 20:4-5)
        God is supernatural. His ways and thoughts are far above ours. What is impossible with man is possible with God! Faith is not believing what you see with your natural eyes, it is believing that what you cannot see or feel in the natural, will be accomplished by God in the supernatural. Don’t look at the pain or symptoms, look to what God says. He sent His Word to heal us. I was very ill last year and in excruciating pain. I really felt like God had failed me. I ended up in the hospital and after many hours of tests for everything from cancer to kidney stones, I was told they could find nothing wrong with me. Satan was putting all those symptoms on me to discourage me in my healing ministry and He was trying to make me believe God had failed me. I rebuked the spirit of lying and infirmity, and eventually I was well. Whose report are we going to believe? I opt for the words of my Lord! Don’t be discouraged–ONLY BELIEVE!
        Seek wisdom from Holy Spirit as the things of God cannot be grasped with the carnal mind, but they are spiritually discerned! God Bless!

    • Ok, I just don’t get it then. Obviously people die….they can’t go on living until Jesus comes back. But at the same time, I think many in my denomination have hardly any faith for healing….how do you know when healing is Gods will?

      • Because it is always God’s will. I think the question to ask is, so why aren’t all healed like they were in the Bible on numerous occasions. The honest answer is I don’t know. All I know is that more get healed when I pray in faith than when I don’t. I’m sorry I can’t give you a better answer, but if I waited until I had this perfectly figured out you’d never hear from me. I’m still learning, but I’m praying for the sick while I learn.

      • Hi Sara, God gives grace to the humble. Biblical humility involves looking to the grace and love of your Heavenly Father as your source. Grace and love is His nature regardless of my nature, so it is always His will to heal us. Any loving father wants his child to be healed. I believe one of the greatest obstacles to us receiving is the incorrect teaching and beliefs we have about His nature. When we believe there are conditions that have to be met to receive from Him, we are not in humility because we are looking to self to meet the conditions. As soon as we put conditions on receiving from Him, there is doubt about whether the conditions have been met. There is no doubt about His grace and love toward you.

      • Christian Miller // July 15, 2017 at 1:30 pm //

        I think a base block to understanding prayer is to understand Gods WILL for his people. If we don’t understand his will we won’t know if what we are praying for is right. I believe knowing his will for us comes from the New Testament and further more, looking to the life Jesus had on earth, because Jesus is the perfect representation of the Father (Colossians 1:15). Reading his word and building a relationship, he begins to reveal his Good and perfect will for us. Just a few examples for you:

        *Romans 12:2 says this about his will; “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” !!! His will is GOOD, PLEASING AND PERFECT😁
        *John 6:40 Jesus said “For my Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day.”

        We don’t need to convince God to do good because he IS good and in him there is no evil!

      • I have been wondering about this and would like to grow in faith in this area. Thank you for your responses.

      • Marjorie Keenan // February 28, 2019 at 5:23 am //

        Jesus did not go to certain people because of their unbelief. There is no other answer. If you do not believe that healing is yours, that it is always God’s will to heal, then God cannot heal you in your unbelief. Faith is believing that what we think is impossible, IS POSSIBLE with God. Don’t look a what you see with your 5 senses, use your 6th sense, which believes supernaturally everything God says. God does not have favourites–His promises are for all people.

        Andrew Wommack and Dr. Sandra Kennedy have really good teaching available on healing. Sandra’s book called “Simplicity of Healing” is very easy to understand and implement in your life.

        I had an incurable lung disease. I knew all this information on healing, but I got into fear. I ordered her book and began to apply the principles. As I did this I got set free from fear and when I went to a specialist, I was totally healed! Thank you JESUS!

    • Right on LPJ!

    • Sickness is unjust? Is Paul incorrect saying “many are weak, sick and sleep (Physical death as apposed to spiritual)” by the hand of God. Paul is very clear that through the just and loving chastening hand of God, those that walk in the flesh are corrected by such measures. If such measures are unjust, is then God unjust? We know that sin and sickness are under the blood, but Paul here say’s when we fail to judge ourselves, using critical eyes as to whether, walking in the flesh or in the Spirit, we are subject to correction, 1 Corinthians 11:30,31,32. True God shows mercy, but also, concurrently, shows a loving side, as He chastens those He loves and corrects those He receives, Hebrews 12:6.

      • God absolutely makes no one sick and Paul says no such thing.

      • The only thing God uses to correct or chasten us is His word “Scripture”. He would never do anything destructive to us. Jesus took all of our sickness on His own body on the cross and said that we don’t have to bear it. He was chastized in our place. What a warped Father He would have to be to give sickness back to us. Do you believe He refuses us forgiveness of sin too whenever He feels like it. Maybe He will change His mind about eternal life too. Jesus healed every person that came to Him. He healed them ALL, the Bible says. He denied nobody. There are times that He didn’t go to certain areas because of their unbelief. Why waste His time with those who rejected Him when there were many who needed and wanted Him.
        Paul was not sick–he was being persecuted for sharing about Jesus ! How anyone can believe that a loving Father would use sickness to chastise His children, is beyond me! Especially after Jesus suffered horrendous beatings to take it away. Thank God my heavenly Father has never refused me anything that is good. It is the devil that comes to kill, steal and destroy. My Jesus came to give me an abundant life. He said that He wants me to prosper and be in health, even as my soul prospers!

      • What a beautiful post Marjorie. You articulated wonderfully the goodness of God and what Jesus has done. Anyone who embraces your theology will know the love of God and change their life dramatically.

      • Thank you so much Bob. It is the cry of my heart for people to know the true character of our awesome, loving Father. God is not angry and punishing us. He adores us. He died for us so that we might live a successful and fulfilling life on earth. Blessings to you!

      • Dearest sister Marjorie, that was beautiful. Are you able to maintain that perspective of God as all times? I want desperately to do so and during the times I need to I find myself scared Sand unsure, which is exactly what Satan wants us to do, to doubt the promises He made us, to be miserable and have other see us as Christians being that way. We may not mean to harm his name but in not trusting that is exactly what we do. Oh, this wicked body I live in, who will deliver me from Christ will deliver that’s who. You are greatly blessed, highly favored and deeply loved my beloved sister.

      • Thanks for your reply John. I always know what I am sharing is true and I walk in it as much as I can, but like anyone else, I can get discouraged and sometimes it is hard to apply what I know. The stronger a truth of God’s word becomes to me and the more I walk in it, the more resistance I get from Satan. That is when I have to tell myself that Satan is the liar–there is no truth in him. I get more determined to prove God and I force myself to persevere. Declaring the word of God, out loud, really helps me. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God. I rebuke Satan in the name of Jesus and then I quote a Scripture that pertains to my situation. Jesus did that in the wilderness when Satan tempted Him. I declare Ps.118:5-17 over my life everyday and am seeing results everyday ! It only takes a few minutes. I also quote healing Scriptures over myself and command my body to line up with what God promises for us. When we speak the word we don’t see much happening with our natural mind, but in the spiritual realm, the word of God explodes like an atom bomb and demons tremble and flee! We need to know who we believe in and know that He is able to do that which He promises. He accomplished it all on the cross and we just need to believe and receive. Walking in the supernatural mind of God is a must; limiting your thoughts to what is possible with man doesn’t leave much room for miracles. Realizing how much God loves us really made a difference in my life. I know He would never bring anything evil upon me so it is easier to trust Him. Old teachings destroyed so many Christians. God’s will is always for good, never for destruction. Keep on persevering John. God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him!

      • Are you saying the Apostle Paul is wrong to claim those that are “sick” and even die, have nothing to do with the chastening judgment hand of God? …

      • Paul never says that; you did. Please click the link above for the relevant article and put any comments you have on 1 Cor 11 under that article. Thanks.

      • YES! Sickness is not of God. Sickness is a result of the fall of Adam and Eve. Satan is the author of sickness, not God!

      • A-men Marjorie

      • Thomas, you and I have had several discussions on this site and I have read most if not all of your other comments as well. I’ve noticed that you commonly interpret scripture from a viewpoint of man’s way of seeing things. I could engage with you in another discussion where I try to share what our Heavenly Father has shown me (which is after I came to my own conclusions that greatly resembled yours), but we can only truly get it through our own relationship with Him. There is the possibility that we are both wrong, so let’s agree to sincerely ask Him to reveal His true nature to us. This issue you raise brings His character into question, so it is of utmost importance that we know Him and His true nature to be able to correctly understand His word.

      • You are dishonest, not even posting what I said, thus editing my response! Are you afraid it may show the truth of what Paul is actually saying?

      • Please note that I routinely edit or delete comments that violate E2R’s Comment Policy. You are welcome to disagree with me, but please do it under the relevant post.

      • Thanks LPJ, as truly this issue does bring His character into question. Tell the Apostle Paul that, as I merely brought forth his own words, as I see them in context to the whole council Thanks

      • Sorry Paul E. if I violated your blog. but believe that is all I did. Thanks.

      • Weak, sickly and sleep are common euphemisms for spiritual conditions in the NT. They are not always used to described physical conditions. If a person has not properly discerned the Lord’s body, aka the whole purpose of Jesus dying, then of course they are going to be spiritually ill.

    • Joseph Prince says by the roots, by the roots, by the Roots! (of condemnation) be pulled up and cast into the sea. Amen! The biblical text is in the present something perfect I think meaning he said, to keep repeating that those symptoms are to be pulled up when we don’t know (or really need to know at first or if ever) the cause. The hebrew I believe he mistakenly said (isn’t the new testament in greek in the originals; but there it was among the apostle’s epistles on the screen!) says to Keep saying it until it’s gone.

      That’s what I mean by present perfect. And it’s working a wonder for me as I can access God’s goodness and love and believe that bad symptoms of fear, anger, sickness, and poverty are gone so I can focus on the good news and pray for those dearly beloved brothers and sisters!

      • Speak it into existence, is that what you’re saying? Like God said let there be light and there was light.It’s more than just speaking though as it is the Holy Spirit that testify’s to the truth not a temporal fact.

    • Marjorie Keenan // February 16, 2018 at 4:50 pm // Reply

      Right on LJP!

  3. Galatians 2:20-Only “the faith of the Son of God” will prevail.

  4. Have you ever heard of Christian Science? This religion teaches the concept of faith strong enough to heal. I had nothing but guilt as a child because my faith was not strong enough. Then I grew up. Paul/Saul had extreme faith, and he believed without a shadow of a doubt that Jesus healed the sick and raised the dead, and yet … the “thorn” he prayed to have removed was addressed by God with “my grace is sufficient”. Sometimes, “my grace is sufficient” is the answer we will get to our prayers, our lack of healing having nothing to do with how strong our faith is. I believe you came to this conclusion at the end of your post by saying, “faith is agreeing with God” … however, the entire post before that did not seem to be saying that. Can you clarify your post, please? Thank you

    • Yes, I have heard of Christian Science. For clarification, pls see my comment above.

    • Christian science is a pay for prayer service, total garbage. Think about what it was that Paul requested to have removed, it makes a difference.I have heard it was his sight that was the problem and that it was his flesh desire. If it was his sight, which I doubt, then we we could never have certaintyon any healing, if it was a desire of the flesh then acting upon it is a choice in which case God’s grace is sufficient because there is no sin that is unforgiven or common to all mankind, other than the sin of refusing Christ.

  5. So, what you’re saying which I believe , in it’s microscopic view, is true, doesn’t that make God’s ability or willingness to act contingent on the individual?

    • Not his willingness, for God is always willing.

    • Right, ability, but not willingness, as Paul E. said. As Jesus power (ability) is only limited by man’s faith; “… he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief.” Matthew 13:58.

      • richard elson // July 19, 2017 at 3:26 pm //

        So once your have been given the measure of faith, power is limited by unbelief.

