Walk like a King, Talk like a King

True kings rule. They draw lines in the sand and say, “This far and no further.” They protect and bless those around them and take ownership of other people’s problems.

Jesus is a prime example. He didn’t have to leave the comforts of heaven and die for us but he did. This was a noble and kingly act. Seeing our sorry state he said, “I am going to come and tread upon their problem even if it kills me.”

The heart of this Great King beats in your heart. His Spirit is one with your spirit.

Jesus didn’t hang up his crown after ascending to heaven. He plans to reign until all his enemies have been defeated. Through your union with Christ, you are destined to reign.

For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ. (Romans 5:17)

Adam’s failure to be a king condemned the human race. His sin opened the door to death, disease, defeat, discouragement, and disappointment. But we who were victims of Adam’s disobedience have become victorious through Christ’s obedience.

There is a new king in town and his name is Grace.

Under Adam death reigned, but under Grace we reign. At least, that’s the plan. In truth, not every Christian does reign. Many are racked with guilt and tortured by condemnation. They struggle with sin and live in anxiety. Problems assail them from every side and they are unsuccessful in much of what they do. Although Christ has provided all we need for the abundant life of royalty, they are not enjoying it. They are the paupers in the palace.

Why do some live like this?

This isn’t rocket science. If there is little evidence of the grace of God in your life that doesn’t mean God is tightfisted. It means you have not yet received from his abundant supply. The incalculable riches of grace have been deposited into your account but you have not made any withdrawals.

I don’t say this to criticize anyone or to belittle your faith, but to recognize that most of us have been raised in a culture of unbelief.

We are constantly hearing that God has not provided all we need to rule and reign. We are told that there are things we must do to make that happen. This faithless message is loudest in the church that does not walk in grace.

Ironically, this is exactly the sort of church where you will often hear that you must live by faith, pray with faith, and walk by faith, as if talking about faith had the power to magically make things happen. The trouble is nothing ever does happen and when that happens you’ll be told you didn’t have enough faith. “You gotta have more faith and here is a list of things you have to do to get it.”

Walking by faith is walking in grace. There is no difference. Want to walk by faith? Then learn how to walk in his grace. Learn to receive what he has already provided.

One way to do that is to stop begging God to act, and start thanking him for what he’s done. Another way is to stop voicing your doubts and start speaking his word. Yet another way is to get your eyes off yourself and fix them on Jesus.

The princes of this world walk and talk the language of fear and insecurity, but the kings of the kingdom walk and talk like Jesus. They are constantly acknowledging and praising God for all he has done, because they understand that gratitude is the language of faith.

Even when their lives are going down the toilet, true kings continue praising God. They don’t do this to escape from an objectionable reality, but as an act of defiance. Like Paul singing in the prison, they refuse to believe that all they see is all there is.

In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. (1 Thess 5:18)

Are you going through tough times? Are you the victim of injustice? Are you being hammered by sickness and oppression? Rise up in your kingly identity and lift up the Name of him who is above all names.

Perhaps you are sitting there wondering what God’s plan is for your situation. It’s very simple: His plan is for you to rule in his Name, so rule!

Don’t judge the circumstances with your own understanding, but lean on the Lord. He has you in his strong right hand and he will never let you go. With your faith assured, let the words that come from your mouth speak to his superior reality.

King down upon your circumstances, then watch as they bend under the weight of his glory!


Other articles on Royalty.

Escape to Reality exists thanks to our readers.

23 Comments on Walk like a King, Talk like a King

  1. Thanks so much for this.

  2. Nice one Paul, this series is looking good. This kingliness is an aspect of Christ’s caractor I do love! The fact that he walks in grace, but yet with an amazing strength of authority and power, all out of the pure motive of his unchanging and unselfish love! The fact that he says we can be like him is an amazing gift that exites my heart! But also the beautiful thing that really sets our hearts free is the truth that becoming like Christ is a promise to everyone of us that HE promises to work in us and fulfil in us as we simple rest in what he has done for us once for all time, and walk in him knowing who he is and will alway be for us.

    I have a quick question though, when you say “King down upon your circumstances, then watch as they bend under the weight of his glory!” would you give me an example of this in action? Like what it looks like to king down upon your circumstances?

    Thanks again.

  3. I enjoyed this article. God bless you sir.

  4. Faith without works is dead. Yes, we have every blessing, but we must manifest them, we must do the good works that God has prepared in advance that we should walk in them. Just talking doesnt do much. It may convince you, and that is good, but now you gotta walk it out.
    Get after it!

    • The problem with preaching works is it doesn’t produce good works. Good fruit and works prepared by God are manifested by God’s life through our oneness with Him. A tree produces good fruit when it is getting the nutrients it needs. It’s about being connected to the Source.

  5. Jenny L Beauchamp // November 14, 2019 at 5:57 am // Reply

    Absolutely awesome and true! Thanks Paul. God’s abundant blessings on you and yours for being His vessel. I appreciate you, and I believe when we thank/praise each other, we are praising God! when I read Andrew Wommack’s book “A Better Way To Pray”, God opened my eyes to much of what you have shared. I try to read that little paperback at least once a year. We are truly Blessed! In Him, Jenny

  6. Hi Paul! Do you remember me? Judy Fake from USA. We collaborated on a few of your books! 🙂 Thanks so much for this article. It really stirred my heart. I go to a ‘Word of Faith’ church and it’s all about OUR faith. (The only reason I still go there is because my husband is on the board). I needed this reminder that “walking by faith is walking in grace.” This article really blessed me. Thanks so much and I hope you and your family are doing well! Hugs and blessings, Judy

    • Hi Judy, Yes, I remember you. Lovely to hear from you. I’