      • The there is Mark 9:23, starting at 22 (b); but if thou canst do anything, help us, and compassion upon us. (23) And Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe it, all things are possible to him that believeth.
        Now who is it that believes perfectly but Jesus? When our faith is not enough we can hook our faith to that of Christs’ who is perfect and to whom we belong. We are as he is in this world. Explain that one.

      • richard elson // July 20, 2017 at 1:20 am //

        We have been given Jesus’ Faith, we don’t need to build up our Faith, we need to deal with our unbelief.
        We can’t build up our Faith, we can build ourselves up in our Faith. Faith is the knowledge of relationship, so we can understand more clearly about that relationship and receive all the benefits of our relationship. Circumstances will flood your senses and cause you to doubt, but doubt and unbelief are not a problem if you don’t determine your identity by them.
        Our true identity is sons of God . . . as Jesus is so as we in this world. This relationship remains true regardless of our circumstances here in this world.
        Failure and disappointment don’t determine your identity before our Father, don’t let them condemn you. Thank God that his word says, he will turn every curse into blessing.

      • He did not many works there because of their unbelief. What unbelief? Exactly. No belief in him being who he claimed, no belief in God at all, what exactly was it? What kind of place was it? What kind of people were there?

      • I think the term unbelief is important here. It’s not just a lack of belief, skepticism, or ignorance. It is more willful. It’s people who not only don’t believe, but people who don’t want to believe. It’s not that the people of that region just lacked faith; their hearts were set against it.

        I suppose for a believer, one could have all the faith in the world that one is saved, but won’t even consider that one could be healed miraculously. That might be a way of looking at Christian “unbelief.”

      • Excellent point if I may say so. To believe and to not even want to is two different animals with two different consequences, if I may use the word consequences.

    • I am still learning in this area, but I would put it this way, God’s healing, blessing, provision or whatever the needs of man may be, is contingent on man’s ability to receive. After the cross, the gates of heaven is always open, God is always healing, providing etc…
      Our Lord put it this way, the Son can do nothing apart from what He sees the Father do. What an amazing statement!
      What do we see God is doing in our circumstances? Where do we see it? In the Gospels! Because Jesus said whoever saw Him sees the Father! Ask God for a revelation in this!

      • I love what you said about the gates of heaven always being open to us. A lot of people don’t believe that and talk as though God opens and shuts the heavens at will. From the time the temple veil was rent when Jesus was crucified, the gates of heaven have been opened to us and we can walk boldly into the throne room and commune with Father God!
        Jesus had the faith to believe everything His Father promised and He always had victory. We have that faith within us, but human thinking and reasoning often get in the way. If we don’t take God’s Word as final authority, then we don’t exercise our faith. I don’t think we understand how much Satan wants to discredit God. Any sign of doubt on our partand he will jump on it and try to disprove the promises of God. Faith is simply believing what God says is true and then acting accordingly.
        “My people suffer from lack of knowledge or lack of knowing me”– It thrills my heart to see all the people who are seeking truths about God’s word and character on this site. Imagine the excitement that He must feel when His children want to know Him better !!

  6. frank kanyama // July 13, 2017 at 2:51 am // Reply

    Great article.

  7. The same amount of Christians believers die as non-believers. 100% My grandmother believed she would be healed from her cancer. She wasn’t. Guess her faith wasn’t good wobbly. I’m a Christian btw.

    • Forgive me if I’m misreading you, but your comment smacks of cynicism. Are you saying that nobody is ever healed, because that is factually incorrect. Of course, everyone dies. All those people who were healed in the Bible eventually died. But those blind men died with seeing eyes, and Jairus’s daughter died an old woman (I guess), which is surely better than the alternative.

      I have buried friends who I prayed for. It’s heartbreaking. But I have not let those setbacks silence me or turn me into a cynic. I keep praying and sometimes I see miracles. I saw a man about to die leave the ICU and recover. This is why I say I’d rather be a part-time healer and see some miracles than a full-time doubter and see none.

      • I guess you have to be a certain kind of personality to move on, undaunted by unanswered prayer. With me it created doubt, I questioned why, got no answer so I remain uncertain now and I can’t grow that way.I blamed myself for my mothers early death that my faith wasn’t strong enough but just as it wasn’t the faith of the Hebrews in the blood on door posts that saved them it was the blood itself this has become a dangerous problem. Is the blood not enough, what is it?

      • I don’t know that you need a certain personality, but you do need an eternal perspective. You need to know that Jesus holds the keys to the grave and death (Rev 1:18).

      • Great response! As, “Here I stand, I cannot do otherwise” M.L.

    • I’m there with ya. I prayed and believed my mom would be healed and wasn’t. I told people in confidence she would be; it is Satan that comes to rob, kill, destroy, Christ came that we might have life, then she died, it has destroyed me. My faith can’t be built on disappointments.

      • Nor should it be, built on disappointments. Our faith, according to scripture, is built on promise; “For all the promises of God in him are yes, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us.” “Now he which establishes,”… this, “is God.” 2 Corinthians 1:20,21.
        So what is faith, this faith we are to have in God, Mark 11:22? “Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see.” Hebrews 11:1,NLT This speaks to individual faith, your own and not of another. How can this be you ask? Even Christ Jesus himself, “could there do no mighty work, save that he laid his hands upon a few sick folk, and healed them. And he marvelled because of their unbelief.” Mark 6:5,6. See, faith is important, for even Jesus to do what he was sent to do, yet lack of said “faith” hindered him!
        No, scripture affirms that; “…According to your faith be it unto you” Matthew 9:29. Bodily healing touches even to the soul, as is indicated by James 5: 16
        So, just because we do not see healing, does not mean it does not exist, like wise or conversely, just because we do not see the results of the whole world being forgiven, 1 John 2:2, does not mean they aren’t. But if anyone (whosoever) believes it, they do then “procure it” unto themselves, along with healing too.! That is faith, no matter what we see, as what we see is not reality! Remember, all the promises of God are yes, yes, never no, no. This gives us hope in the Gospel, as truly, which is easier to believe, God has forgiven us or God has healed us? According to Psalm 103:2,3 both healing and forgiveness are equal benefits to the believer! But, either can be waylaid by lack of faith! Yes, His blood is sufficient! Hebrews 10:10-14.

      • When I first got Baptized with the Holy Spirit, I began praying for the sick. Every person was healed! I saw a kidney grow back, I saw two women raised from wheelchairs and many other signs and wonders. Then came a time when five of my friends and relatives died. I came down on myself so hard, believing that my lack of faith had failed them. God showed me that it had nothing to do with my faith, it was their lack of faith for their own healings. One of them wanted to die, one didn’t believe she was good enough for God to heal her, another just pretended to believe because she felt sorry for me. She had been healed from leukemia and blindness, but she had been divorced five times and believed that God had only temporarily healed her to give her time to atone fir her sins.
        When we reach out in faith and obedience to God’s word, we are not responsible for the results. Listen to how these people speak and it won’t surprise you if they aren’t healed and Satan gets the chance to destroy them. The power of life and death is in our tongue. We get what we say. When I am praying for my own healing, which I know was completed at the cross, and I begin to get discouraged, I think how could I ever trust anything over God, in whom all things are possible, and put my trust in man! God is not a liar. His promises are true. He died and gave us power over all attacks of the enemy.
        I have prayed for many people and didn’t see immediate results, only to find out later that they were healed!

  8. PERFECT PRAYER MODEL. Heb 13:20,21; foundation for perfect personalized prayer IF you want to be perfected, allowing Lords Spirit to disciple you. It is a prayer of commitment to surrender. Now Abba, God of peace, You who raised up our lord JesUS in the blood of an eternal covenant (powerful) PERFECT US, (corporate idnetification of “one” Body) in every GoOD work for the doing of Your will, doing in US all that is well pleasing in Your sight through JesUS Christ Savior,Redeemer, and Source of “all things new) be glory for ever and ever. Amen Hallelujah

  9. How do you respond to to the father that said “help my unbelief” and still received, and Jesus’ parable of the persistent widow?

  10. Jesus healed people with great faith he healed people with little faith, and he healed people with no faith, The man in the pool of Bethesda shows that it is not God’s will to heal everybody. I have been to all the top healing evangelists over the span of many decades and have yet to see a Jesus miracle! Sure headaches go away back pain goes away, but the palsied stay the Down’s syndrome stay. Paul I am surprised to see you in the camp with these exaggerator’s and liars. I love your grace teaching but it’s like he jumped out of the grace camp into the TV evangelist facade! I have seen many of the greatest people of faith gave it all to her not healed. Share some after chemo and radiation but I’m talking Jesus miracle.

    • Take care not to mock or belittle what the Lord has done. Just you haven’t seen something, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. I could name people who would be dead but for the fact my wife and I prayed for them. You may lump me with the liars, but there are people living who otherwise would be dead. Does that evidence count for nothing? These days you can witness healings on YouTube. And what about the many scriptures that declare Jesus healed ALL who came to him? Are these to be dismissed as well?

      That said, I can also name people who died after I prayed for them. I have buried family members and dear friends who were prayed for by thousands. Those are my heartbreaking stories and I share them just as readily as the successes. But I won’t let those disappointments hinder me from getting what Jesus prayed for. When my kids get sick, this daddy prays!

    • Hi Mark, Just so as you know, the pool of Bethesda was said to be a pool to receive healing because of superstition appealing to some Roman god. . . Not our God.
      It is thought that “others” released water from the upper pool(Siloam) which flowed through the drainage system to “stir” the water below.
      Jesus demonstrates his superiority over the pagan superstitions, requiring waiting, timing, swiftness, and just heals the guy.

      I don’t know all the variables that influence healing, but I do know that our Father is not one of them.

  11. I kind of want to point out here that Jesus prayed for a “cup to be taken” from Him … “Father, if You are willing, take this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done.” Of great importance to me is the “if You are willing” part, and the “not My will but Yours be done” part. We can have faith to move mountains but, our prayers always need to be given to the will of and the glory to the Father. Just like Jesus did. I just think the way the article is worded makes it sound like you were saying that if people aren’t healed when they pray it is because their faith isn’t strong enough. Glad to read that is not what you meant, even though it did read like you did mean that … to some of us, anyway.

    • Something interesting I was reading: Jesus was not only showing people how to overcome through the cross and redeem, but how to crucify the flesh. Author Eddie Snipes: “It’s no longer I better change or else, but rather God has forgiven all my sins and He will subdue my flesh.” Showing that Jesus understood that the disciples flesh would be weak. He wasn’t giving them a a self-mortification test.

      • Indeed to be rest-conscious. Not giant-conscious. As Joshua and Caleb were before the Promised Land of Christ.

      • Jesus gave His life because He knew we could never succeed on our own. He knew everything that we would ever do and yet He went to the cross. It has never been about self-modification; it was about love and concern for God’s creation–a parent rescuing a child from his own self- destruction. He gave us His own ability and power in the name of Jesus to be overcomers on this earth. He takes no pleasure in watching us squirm or suffer in any way. He told us not to forget His benefits. Can you imagine going through what Jesus suffered only to hear people say it was in vain!! As the Apostle Paul said, I pray that they will be enlightened”. I am praying that the body of Christ will come into the true knowledge of salvation and what it really entails..that spiritual eyes and ears will be opened to the supernatural world of God. He said that He wanted His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. Meditate on that ! There is no doubt what His will is for us!

    • Mark A Perkins // July 17, 2017 at 10:13 am // Reply

      I love your books but on page 54 in your book “The Gospel in Ten Words,” you say in the first paragraph that “faith sizzled and HUNDREDS were healed.” Hundreds??? That is what I was referring to previously. I only want truth. I have seen God answer many prayers and turn the circumstances, but not Jesus type miracles. We are told not to bear false witness, even when exaggerating for God, is wrong.
      Acts 10:38English Standard Version (ESV)

      38 how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power. He went about doing good and healing ALL who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with him.
      He did not heal people in China, North America, etc…hyperbole.
      With All Sincerity in Christs Name,

      • Yes, hundreds. All who were healed means all who came to Jesus. “A large crowd followed him, and he healed ALL who were ill” (Matt 12:15). “Crowds gathered also from the towns around Jerusalem, bringing their sick and those tormented by impure spirits, and ALL of them were healed” (Act 5:16). This is a record of what happened and you can either believe it or dismiss it. I believe it.

      • Mark I was healed of a brain tumour, chronic bladder problems that caused me to require surgery every year for over five years, I received a brand new back, which was confirmed by two doctors whom had worked on my back for seven years. I was healed from severe haemorrhaging and endometriosis and the list goes on. In each instance I was healed instantly when hands were laid on me. When I prayed for my mom, a tumour disappeared from her bowels, another time she was instantly healed from chronic seizures. My brother’s dog had a broken pelvis and was healed instantly. I laid hands on a lady who was dying from water on her heart and she was healed and released from hospital. She requested prayer and the hospital called us. They all witnessed this miracle.
        I could go on for hours! If you don’t understand what Jesus did on the cross, it is hard to grasp. Jesus took all of our sickness as well as our sin, on His own body on the tree, and He said that we do not have to bear it.
        The mind of man limits our supernatural God. We cannot bring Him down to our level of thinking, we have to ascend to His.
        Why on earth would a loving father deny His children healing? He does not have to cause bad things to teach us something. The evil heart of man and Satan take care of that!

    • It is always God’s will to heal. Jesus took the sickness of the whole world on His own body on the cross and said we don’t have to bear it. Isaiah 53: 5, Matthew 8: 16-17. I encourage you to pray with total assurance that is always God’s will to heal. He already did it at Calvary and by His stripes you ARE healed !!

  12. I have been praying for healing for some family members, but I realise that I haven’t really been convinced – I know God can, I just have secret fears that he won’t.
    Thank you!

    • nathanbeckrules // July 13, 2017 at 3:13 pm // Reply

      Jesus loves you and your family members. May they see their healing

    • Deb I like what you said. So many times I catch myself doing that and I have to cast down any thoughts that contradict the word of God and tell my mind to line up. It is our God-given right to be healed. Jesus took lashes and beatings so we could be healed. He healed us 2000 years ago and we just need to believe it and receive it. Blessings to you!

  13. Since birth my preteen often asks me for things I have repeatedly said no before, in hopes she can get me to change my mind. She is full of wishful thinking and is not in agreement with me. Sometimes I say no (if granting the request will be bad for her) and sometimes I say yes if she’s now old enough or various other factors. As a parent I never base my answer on whether she is full of faith to receive it. I wish the Father was more like this.
    Needing absolute faith for healing has caused so much pain to vulnerable, hurting people. It makes me hate the faith system for dispensation of provisions for abundant life. I hope God finds fault with this part of the new covenant just as He found fault with the broken parts of the old one and comes up with something better. The faith system only favors the strong in faith. I hope He will be true to His word that He chooses the weak things of the world or there’s no hope for many of us who are adopted into his family broken. I wish faith was a fruit of the Spirit and a gift from God not a requirement from bankrupt man, or too bad for you.

    • Lisa Jane, I have appreciated your writing on a few occasions, and this is another time. We both know Paul is encouraging people to believe that we have a God cares for us and wants us to not be afraid to come to Him as He is our Abba, and Jesus our Redeemer. Sometimes ‘Faith’ has been made into a heavy burden, too heavy for some. We know from the Bible that God heals and He doesn’t change. So discouraging for the rest of us who try and fail at this faith test, and give up. I would love to talk to you Lisa, you seem to be coming from a totally different angle and that interests me.

      • Lisa I keep reading your post as I feel there is something so valuable there. I am wondering if we have all been harnessed with this heavy burden of ‘having faith, trying to get faith, how to get it, how to know when you have/don’t have it!’ When really it is Jesus our lovely Redeemer, and Abba’s gift of righteousness to us that is being patiently held out to us. I have been needing a miracle in my life for 6 years, and I have felt totally shattered trying to work out this ‘faith’ issue. I am being gently led back to rest in the loveliness of Jesus, and knowing I have a Daddy who loves and cares for me. By His gift of Jesus’ righteousness to us, Father has qualified us to be a partaker of the inheritance in the saints ( Col1:12). Bless you all, and may we know more and more of our wonderful Redeemer.

      • We have all been given the same measure of faith. People complicate faith. Faith is simply believing that what God says is true and acting on it.
        Actually there is such a thing as the Gift of Faith. It is resident in us when we are Baptized with the Holy Spirit. When you operate in it, there is no doubt, but you know that you know your prayer is answered. This fell on me one day in a meeting and I told people to request prayer immediately. Ten people responded and all received. It is wonderful, but you know, I would rather have this faith in God’s promises all the time without this gift in operation.
        The more I get to know Him and who I am in Christ, the easier faith operates in my life.
        We trust a chair to hold us, a boss to issue us a paycheck, a friend to keep their promises, why can’t we trust our loving Father to keep His word ?

      • Amen, Leanne, faith happens as we abide in oneness with Jesus. As do all fruit of the Spirit. Love your comments! Blessings

  14. Trevor Lancashire // July 13, 2017 at 10:23 pm // Reply

    Lisa, it would be good if you went back and took another look at ljp’s several beautiful comments made on July 13th – God’s love for us as revealed in the New Covenant is much, much greater than we could ever imagine! You are greatly blessed, highly favoured and totally loved – Trevor Lancashire.

  15. Nando Campana // July 13, 2017 at 10:25 pm // Reply

    Hi Paul, it ‘s Nando from Melbourne, I like your posts and have a question about this one.
    Where does praying according to Gods will come into it? I can have as much faith as I like does my faith override Gods will? I don’t understand. Jesus healed people who did not know him and had no faith. I would appreciate any insights you could offer. Many thanks Nando

    • Hi Nando from Melbourne. We should always pray according to God’s will, so what is his will for the sick and dying? Well, how many sick people did Jesus turn away? None. The scriptures record in several places that he healed ALL who came to him. Jesus taught us to pray, “Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” If it’s not God’s will for there, it’s not his will for here. How many sick people in heaven? When it comes to dispensing grace, we should have no doubt as to God’s good will.

  16. I know this is perhaps one of the toughest things to believe for. I come from a Faith background. Mostly Kenneth E Hagin type stuff. Countless times I’ve read about Hagin being on a healing line and asking the person in line whether they believed God would heal them? Their response determined their fate. If they said something like “I certainly hope so” Hagin would simply pass them by and go on to the next person. That simply displayed their lack of faith. There are times when the ministry gift of healing is being manifest but most of the time it’s merely about your own faith for healing.
    It’s no different in our everyday lives. There are plenty of born again Christians who continue to say they believe God still heals but He doesn’t heal everyone or it’s on His own timing, etc,etc. Right there with beliefs like that they’re expressing doubt. I know of at least one very well known Grace teacher/preacher who feels “We” as believers cannot bring this on ourselves at will either. You have to have hands laid on by others for it to work. So many people simply express more doubt when it comes to healing than they do of faith. And of course they never see healing being manifested.

    And like Wommack says….You’ve already got it. That’s how you have to believe.

  17. Great article. I think what makes this hard for so many to understand is that they attribute the sickness or disease itself to “God’s permissive will.” If you believe God either sent or “allowed” the sickness for some redemptive, or worse, purifying purpose, it’s going to be really hard to do a 180 degree turn and believe it’s always His will to heal. The automatic response to sickness is usually, “Why me, God?” rather than, “This is NOT God’s will for my life!” We submit to the devil and resist God, rather than submitting to God and resisting the devil in this area.

    • Thanks Carrie. Yes, that is a most dangerous line of thought. To think that God gives what he does not have or that he allows the thief to plunder us is a real destructive mindset. So is the view that we must pass the faith test to be healed. How much faith did Lazarus have?

      • I just don’t get it then. If it’s always his will to heal, then why doesn’t he always do it? I was taught that God allowed bad things to happen.

      • It’s not his will for any to perish (2 Pet 3:9), yet people perish. This will come as a shock to some, but not everything that happens is God’s will. That teaching that God allows bad things, in the sense that he gives tacit permission, is unscriptural. If the thief had God’s permission, he wouldn’t be a thief. Faith is a rest not a test.

      • Where can one get the idea that faith is not a test? Yet the word say’s our faith produces endurance through the trying or (testing) of it. “knowing that the trying of your faith produces endurance.” James 1:3.

      • I got it from the Bible. For my take on James 1:3, see my article “The testing of your faith.”

    • Not really, as James said (in regards to 180 stuff) “Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that you may be healed.” James 5:16. One is not quite yet to doing this 180, until one is ready to confess.
      Paul also shared this in 1 Corinthians 11: 28-32, as we are to examine ourselves (see our faults) then deal with it (judge ourselves that we not be judged). Questioning this, as concerning our behavior, I can only say, Don’t take chapters out of context lest you end up with pretext. Look at 1 Corinthians 10:1-16, especially verse 6 and 11, as these are for our admonition, yes even today. And it all follows into chapter 11 were Paul continues such admonition. Thank you

  18. Charles bain // July 14, 2017 at 6:31 am // Reply

    It’s not just about having more faith , although that helps,as does purity of life and intent and need and ,yes other factors also, but consider this, the Jews in the gas chambers had faith and need and singlemindedness , but weren’t given their healing in the way they must have asked.
    We live here , wanting to be part of a fallen world, but God has heaven waiting for us, but we don’t want his best just now, we want the fallen life experience now please, but perfect health and wealth and friends and good job cos we know Jesus , come on now ! God is willing to give us what we are prepared and made ready for in his opinion.

    • Charles I wanted to respond to Paul’s surprise to healing. How do healings happen? Jesus didn’t need to raise people from the dead but he did! Why did he leave that example and then go on to say we would do these same works? Our imaginations are geared towards pessimism and death. In Romans 1-3 Paul sees what everyone already knows intuitively that men are ungrateful, thankless, and have vain imaginations. In Keys to Staying Full of God, Andrew Wommack, as he does many times, shares the experience of raising his own son from the dead. He said that we have death as a human condition (obvious) but we see Jesus circumvent this operation to give us not just life, but life to the full as Jesus says in the gospels. What Andrew Wommack did was spend 6 months meditating and hoping and visualizing resurrections taking place. Until they did. He raised another man from the dead at some point, but to his surprise his own son died. Then God raised him to life as Andrew prayed for him and praised God. Yes it’s through faith that we pray and receive and pray. But we believe with hope. Hope is the evidence of things unseen. This is how we plan and decide to do things everyday. I encourage you to get a hold of Andrews teachings on youtube and awmi.net. Blessings

      • Actually FAITH is the evidence of things unseen. Hope is the expectation of things yet to be delivered. It’s important because the fact that you have faith is a PROOF that it is real. Faith is relying on a truth that you can’t verify through the senses, living as though it is real (because we know it is). I relate this to the Holy Spirit being a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance (Eph. 1:14). This gives a solid foundation for our hope.

  19. I think another thing to consider as far as healing goes is for those what want to believe but do not see any manifestation of healing it is easier to say/believe that God only heals on “His timing” or say things like “who knows why He heals some but not others.” That relieves that individual of any responsibility for their own healing. They can blame God or suggest it’s up to Him.
    Let’s compare how people feel about Salvation/being saved to physical healing. Many, many people believe in being saved/Salvation when there is absolutely no tangible evidence that is has actually happened yet when it comes to being physically healed/physical healing there is plenty of examples in the world that it has and does happen yet people are still slow to believe.

    I know I don not have all the answers and I struggle with this myself. I know he does and has. I say thank you for what You provided me and others at the Cross. In Jesus name.

  20. The question whether it is God’s will to heal Joe or Mary, as if He makes some ad hoc decision for each sick person, is the wrong question. The question is “How do I appropriate the healing already provided by Christ?” (Mat. 8:17). Clearly, no ad hoc decision is involved, as the woman with the discharge of blood in Mark 5 demonstrates…He has provided for the salvation of all but few are saved. Likewise, for the healing of all, but few are healed. (Note that the two promises are separated only by a comma in Psalm 103 and 1 Pe. 2:24.) Why? Unbelief. “The giants are too big”, Satan whispers to us. And, of course, fearing the ridicule of man, we decline to exercise the authority we have over unclean spirits and disease. (See Mat. 10:1; Luke 10:17-18). Instead, we plead with God to do something more than to send the Creator-God to be joined with us one spirit and endow us with His authority. That only slanders Him and Christ. We need to quit pleading and praying – Jesus never prayed for the sick (I can address James 5 subsequently). Instead, we need to start fighting the Enemy/Giant which stands in the way…Justice is NOW on our side…

  21. Jairus was certain Jesus would heal his daughter. Why? Why was he so sure? What was it that built his confidence to that point? Was it the words of someone or a book read that convinced him? No, he saw with his own eyes,heard with his own ears. I have confidence in God’s power but not his timing. This is a very difficult subject. I want the confidence but how can I?

  22. There is much dialogue on why does God allow what happens. Since His thoughts are higher is it possible we do not fully understand the impact of the earth having been cursed by God. We see part of the answer in ISAIAH 45:7 “He who forms the light and creates darkness, / He who makes peace and creates evil, / I am Jehovah who makes all these things.” We are called to pray to bind and loosen. We need to get with the truth of Our part to see God do His part in fulfilling His promises..
    I did a study on the word “ask”, as written in Isaiah 45:11 “Ask Me concerning My sons, concerning the work of my hands . . command Ye Me! KJV, NASV (and you shall commit to Me the work of My hands” Searched ask in the N T. Paying particular attention to 1John 5:16. IF,IF IF(used three times . . . IF we see a brother sinning a sin we shall ask and WE will give life to him. Huge DO NOT GOSSIP!!! PRAY, ASK: give life. Remember Gossip is One finger pointing out 3 pointing back!?!?

    • You might be interested in this article on Isaiah 45:7.

    • God didn’t curse the earth, he was describing the new circumstances they would find themselves. There were lots of changed circumstances in the world when “the law of sin and death” dominated. Satan kills, steals, destroys and anyone, including old testament prophets, who say otherwise are confused. Hope begins with knowledge, Faith manifests what is Hoped for, Faith only manifests what is hoped for, therefore wrong knowledge can cause big problems.

      I like to say that Faith is the knowledge of relationship, and our works of Faith are our response to that knowledge. The centurion was said to have great Faith, he knew the relationship between words spoken by a man of authority and the obvious outcome of these words.
      The syrophonesian women knew the relationship that dogs under the table had to scrapes which fell under the table. Both of these gentiles had no understanding of the law or the condemnation that the law brought. Their Hopes were based on relationships.
      Abram knew the relationship between the words spoken by God and their guaranteed outcome. His response to this knowledge was to call himself what God had said he already was, he father of many nations. . .Abraham. He was reckoned as being righteous because of his response.

      There is a relationship between the blood of Jesus and our guilt, there is a relationship between the strips Jesus received on his back and our sickness. We remind ourselves at communion that by his blood we are pure, white and cleansed from sin. . .we are justified.
      We are reminded, that by the strips(flogging) on Jesus back we WERE healed.
      A new relationships, had been legalised through this “one” righteous man.
      The “law of the spirit of life in Christ” had set us free from “the law of sin and death”.
      “Petitions” are made pointing to this new relationship. Confessions are made acknowledging the truth which often are at odds with the facts.
      The facts lie.

    • What Gossip? He gave an example using ficticious names. Talk about fingers pointing back.

      • I speak the truth as Lord Spiritsl words reveal it to me. Fiction has its place but not when it has preference to the truth. I trust your comment to me was from a love connection through an indwelling Spirit and not a critical Spirit of the world. There is truth and lie
        BLESSING:. I command a blessing on all whotels read this that TRUTH BE SPOKENTO their soul and heart received by soul and. That the truth will remove all lies and deception bringing freedom from what is not truth. AMEN. Have phenomonal awesome life “in” OUR LORD

  23. I believe that God heals. I can believe that it is even his preference to heal. I struggle with the idea that God will always heal. First, I don’t see it in scripture. The promise that God will provide for my needs reads to me as God will ALWAYS provide for my needs. Healing doesn’t read the same way to me.

    The second problem I have is what ultimately ends up happening when someone doesn’t get healed. It’s my fault. If God will always heal, but he didn’t, then it’s not His fault. Someone didn’t have enough faith, or something (which by the way, I think is a fundamental misunderstanding of what faith is). I know Paul says, “Our faith doesn’t manufacture the healing or compel God to heal us,” but that’s where we end up.

    We fall into this endless loop of “I didn’t have enough faith,” or “there was something wrong with my life,” or “the person to be healed didn’t have enough whatever.” We become spiritual alchemists, trying to get the formula right.

    • Allen, I hear you and understand your conclusion. But your premise – the idea that God will always heal but sometimes doesn’t – may be based on a flawed assumption. I don’t think of healing as something God does but as a gift he has provided.

      Jesus commanded the disciples to heal the sick. They were the ones who heal. This turned the disciples from spectators into co-laborers. Jesus showed us how it was done – he healed all who came to him – then commanded us to go and do likewise. If all are not healed, we can’t blame God. And I’m certainly wouldn’t blame the sick person. In truth, I don’t think blaming anyone is helpful. It leads to that introspective loop you mentioned.

      But fear of the loop can turn us into unbelievers. It can turn us back into spectators and leave the sick unhealed. Do you really believe that makes the Lord happy? Searching for a formula is fatal and leads to a self-fulfilling situation where none are healed. I would rather view each situation as an opportunity to lean on the Lord and stand on the promises he gave us.

  24. After I was baptized with the Holy Spirit I began to lay hands on the sick and everyone of the people I prayed for were healed. A kidney grew back after being removed, two people were healed from brain tumors and the list goes on. Then suddenly 5 people whom were very close to me died. My faith was shattered and I blamed myself, thinking that my lack of faith must have failed them. Over time, the Lord revealed to me, why they didn’t receive healing. One didn’t believe she was good enough to receive from God. One whom had been healed from leukemia and blindness thought that God had just healed her temporarily so she could atone for her five divorces. Another had a death wish and cancer was her ticket out. In each case they were only pretending to believe to please me because I was so determined to see them healed.
    I have personally been healed from a brain tumor, an incurable esophageal disease, chronic back problems — two doctors confirmed that I have a brand new back. I walked in total divine healing for eight years until I allowed the pressures of life to overcome.
    Jesus took all sickness, along with sin, on His own body and we don’t have to bare it. The same faith that tells us we are born again and heirs to eternal life, should also tell us we are healed by the stripes of Jesus. The Bible tells us that sickness cannot dwell in us. Sickness is a finished work at the cross and we just need to renew our minds to what the word of God says and then agree with it. Take the authourity that you have in the Name of Jesus and command the sickness to leave, command your body to line up with the Word of God. Tell Satan and the spirit of infirmity to take a hike in the Name of Jesus. Plead the blood over your body.
    God is not the author of sickness, Satan is. God is not allowing sickness or causing it. We live in a fallen world where Satan is operating overtime and that is why Jesus did what He did on the cross. Bad things happen without God lifting a finger to cause or allow them. He has given us power to overcome these things. Speak the Word, declare it over your situation. Speak to your mountain and command it to be removed in His Name. Faith is simply believing that what God says is true. You have to think with a kingdom mindset, not mental assent. God said, My will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” There is no sickness in heaven !

    • That sounds rights and simple but it’s not. Why did Peter start sinking when he took his eyes off Christ? He still believed he just also saw the storm. Fear entered in when he looked at the storm. Could fear or doubt by reason of those things about us cause the healing not to manifest? A prayer not to be answered? This is a very difficult thing.

      • richard elson // July 19, 2017 at 1:27 pm //

        It’s difficult to console myself (and other’s) when I’m in the middle of suffering circumstances which Jesus already gave us authority over. However I have to discipline myself that my Father has made his will clear, and that I have been given the same authority that Jesus has to enforce the terms of Jesus victory. I cannot allow myself to interpret the word/will of God by my circumstances. Failure to enforce the “law of the Spirit of love in Christ Jesus”, is not because I don’t have enough Faith, it’s because I have an abundance of unbelief.

        Israel received what was already theirs after those with unbelief died. The 2 believers were enough, they didn’t require 12 believers. Peter sunk as his mind interpreted the facts more important than the words of Jesus. “You will prosper and be in health as your soul prospers”. All the problems are caused by my unrenewed mind. I will dominate over all the works of darkness and reject all the implications of sin as I renew my mind to the new relationship I have hidden in Christ. Or die trying.

        I believe lord, help me with my unbelief.

      • I don’t know. Did libelieve the power of the storm was greater then the power of Christ whom he also saw walking on the water? In my own life I have found myself in belief when an obstacle appears. I have questioned how this can be possible. How can anything defy the name of Christ? First I am perplexed then I begin to wonder if in Christ’s name anything will be done. Then I am in a state of confusion and anger. What can I do then? I totally lost at that point.

      • We have a spirit of power love and a sound mind.

        We are saved by grace and kept by grace, not self-discipline.

  25. John W Reed // July 18, 2017 at 2:27 pm // Reply

    Hey great post. Grace and faith are not opposites. God’s Grace made redemption and all that it entails, New birth, healing, wholeness, provision, protection, deliverance, righteousness, receiving the fullness of the Spirit, available for us. We can’t earn or deserve or achieve it. Faith is simply responding to, or laying claim to, what He provided in the Finished Work. Healing, wholeness, provision aren’t true fulfilled promises because we experience them, but true because God said it and accomplished it in the Finished Work, and because it is true we should be receiving!

    • God said it, I believe it but it does not come to fruition, why? I have accused God of og a liar because of this, it makes me so angry. I’m expected help as I can but he can and doesn’t. Very confused over this along with unanswered prayer. I feel abandoned

      • John, the only reason anyone would accuse God of being a liar is because of “unbelief’ as the word say’s; “…he that believes not God, has made him a liar; because he believes not the record that God gave….” 1 John 5:10. In other words, it is by default that we call Him liar, or our fault for not believing Him. But Paul said, on the contrary: “let God be true, but every man a liar” Romans 3:4, as His word is all we have, and we must believe even though there seems to be no answer. For without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that comes to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Hebrews 11:6
        Those that came before us are listed in the “Faith Hall of Fame” Hebrews 11:17-38, and I encourage you to read about these that “ died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth”. As these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise: verse 39.
        Grow in faith, as we too must be persuaded of them, embrace them, and confess them, as we too are pilgrims on earth. Thanks

      • you don’t understand brother, I know all that. I have been years at trying to better myself, talking to the Lord the entire time and it only gets worse. For me to accuse God of being a liar is not out of initial unbelief but of repeated injury.

      • As Reed so well put it, “provision aren’t true fulfilled promises because we experience them, but true because God said it” I remember back in the 70’s there was a prevalent saying among the brethren; “God said it, I believe it, that settles it”. Sums it all up! No, I do understand, as the word tells us, as well as those that came before us, that no matter what happens, we must maintain our confession of faith as that is all we have in the face of the enemy. “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony (confession); and they loved not their lives unto the death.” Revelation 12:1
        What I share with you, is what I also share to myself. What ever injuries you have are not to be compared to “hostilities of sinners” Christ went through, or of shedding His blood (Hebrews 12:3,4). So you may consider that what you are experiencing is the chastening (discipline) of the Lord, as you mentioned, “it only gets worse” or “not joyous”, Hebrews 12:11. If it is, it is God showing you,He will never abandon you, as He loves you and will make it clear to you!
        Note; if we judge not ourselves (our walk) God will do it for us, through chastening, 1 Corinthians 11: 31,32.

      • Thanks for reply but that does not help at all. I actually find that a typical religious response, no offense intended. I’m talking the past 20 yrs of my life, raising 3 children on my own at poverty level. We have a great relationship today but I want out of poverty, off food stamps. corruption in this country is what I find to be the problem and I can’t overcome it myself. God not abandoning me I initially took as patronizing though I believe it was well intended.

      • Well that’s fine, that you judge me a typical religious type, but I would never wittingly be a condescending type and don’t see how you get that from my sharing that “God will never abandon you”! It was, after all, just a response to your saying; you “feel abandoned”.

      • I know brother, which is exactly why I said no offense intended. Yes, I do feel abandoned. I desperately need a quality income, I have prayed in tears, sought council, requested revelation, dreams, something but nothing comes. I’m living in a home not my own, I feel unwanted, a burden and can’t escape this condition. I just don’t know what to do.

      • 💜💜I can’t claim these are the same, but l I have had these feelings, knowing that there is something more, feeling like I am missing something, maybe something really obvious. Wondering why it seems like everyone else gets it, but not me, not my family. Feeling like all the plays I have been making are out of the wrong rulebook. Feeling like a burden, like life is a burden. 💜💜💜💜💜 Living day after day in what feels like defeat. 💜💜💜💜💜

        I’m so sorry this is your experience right now. I don’t know what to say, but you are not alone. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

      • That sums it up very well.

      • I hope this can be of some comfort to you. God has been so patient with me and has revealed bits of himself over the years. So many things I asked him again and again. I had/have a hard time just focusing on him and taking him at his word regarding what he wants from me. I keep thinking it’s this that or the other thing. He has spoken to me many times about looking to him and trusting him, but my eyes and concerns look at the problems and I think ‘what about this? What about that?’ It’s so crazy. God does things backwards to how I do them. I take a very direct approach and my default lie (something that I believe is true and motivates me, perhaps I should say drives me, is that “I’ve gotta get it right!!!!” I want so desperately not to be a failure, I want to be good at something and be accepted.’ Thugs start to loosen up and I begin to understand life and I begin to walk in faith. First the faith that I no longer ‘gotta get it right’ because Christ has done that for me. As I rest in him, slowly thugs become more clear. Slowly. The tricky part is when I wanna get my brain and hands going and mess it up! HA! I was playing with the wrong playbook. I was thinking it was up to me! That I had to figure it out! Sometimes we even make faith into a work. Faith is not something we ‘do’ it’s looking to Christ, the one who has done it al. That might sound a little surreal and crazy. It has taken refocus after refocus to just not ‘try’ to trust him, but to actually let it go and trust him. I hope this helps. If not, that’s ok too.
        It has been years for me. I’ve struggled my whole life (since I was 3 and now I’m 43) with understanding salvation and how life should work. Jesus broke through to me when I was 20, but I still kept struggling to understand etc. he is so faithful!!!! ❤️❤️❤️😊

      • Be in the world but not of it.How impossible is that when we have to deal with the things of life constantly. Can’t trust a human to explain it. A revelation while sleeping would be perfect, maybe an angel to guide like in the Cary Grant movie The Bishops wife-great movie.The way I see it there is no relationship when the parties cannot communicate, I’m not God so that places it in his court to carry out a relationship under grace that he lovingly began. He is infinite I am finite,He is sovereign I am not though through Christ I am perfect in His eyes.

      • Yes! Great insight, Sara.

      • Marjorie Keenan // November 20, 2017 at 7:40 am //

        John I was thinking about all the questions we have about healing and God’s will for us and your name came to mind. If I hear the pain and frustration in your heart, then how much more does God hear you and have compassion on you. As I was thinking about these things, I opened an old Bible and found a list of healing Scriptures to declare over ourselves. I thought of you and I believe God wants to sgare this with you: There is a Scripture that tells us to cast down every thought or imagination that exalts itself (or says the opposite to what God is saying) against the word of God. Every time you feel pain and get doubtful or discouraged, quote these Scriptures below, and renew your mind to God’s will for you. Rebuke lying spirits and spirits of infirmity, in the name of Jesus and then declare these words over your situation. Repeat as many times as it takes for you to get peace. The words will begin to shape your life and take form. Just as God said let there be light and there was, you say I am healed and you will be:
        For example Jeremiah 30:17–For the Lord will restore health to me and He WILL heal me of my sickness. There are too many to type out so I will list them for you:
        Isaiah 53:4-5, Psalms 103:1-3, Deut. 30:19, Mark 11:24, Jeremiah 33:6, Prov.3:5-6, Romans4:20-21, Prov. 3:8, Mark 9:23, 1 Peter 2:24, 1 John 4:4, Psalms 34:19-20, Ps. 103:2-5, John 14:13-14. I pray with all my heart these will help you to have victory!

    • Thanks, no offense taken. Concerning the condition your condition is in, “This too will pass” as God is working, if you are believing! Though there are times God is silent, does not mean He is inactive.
      We should also follow Paul (as he followed Christ, 1 Corinthians 11:1) saying; “…. for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.” Philippians 4:11. As the only constant in life is change. And so further qualifying this fluctuating state he finds himself in, “…having food and raiment let ‘us’ be therewith content.”1 Timothy 6:8. he came to this understanding, by knowing that if we seek first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; all these things shall be added to the believer, Matthew 6:33. The take away? Keep the faith, it is more precious than gold 1 Peter 1:7.

    • Marjorie you are such an encourager. God bless you.

      • Marjorie Keenan // November 21, 2017 at 3:19 am //

        Thank you so much Lianne. Jesus said we would do even greater things and I long to see this manifest to the glory of God. Signs and wonders are supposed to follow us, just as they did Jesus. The body of christ and the world need to witness these things.

        You know a lot of people think that taking the Lord’s name in vain means swearing; I think it means not believing the fulfillment of what He accomplished on the cross and denying the power we have been given in His name–the name above all names–the name above cancer and all disease.
        You too are an encourager. God Bless you!

    • Only the carnal mind would say we don’t deserve it. I deserve every thing God has for me because of who I am in Christ. When you see things through the spirit you will have the confidence to speak truth to power. The Bible is clear we can’t earn it. If you want to believe you don’t deserve it, then you’re r basing that on what God never does, remind or remember your sin no more.

      • Marjorie Keenan // January 17, 2020 at 7:49 am //

        Good comments Davd! I just finished saying the same thing to a post on Facebook!

      • “Only the carnal mind would say we don’t deserve it” , but just who did Christ died for? Romans 5:6-8, “While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” While we were yet sinners… when we least deserved it… when we were not “worth it” by any earthly standard… that is the very time when Christ made the greatest sacrifice and showed this most powerful act of love. Yes, and more importantly, we are to be reminded of our stand, for we are not to boast or be high minded, but rather take heed, Romans 11:17-22.
        Don’t we often hear in Christian circles ; “God’s grace, His unmerited favor, is simply God giving you something you don’t deserve.” This is what I think John Reed was referring to, and seems accurate according to other scripture, as it is exactly because I don’t deserve love or forgiveness that I stand in awe that God still counted me worth not only His ultimate sacrifice to take away our sins, but His daily reminders of His love.

  26. Keith Pinke // July 20, 2017 at 1:02 am // Reply

    I see in the paper that Prince Harry of the UK wasn’t acting like a prince the other day. Does that mean he is not a Prince? No it does not. The same is with our royal inheritance with Christ, as I know I don’t always act as the Prince that I am. The finished works of healing at Calvary are the same. They are a free gift for the taking whether we believe they are or act on them.

    • richard elson // July 20, 2017 at 12:01 pm // Reply

      Yeah I like that Keith,
      We are sons of the King, the only questions now is, will we conduct ourselves as sons.
      IF, Faith is the knowledge of relationship and works if Faith our response to that relationship then best we seek the knowledge, wisdom, and understanding that goes with our position.

    • “Prince Harry of the UK wasn’t acting like a prince”. Well now we see clearly, just 2 years later, how his desire of having a half-in, half-out royal life is progressing! No, this does not go along the lines of what Christ wants as he spoke of this fence straddling; “So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.” Rev. 3:16. Interesting that this relates to the other 3:16, in John’s Gospel!
      As Richard said, “Will we conduct ourselves as sons?” For our conduct speaks volumes as to who we are, 1 John 3:10. You are right, this free gift is for the taking, but we must both; believe they are and act on them.

  27. Lifestyle Prayers // July 25, 2017 at 12:38 pm // Reply

    Good post. Faith is indeed agreeing with God. Our prayers need to be simple, and your post makes believing in Jesus very simple.

  28. James Walker // July 27, 2017 at 2:40 pm // Reply

    Why wasn’t Timothy Healed? Why did the Apostle Paul tell him to take wine instead of tell him to have faith and be healed…why did God tell paul his grace was enough and not take away the thorn Paul wanted removed? Maybe it is Gods will that some stay as they are (ill or hurt) for a special reason known only to God…. I believe that medication can be some of the healing that God sends us. (Example: instead of taking away someone’s mental illness problems God sends the medication and doctors instead)…

    • Yes medication is often helpful, but it’s a mistake to think God ever wants you sick. (If he did, you would be sinning against God by taking meds.)

      Timothy’s tummy troubles (1 Tim 5:23) and Paul’s thorn (2 Cor 12:7) are often trotted out as evidence that God doesn’t heal. This despite the fact that neither may have been a long term illness. A “thorn in the flesh” is an Old Testament idiom (Num 33:55, Jud 2:3) that refers to persecution, not sickness, while Paul told Timothy to drink fortified wine and avoid the local water so that he wouldn’t get Delhi Belly when he travelled.

      Even if it were true that Paul and Timothy got sick, this would not undo the 100% healing record provided by Jesus and recorded in the scriptures in several places. God is not fickle. He does not want you well today but sick tomorrow. His desire is for you to have abundant life, not abundant suffering.

      • James Walker // July 28, 2017 at 5:31 am //

        For a hypergrace preacher you sound alot like one of those faith movement guys like Benny Hinn or Kenneth Copland… I think I will agree to disagree with you..nice chat though….

      • Interesting email address you have there, James.

  29. Good reading 👍🏻👌🏻

  30. I agree with one of Paul’s main points that we ALWAYS have to start with the ultimate truth that God wants us healed. If it doesn’t happen it’s not because God said no, but for any number of reasons that we may not ever understand. I do think that there is a danger in turning faith into a kind of work in itself. Since God led me to Paul and Joseph Prince I look at faith as more of a rest or a simple agreement with God and what he has already done. My faith grows naturally as I spend time in his Word, his presence and in listening to grace based teachings. If you feed yourself with works oriented spiritual food you will have little faith, no matter how long you have been a believer. Also – a sin consciousness will kill faith. We have to completely get away from the theology that if I stopped committing this sin God would be able to heal me. Because if we have that mentality then there is always something we are lacking in that will prevent us from being worthy in our mind.

  31. “get away from theology that if I stopped commenting this sin…”? Then why would Paul suggest such a theology 1 Corinthians 15:34 and 2 Timothy 2:19. Again, John suggesting same in 1 John 2:1.
    “… then there is always something we are lacking in that will prevent us from being worthy in our mind.” then why would James tell us to “confess our faults… that we may be healed”? James 5:16. I think James was considering that confessing always comes with forsaking, as indicated in Proverbs 28:13, “He that covers his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesses and forsakes them shall have mercy.” The mercy of being healed.

    • The scriptures you mention remind us that sin is supposed to be incompatible with the believer. We do have the power to overcome sin in our lives. The Bible reminds us of that and we should remind ourselves also. But the Bible also states that God does not impute sin to us Romans 4:8 and that our sins and lawless deeds he will remember no more Hebrews 8:12. The real power to overcome sin comes from believing that it has been dealt with once and for all that we have an unchanging righteousness. In the New Covenant it is the obedience of faith that matters. And that will cause our behavior to change. Religion only tells you to try harder and harder and then when you get yourself together God will finally be able to bless you. We are all the same. Some of the people who perform the best still believe that God is still displeased with them. They are putting their faith in the wrong place.

      • “the New Covenant it is the obedience of faith that matters. And that will cause our behavior to change. ”

        So are you saying if our behavior doesn’t change we have no faith?

      • I don’t think I’m saying that, no. What I mean by obedience of faith is taking our eyes off of how well we are doing and putting them on Jesus and what he has done. Our faith has to be a rest, not just another work, another demand that we feel God has put on us. If we concentrate on a relationship with the Lord instead of doing all the dos and not doing all the don’ts we will see a change in our life. One of the reasons people leave the church is the burden they feel is put on them by God, the church and themselves and they just can’t measure up. So they say forget the whole thing. Give grace time to work in your life and just believe that God loves you unconditionally right now, with all of your faults. He sees you as perfect.

      • Well said Bob, it could be no other way. If Christ died for our sins then why would we want to condemned ourselves, that’s a form of self-righteousness. It’s that law thing again, that ministry of death. Focus on Christ finished work not any undone of our own, it’s about Him not us.

  32. I believe Paul would agree that God sees our righteousness through the acts of Christ’s obedience not our own! We are irrevocably saved at the acceptance of Jesus, everything after that determines our growth and effectiveness.

  33. In a time in my life where I doubt my own faith, this is exactly what I needed to read. So true! Thank you.

  34. In the atheist community the thought on prayer goes into paradoxes. If we pray and it goes wrong, then it’s gods will so there’s no reason to pray, if it works then we assume it was supernatural. It’s a bad way of analyzing prayer.
    Then there’s the idea that god is good so it must be the devil hurting and tempting humans. Then we run into another paradox. If the devil can do this, then god must not be all good, or not omnipotent. This is why deist exist, they believe in a creator that does not intervene with what happens on earth. Something like a set it and forget it.

    • And then there’s the God of the Bible who, being a good father, says “Be free” hoping that we will respond to his overtures of love. He does this knowing full well that we will run the other way and make a helluva mess that he will have to clean up at great personal cost. And he does it knowing that some humans, despite their puny brains, will try to contain the Almighty inside a box of their own invention and call it wisdom.

      • I guess if it’s a situation we’re we as humans cannot understand why he does what he does and that’s the true, then there no reason to question it. But, as humans we were given morality, and by our own god given moral standard, we can conclude god is immoral. He would have to be, at least by our knowledge of what morality is as taught to us by god. Even if there’s a bigger plan, if a person must suffer to make it happen, and test others on their faith, than god puts out temptations. These temptations can cause a man to end up in hell, and by probability it will, that means god tricks people into damnation and that’s immoral in all standards, even if it’s part of a bigger plan. Specially to the person in hell.

      • Your conclusion is based on religious caricatures rather than the true character of God as revealed by Jesus. To how many people did Jesus impart suffering? How many people did Jesus damn? The God revealed by Jesus is nothing like the one you are describing.

      • Jesus brought the revelation of hell that s where the concept originates. God and jesus are the same person so I’m talking specifically about the abrahamic god under Christian scripted. If there’s interpretations that contradict what I’m saying then it is far from clear in the scripture itself. That’s why you will find non believers. It’s hard to accept that god knowing the future didn’t know how to be clear in his word.

      • If by “word” you mean the English translation of Hebraic and Greek scripts that have been copied again and again then translated by people with strong religious agendas, I agree with you. But these same scriptures tell us that Jesus alone is the Living Word and in this Word God gives us an unequivocally clear portrayal of his true nature. Indeed, Jesus and the scriptures agree that the Son is the only accurate interpretation of God’s character (John 1:18, 6:46, Heb 1:3).

        It is true that Jesus spoke of hell, but you will not find a single scripture showing Jesus damning people. Indeed, the very opposite is true for there are many that reveal Jesus as a Savior. There is not one scripture that paints it the way any other way.

        Perhaps the reason we have unbelievers is because so few have heard the good news of Jesus. Instead they’ve heard snippets of a bad religious concoction such as the one you portray. Or they’ve heard about Jesus but have chosen to dismiss him as confusing or immoral, even though the truth is otherwise.

      • Thank you. It’s always great to understand the opposing position. Although disagree I definitely appreciate that you’ve taken time to make a difference with your message.

      • Thanks for stopping by.

    • Yes, thats what true Diests believe but they believe that due to a lack of knowledge. God is Holy and cannot change, he has attributes and a character, we know this because we are made in his image for one He cannot violate his character.

    • Actually its we are “set” in our ways, because we “forget” that God is there ready and able to change us!

  35. Wow…… I’m going to start agreeing with God in faith

  36. I feel like what people miss about the probability thing…

    • You raise some interesting questions about hell, but they should be posted under one of the articles on hell, rather than under an article on prayer. Thanks for respecting E2R’s Comment Policy.

  37. I so agree Paul. I’ve sat in on many prayer meetings and heard all the comments that you mention. I got so that I didn’t trust anyone to pray for me, I would only pray for myself. I have come to a place where I am declaring the Word over every situation, taking my God-given authority over the powers of darkness behind every situation and praying in tongues a lot. I know it is God’s will that I be in good health and successful in every area of my life, so I can pray in faith believing and agreeing with His promises. He is a good, good Father!

  38. I love how He asked us to reason with Him. He gives me reading to exercise faith. Good blog.

  39. I have a query, but I’m conscious this post was from July so I might be too late. But any insight gratefully received!

    A good friend in his late 50s is suffering dreadfully with a disintegrating hip joint. He is full of faith, has a beautiful relationship with God and believes totally in God’s power to heal his hip and associated health issues. But it hasn’t happened yet. He is in good spirits most of the time, but also in a huge amount of pain which, at times, takes its toll both mentally and physically. He has twice turned down the offer of a hip replacement operation because he is believing for a miraculous healing.
    A few months ago, God really put it on my heart to stand with him in prayer and faith for his healing and I’ve been quite surprised at some of the negatives that have come his way from christians and pastors alike. ‘God’s provided the medical profession why don’t you just let Him heal you through them?’
    ‘You could die/ cause irreparable damage while you’re waiting, why not just go to the hospital?’ etc etc.
    And many others
    What I’ve come to see over the past few months of praying is that his healing is a ‘done deal’ as far as heaven’s concerned – 2000 years ago, at the cross. God’s changed my thinking from asking for his healing, through warfare, to thanking Him for the fact that it was all achieved at the cross. But the fact remains that the physical manifestation of heaven’s reality isn’t evident yet. It breaks my heart to see him in soooo much pain, but I have no idea where we should be going from here, and I’m not awfully good at hearing from God!!!
    Any thoughts, wisdom, advice?
    Thanks so much for your time.

    • Your friend sounds like an awesome person and you sound like a great friend. Don’t sell yourself short on hearing from God. You recognized His leading to pray for your friend and you received revelation concerning your friend’s situation. Remember and remind your friend that as Jesus is, so are you in this world. Everything that Jesus is, so are you. Meditate on the truth that you are one with Jesus and are as righteous and perfect as He is. The same Holy Spirit who healed through Jesus and resurrected Jesus, is in you. I am praying for you guys.

    • I totally understand where you an your friend are coming from. He was healed by the stripes of Jesus. Encourage him to speak healing Scriptures over himself daily. Jesus took his sickness on his own body on the cross and he doesn’t have to bear it, sickness cannot dwell in him, God sent His word to heal him etc. If he understands the believer’s authority, he can rebuke the spirit of infirmity,in the Name of Jesus and tell it to go from is body and then he can loose healing in his body. Also bind the lies that Satan is whispering in his mind and replace them with God’s promises. God’s word does not return void, it accomplishes what He intends. His word is yes and amen. He is not a man that He should lie. He watches over His word to perform it. God bless. There is nothing wrong with taking some pain meds. It will help him to concentrate on God instead of pain.

    • I encourage your friend to turn on some praise music and lose himself in the presence of God. Praying in tongues helps to stir up your faith as well. I like to take communion and as I partake of the bread, I see my sickness on Jesus and I refuse to receive it back. Most of all remember that faith is simply believing that what God says is true.

    • Marjorie Keenan // November 21, 2017 at 3:39 am // Reply

      Chris I really encourage you to get the book, SIMPLICITY OF HEALING by Sandra Kennedy. I know you and your friend will be encouraged and blessed by reading it. Her testimony is amazing too!

  40. I have attended mini prayer meetings in the past and the many prayersare telling God what to do. As if you didn’t know. Fix this, adjust that, align the, even DNA comes in. There’s a simplicity I’ve come across in my Healing Ministry where I simply say THANK YOU LORD. LORD knows our needs before we do and with a simple thank you, we puts LORD’S HANDS TO WORK. ****SEE ìn NASB or KJV ISAIAH 45:11 NOT NIV***** about putting/commuting the work of LORD’S hands. Mention the person having needs and FAITHFULLY TRUST LORD’S WILL IS ALIGNED WITH MEETING THE NEED. WE MAY THINK WE SEE THE NEED BUT THERE IS SOMETHING ELSE THAT MUST BE DELT WITH BEFORE PHYSICAL HEALING LIKE HEALING OF HEART OR FORGIVENESS ETC THAT MUST BE MADE RIGHT. A simple Thank You is an expectation expressed before the event. Who are we to tell God. We can thank Him for the work of OUR CROSS, HIS BLOOD. Foremost we must be in a place of right standing that HE HEARS OUR PRAYER.SEE 1 John 5:13-16 about positioning as one example.

    • Michael, right, as Jesus brother said; “Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed.” James 5:16. This goes along with your “right standing” comment, but goes against the grain of grace teachers. They believe we are as righteous as can be, and in as right a standing with God as ever. But, what in the world (this world) does James mean? Well, I spect he means what he say’s and I see it in folks all the time. For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks, and their words expose their heart! Such as a person wondering why they are not healed, while speaking evil of their neighbor? Our righteousness must be in both word and deed, as per John 3:7. There is such a thing as chastening, even David said; “Before I was afflicted I went astray: but now have I kept thy word.” Psalm 119:67, in other words, I did wrong, got afflicted, now I learned! All things being equal and our faults rid of, God surely moves, for He moves for “His name sake”, not ours. (Psalms 23:3). I think of that verse; “Faith which worketh by love” (Galatians 5:6), really come into play! Thanks

  41. Michael, thank God that you are seeing people being healed, that is encouraging to hear. Couple of things, why do you say that the person needing healing must have things right in their hearts… or make sure they have no unforgiveness? I am not meaning to be contrary, but where does Jesus, or any of his disciples, ask the person if they have any problems that have to be dealt with first? Should people in need of healing think they have to go through an audit of their problems, and be looking at their own righteousness, before they think the free gift can be given to them? I really thank you Michael for the first part of your message. Chris, Joseph Prince has a Praise Article section on his site which is very encouraging, where people give a short testimony of God’s healing grace. God bless you and your friend.

    • Ieanne, “where does Jesus, or any of his disciples, ask the person if they have any problems that have to be dealt with first?” James 5:16.
      Case in point, I just spoke to a believer the other day, and he was so frustrated that God had not healed him, he was even hoping he would just not wake up in the morning. He had heart trouble. But his real problem was “heart” trouble, not the one that pumps blood, but the one (our spirit) Jesus gave his blood to redeem! See, after he shared such hopelessness, he went on speaking evil of his neighbors boy friend who would come around and harass her. He wished horrid things for him! Really? I had to rebuke him and remind him of Gods love for such a one and to rather pray for him, hoping none such disasters he pronounced come upon him!
      So, he stood both to be rebuked and admonished to confess such faults. That, yes, he “may be healed”. For God could not do any great miracle in the presents of such “loveless” faith, for “faith worketh by love” , Galatians 5:6. Thanks

      • Thomas I don’t think you can take one scripture verse and make a doctrine of it. Jesus did not ask anyone if they had sin in their lives before He healed them. I believe the sin of the whole world was put on Jesus when John laid his hands on and baptised Jesus as the Lamb of God in the Jordan river. I reckon the woman with the issue of blood could have been a tad on the cranky side after spending all her money on quackery and getting physically worse, suffering for so long. She may well have had a few harsh thoughts regarding her past ‘healers’…I would have! According to the Law, she was ‘sinning’ by being near people..let alone touching someone, in her ‘unclean’ state… our wonderful Saviour Jesus, who is the perfect image of our Father, had only praise for her.
        I think you have good intentions regarding your friend, but don’t load him up with more burdens when he cannot bear the physical one he has. He is probably in such distress with his health condition, that he can’t think straight. Why not tell him the truth, that he is a dear beloved son of God and our Father loves him passionately. Bless the poor man and comfort him, his sins were all forgiven….sent away, onto our Blessed spotless Lamb of God. Paul (on this site) has a great post on taking Communion in regards to healing..maybe that would help.
        Sorry Thomas my brother, but if I was suffering physically I would not want you to visit me.

      • Very reasonable response, as it seems correct. But with that line of thought, James would be a no good visitor of the sick, as I just repeat what he said. It also goes along with Paul in 1 Corinthians 11, were he would also not be a good visitor, when he said “when we are judged we are chastened of the Lord”, right after mentioning sickness, verse 30. But the interesting part is the “self” correction, “if we judged ourselves, we wont be judged” (by examination verse 28, also 2 Corinthians 13:5 ) and “ confess your faults one to another that you may be healed”, very similar.
        No, your right, the woman with the issue of blood had faith and received, straight up, as Jesus had no judgement call, but concerning the man, in John 5:14, a bit different, as Jesus told him; “… sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee”, as worse things do happen and that is what Paul is saying in 1 Corinthians 11. But, hay, then you can say, that was old testament, does not apply”, really?, then you could not even apply the woman with “the issue of Blood” in your response. No, Jesus never changes, we agree on that, for how he handled one, he will handle all, as he is no respecter of person’s (Acts 10:34).
        Righteousness is something we do, just as “love is something we do”, a very apropos name for a book my missionary friend Bobby Burnett in Haiti called it and his experience’s there. For only those that do righteousness are righteous 1 John 3:7, as again James said; don’t be a hearer only, but a doer, other wise just deceiving yourself, James 1:22.
        As far as Blessing and comforting this poor man, Paul told Timothy concerning such that sin “rebuke before all, that others also may fear.” 1 Timothy 5:20. As we are to, “.. reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.” 2 Timothy 4:2. Thanks

      • Marjorie Keenan // November 14, 2017 at 9:45 am //

        The thing that concerns me about this whole picture is that there is obviously no conditions to receive healing or forgiveness as Jesus freely took both on His own body on the cross. He already healed us by His stripes. We just have to get hold of that and believe Him!!

      • Thomas I read the first 6 verses of Psalm 103 this morning, telling us what our wonderful God has done for us. He, Himself, has executed Righteousness and judgement on behalf of the oppressed, we are the beneficiaries of His finished work. It was done once, and for all time, bless God.
        Righteousness is a gift. Love is a fruit of God’s Spirit…we can’t do it, God produces it in our lives.
        Paul has 2 very enlightening posts on 1 Cor 11, have you had a look at them? He also has teaching on James. Bertie Brits has great teaching on James too. Amazing to see James in the light of Grace, and understand he was talking to Jewish believers who were being persecuted because they had left the Law system, and were tempted to go back to a few laws, and not suffer so much for believing in Jesus only.
        One interesting point on John 5:14… Jesus found this ‘healed man’ in the Temple….he wasn’t in the red light district or the gambling halls, but Jesus found him in the Temple. I have asked myself why Jesus would warn someone to ‘sin no more’ while they were in the Temple…where Scripture and the Law was being taught… but where Jesus, the Word, was despised.
        Thank God for His wonderful Grace, and may we know more and more every day how much He loves us. Glorious Grace of God.

      • Right Marjorie, it is done, no doubt! But, as far as conditions, there are obvious results of sin “he that sows to the flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption”. That’s physical, and that is what Jesus was warning the man found in the Temple, Ieanne. He cannot go against His own word, as David said, “Before I was afflicted I went astray”. The consequence’s (wages) of sin are the same today as they were then. This is what Paul was alluding to in 1 Corinthians 11. I think Jesus was being loving to him to warn him of impending (fleshly) doom. I knew personally a Preacher that could not stop his fleshly desire for younger women. He repeatedly sought his wife to forgive him (which she amazingly did), but got brain cancer and died not long after. Sure, it was just a coincidence (you would say), but sure sounds like a scriptural one! Did Jesus put it on him?, no, he dug his own grave (so to speak), as : “if we would judge ourselves we wont be judged” 1 Corin. 11:30,31. No, its merely sowing and reaping, something hyper grace does not hold much to. But dont get bothered because some believe this. Or, if you want, try and persuade me that I am taking scripture out of “context”. Who does this death thing? Satan, 1 Corin. 5:4,5, but God allows it! God goes to lengths, depths, heights for the saving of our Spirits! Thanks

      • Marjorie Keenan // November 17, 2017 at 2:35 pm //

        Hi Thomas, I don’t believe that God allows these things that are evil. When Adam and Eve were given authority to take dominion over the earth, they were deceived by Satan and forfeited that authority to him. Adam and Eve would never have known evil of any kind, no sickness, no sorrow or death. Satan then became the ruler of the earth and he is the authour of evil. There is no darkness in God. When Jesus died on the cross He redeemed us and gave us power and authority in His NAME. Once again it is up to us to use this authority and take dominion over this earth and everything in it. Jesus took sickness and sin on His own body and said now it is finished. I have done everything I can for mankind to live an abundant life. I tell you it is Satan who comes to kill, steal and destroy. Use my authority in my Name to resist him.
        Satan loves to see God blamed for the evil on earth as it causes separation between man and God. God says that He wants His will done on earth as it is in heaven. To me that doesn’t leave any room for evil on His part.
        It has occurred to me so much lately, that a lot of the conversations in the old testament were between none born again people whose spirits were still dead to the true knowledge of the kingdom of God and doctrines were built on their missunderstanding of God’s true nature. The Israelites wandering for 40 years were actually under grace and God met their needs unconditionally. They wanted to do things on their own without God, thus the law was instituted. Then everything became conditional. Jesus ushered grace back in and grace is not based on what we do, it is based on what He did.

      • Marjorie, Grace occurs 20 times in the NKJV OT, usually in the sense of “favor.” The first usage, was,
        “But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord” (Gen 6:8). I know the law came by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus, but Jesus was there showing it to many, as nothing can stop the Lord, not even the law. But, here’s the thing, we can surely resist the devil in the name of Jesus (Joshua) but part of resisting is not to be in the devils grip of sin. Paul is speaking to a believer (if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator (just as I described that preacher), or covetous, or an idolator, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner;…verse 11 of 1 Corin. 5:5) . He is speaking to the church; “For what have I to do to judge them also that are without? do not you judge them that are within?” verse 12. This is why Paul told Timothy, those “that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear”. 1 Timothy 5:20. For if they do not judge themselves (1 Corinthians 11:31,32), it is the power and authority for others to judge, “…Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person.” 1 Corinthians 5: 13.
        This is taking away any protection they had in the church, so that satan can work over his flesh. I know you think Apostle Paul has missed it, but be assured, he has not.

      • Marjorie Keenan // November 18, 2017 at 5:53 pm //

        I don’t think Paul missed it. I think he is badly misinterpreted. Those who want to live in bondage to judgement are free to do so. I live according to grace and the leading of Holy Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

      • Marjorie Keenan // November 19, 2017 at 6:25 am //

        God gave man free will. If man chooses to sin, his sin will have consequences, but the punishment will not be from God. God knew our issue with sin and that is why He sent Jesus to rescue us. He knew we couldn’t conquer it on our own.
        I think that this obsession that many Christians have is because they don’t understand God’s forgiveness and what Jesus really accomplished on the cross. It is man who is angry and wants to get revenge. People love to categorize and judge sin. Sin is sin! If you know any other perfect person, other than Jesus, well I don’t! Does this mean God can’t or won’t keep His promises to anyone then?
        Paul had to deal with that man because his sin was affecting others in the church. He was already in Satan’s hands by the lifestyle he was leading. Until he was willing to acknowledge what he was doing, nobody could help him. When he had time to think about it and will to change, they were to open their arms to him just as Jesus would. In the meantime we can pray for deceived people and rebuke the demonic spirits that hold them in bondage. God does not shut out people who sin or refuse them His love and acceptance. He says He will never leave us or forsake us. Read Paul Ellis’s post on the “I Wills”.

      • Marjorie Keenan // November 19, 2017 at 6:29 am //

        It is FAITH that pleases God and faith that receives from God!

      • When we look into the Word we can feel accused, then guilty and condemned. That’s why we need to be skilled in the word of righteousness. If we are mature and skilled in righteousness we will “wash our hands and feet” and keep moving forward towards our Father.

        The Word is like a mirror, showing us ourselves . . . when we see our faults we must acknowledge the reality of sin does not make us a sinner. We are righteous in Jesus, so that while we may exhibit some of the characteristics of our previous identities we are not to accept that sin changes our true identity as son of God.

        Jesus advised, “Agree with your accuser while you’re on the way to the judge, lest you arrive and are condemned”. This is not some pragmatic advice for avoiding negative consequences in some earthly court, this is purely spiritual advice against self-justification and self-righteousness. We must acknowledge that our sins do not define our identity, faith in Jesus’ righteousness makes all things new.
        This doesn’t mean we are to ignore the work of sanctification, but we don’t continue its work to become righteous, we continue to put off our old ways because we are righteous.
        Sanctification began with Jesus love towards us, and we can only continue while we are secure in that love.
        As we walk closer to the light we will see things that we didn’t previously see, our response must be, “even this Father, thank you for your love towards me that has washed me white as snow”.

        The prayer of Faith is the prayer that acknowledges our relationship because of Jesus. This relationship is greater than the relationship that requires bad things happen to those who do bad.

      • Marjorie, “Bondage to judgment”? Its actually freedom from judgment, as the Spirit leads (as it lead Paul) to expose sin, as this is how the Church operated in first century. It is easy to just say its “badly interpreted”, but it is clear that sin did get into the first century church as it has in our day, and this is how to handle it. Paul said in Romans 8:1 that “there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus”, sure!, but said the whole purpose of Gods chastening hand for us was so that, ”..we (us that believe, the church) should not be condemned with the world.” 1 Corinthians 11:32.
        So, if I have badly misinterpreted, just what could he mean and how is it that so many other scripture confirm it?
        Actually, to not do this, that would be bondage for the one tangled in sin. Sin is always associated with leaven, from the old testament times, as Paul mentioned it in the separating the one living in sin, “Purge out therefore the old leaven, that you may be a new lump, as you are unleavened. For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us.” In 1 Corinthians 5:7 This is how even God dealt with sin in the camp of the church in the wilderness.

      • 2 Timothy 2:15 “study to show yourself approved” Be diligent; do the work of; understanding that you are approved before God, not ashamed as the enemy would have you believe; understand by the Spirit and not by the dead letter of the word.

        1 Corinthians 11:27-31 “examine yourself before communion” Judge; consider; understand that you are clean and righteous because of Jesus sacrifice. If you think you stand blameless for any other reason you will soon suffer the highest levels of guilt and self condemnation, and you will not avail yourself of benefits of Jesus victory over the curse of sin and death. This is the whole end game of Satan.

        2 Corinthians 13:5 “test yourself” Understand that you don’t stand as a son by yourself, you stand because you are in Christ and Christ is in you.

        Galatians 6:4 “examine your work” with the log of judgement in your eye you cannot see anything.

        1 john 3:19-21 Our conscience is not the Holy Spirit, to know the difference will change your life. If your conscience condemns you God is greater than your conscience.

        The Devils grip is condemnation not sin. Satan goes about like a roaring lion, impersonating an angry God, seeing who he can deceive. Adam could have ran to God and his everlasting and abundant Grace, it is always there. Adam was deceived into misunderstanding the true nature of God and therefore his true relationship to God. Jesus came to demonstrate what has always been true.
        Faith is the knowledge of relationship, our response to the relationship are our works of Faith.

      • Marjorie Keenan // November 20, 2017 at 12:05 am //

        Amen! You got it right on brother!

  42. Ahh, Jairus was certain Jesus “could”. The woman with the issue of blood was certain Jesus “could”. As for me it’s not whether or he can but “if” he will. All the scripture I know of says “yes” he will but when the healing does not manifest I then question what I have done wrong. If also leaves room to wonder if I am just fooling myself. I know this is common, it’s not so much “if” he can as much as if he will or even when.

    • The next choice is that He already did–at the cross!! He took our sickness on His own body on the tree and we don’t have to bear it. By His stripes we are healed! So it is no longer a case of if He wants to or if He will. He did. I always tell myself that I am not sick and getting healed but I am healed and the devil is making me sick. Just as we were forgiven, we were healed in our bodies at Calvary! Faith will kick in as we speak the word and renew our minds to what God says. Bless you John.

      • I was thinking along those lines dear Marjorie but my mind cannot grasp it. “Say I’m healed even though I feel the pain” That’s a tough one to mentally deal with. I’m not in the eword as much as I should be, maybe that is the problem. I get to much of the worlds dirt on me and not enough washing of the word to clean my mind.

      • Dearest John, don’t be so hard on yourself. We all need revelation of these things. The devil has tried to kill me three times since I became a Christian. I panicked and got discouraged and mad at God too. I always believed healing was His will, but began to question just as others on this site. As I cried out to God for understanding, He would always show me something that I could hang onto to connect with Him. My faith would kick in and I am still alive. Believing what God says over what doctors report is the tough part, but the things that are impossible for man, are POSSIBLE with God. The Bible says we can choose life or choose death. I choose life. I started to visualize my sickness on Jesus on the cross. In my mind I would transfer it from my body to His. We have to learn that God is not a man that He would lie to us. All of His promises are yes and amen. Satn will lie to us. He will try to persuade us that God will not come through. Each time I spoke a healing Scripture over myself, I would visualize little legs on the words, running to do God’s will. Now when I speak the word, I visualize atom bombs going off in the supernatural realm and demons fleeing for their lives. Jesus defeated the enemy with the written word. It is powerful. Rebuke the symptoms, rebuke the pain, i n the name of JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH and quote Scripture over your situation. When we resist the devil he must flee.

      • Thank you Marjorie. Just hearing from you is a blessing. I have two tendons seperated in my right shoulder and now left is giving me all kinds of pain with only partial use because of the pain. I cannot glorify God in my work with this. I’m trying to hold on to something. The promises, blessing and protection of the righteous are mine in Christ, thanking him for the healing that is not yet evident, it’s very discouraging. I know the Lord can do it, no doubts on that at all, it ‘s a matter of feeling it. Thanks for remembering me in your prayers and you are in mine.

      • Marjorie Keenan // November 11, 2017 at 3:05 am //

        Thanks John. I would strongly suggest that you read a book called “Simplicity of Healing” by Sandra Kennedy. It really helped me and some of my friends. Available on Amazon. God Bless!

      • John, Marjorie is speaking of the same confidence the Shunamite woman had, as she said; “It is well, it is well” in 2 Kings 4:8-37. This is faith, assurance that no matter what happens. How could she have said “It is well” when it wasn’t ? Her only son had just died in her arms, yet she spoke not a word about it. “It is well, it is well” were the only words she said as she ran to the prophet Elisha. So, we run to Jesus saying; I am healed, I am healed!

      • Marjorie Keenan // November 18, 2017 at 1:05 pm //

        This was before Jesus died on the cross and took sickness on His own body and said by my stripes you are healed.

      • Right, but I was sharing the great “confession of faith” she had, as we are saved (spirit, soul and body) by our confession Romans 10:9,10. As these things (old testament) are written for our admonition, 1 Corinthians 10:11. Truly Jesus is greater than Elisha. But, its about types we should aspire to.

      • Marjorie Keenan // November 19, 2017 at 6:53 am //

        That is it Thomas–by our confession! If you do not know that God’s will for you is always to be healed or is always for success, then what are you confessing? If you don’t truly know who you are in Christ, then what are you confessing? I can almost always tell when I pray for someone whether or not they will receive healing. First of all by what they say and secondly by their unsure attitude about God’s will for them. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.
        Satan is a liar and a deceiver and if he can keep you in doubt and confusion, he will convince you that God will not keep His promises to you.
        I have been healed many, many times and three times from death and I can only attribute that to quoting the healing Scriptures and believing that God means what He says. It is His will to heal me and by the stripes of Jesus I am healed. Faith is believing that what God says is true–no ands, ifs or buts! God wants you well and healing will never be witheld by Him. Jesus finushed it on the cross.
        Ask Holy Spirit to lead you into all truth. He will withhold no knowledge from us. Most important of all be baptized in the Holy Spirit!

    • Andrew Wommack nearly lost his son to death, but on hearing the report decided that he would praise God regardless of what he saw when he came to the dead body. His son came back to life. In the same way, his books really free you to feel the feelings of normal human reaction but yet have a praise for God in your heart and mouth.

      The truth is God wants us to draw on that promise that as He is so are we in this world. If we get better or not, we can praise him, by knowing how good and true he is in these matters. And if you’re inclined, how good and true he is period. Something I’m so eager to explore.

      • I admit God, as the Creator, is worthy of all praise and awe. I have a problem, maybe in my understanding, of a promise God made that is claimed and then never seen. How do you thank and praise someone for not doing what they promised? Speak what you want to see, I get it but when all is done and said healing, like salvation, is not dependant on what I do but on what He has already done.

      • The gospel of grace says you need faith and God will provide it.

      • You’re right on John.

      • Amen, sonofGod, God will provide the faith we need as we rest in Him.

    • John there is a Pastor called Dan Downey, he has a site called Savedhealed on the internet. He has some great encouraging things to say regarding healing. He shares his healing testimony, and others share their testimonies as well. It has been a blessing to me on many occasions. One of his articles is called, ‘ Discouragement, reject it’ I can recommend this site, it is like Pauls….. it is there to be a blessing and encouragement. God bless you John, we are all on this journey, having our minds changed bit by bit to see a loving caring Father God..and understanding more of what Jesus has purchased for us.

      • Well said Leanne. On the journey we learn. Thankyou for the advice, I’ll check it out. Thank you to Paul Ellis as well for establishing this site, a tremdous blessing in itself.

  43. I just received this email fro Sid Roth and would like to share with you:
    Sid Roth Personalizes (Hebrews 11:1):

    My faith is my assurance (title deed, confirmation) of the things I hope for (divinely guaranteed ) and the evidence of things I cannot see (the conviction of their reality — faith comprehends as fact, what cannot be experienced by my physical senses).

  44. So, I just found out that my SIL’s cancer is back and in her liver. So that makes this post seem so relevant to our family right now. My family comes from a Baptist background, my husband FourSquare. I came in not really thinking God healed much, my husband came in being told that if someone wasn’t healed it was because they ‘didn’t have enough faith’ Now I am becoming more open to God and wanting to walk in God’s Spirit, and I think that means that we will speak the truth in love, pray in faith for healing, etc.

    First, would you please pray for my SIL? Second, do you know of any books I could read on the subject that are not wishy washy, but solid? Thank you!!!

    • Marjorie Keenan // November 16, 2017 at 4:20 pm // Reply

      I read an awesome book called SIMPLICITY OF HEALING by Dr. Sandra Kennedy. I am sure it would give you the answers you need. God bless! Available on Amazon.

  45. Thomas, did you accept Jesus after you confessed every sin, and then you knew you were in an acceptable condition so that Jesus was obliged to save you? That is Old Covenant Law mentality…or did you just throw yourself upon God’s Grace, New Covenant mentality? As we have received Christ Jesus, that’s how we continue to walk in Him…( Paul told the Colossian believers.) If we could make ourselves ‘right’ by good living and confession, then why did Jesus have to die on our behalf…He took the Law of ordinances that was against us, our wages of sin and abolished it in His own Body on the Cross, and glory to God, when we were justified, God raised Jesus from the dead. Sin and death have been defeated, God will never judge anyone on the basis of how well they can live regarding the Law. You seem to be implying that what Satan and Adam did ( they were created by God!) is greater than what God, in Jesus, has done…

    Regarding the preacher who died of brain cancer, seemingly because of his failure to sow properly, what do you say of the many who have done the same thing, and yet live to a fine old age and do quite well?! Jesus does not change, He welcomed all who could not achieve in their own right…they flocked to Him.
    I am aware that this post is about the ‘prayer of faith’. Maybe Thomas, you could find someone to pray the prayer of faith over your sick friend, or find someone who would lay hands on him and pray. Maybe buy him the book that Marjorie has suggested recently. Most of all I hope you would tell him he has a Father who loves him and doesn’t judge him, the illness is not some punishment from God, Jesus took his/our judgement.

    • Marjorie Keenan // November 18, 2017 at 1:09 pm // Reply

      Amen Leanne! My people perish for lack of knowledge. I thank the Lord that knowledge is being revealed on this site.

    • Good word, but seems you are saying anything goes. Yet Paul said “Awake to righteousness and sin not”, I Corinthians 15:34, why, if the law is no longer, how and why would he speak so against sin?. And “My people perish for lack of knowledge”? Really? Seems harsh. Does that Mean I perish, some how, because I lack knowledge?
      My implying what Adam and satan is some how greater than what God has done, how did you get that? I missed something, sorry. Satan is still our adversary! But, PTL Jesus is our advocate (defense lawyer)
      To inquire if I accept Jesus after I confessed every sin would be untrue, as we are forgiven 1 John 2:2, just as we are healed 1 Peter 2:24. But, again, why, why does Paul and John speak about it the way they do? I would like to hear that response. Thanks

      • momzilla76 // November 21, 2017 at 1:34 am //

        Thomas Howard- Regarding the preacher you think got brain cancer as punishment for his inability to stop sinning. The concept that God gives sinning Christians bad things to punish, aka “teach” them, sounds very gratifying to our flesh because the naughty kids get what’s coming to them. However in observing the Christian community for around 20 years I confidently say that concept is really all flesh and not of God. I have seen far too many holy, upstanding believers suffer and die a slow death while comparatively young while the big sinners, unrepentant at that, live to a ripe old age and die comfortably and quickly. God has missed many sinners while allowing His faithful children to go out in horrible ways.

  46. Thank you all for taking the time to explain things. “Where the spirit of the Lord is there is liberty.” Very much so.

  47. Thomas, to get back to your rebuking your desperately ill friend and telling him that God could work no healing miracle for him, because he wished his neighbor’s abusive boyfriend some ill will. Has anything that anyone has written caused you to have a change of heart in this regard? I hope someone tells your friend how forgiven he is, how loved and accepted he is by Jesus his Saviour, and God his Father. Why not buy him the book Marjorie has spoken of.

  48. What prayer to do?is just living a prayer? Prayer is words or being?what prayer for a family man? Serving is prayer?

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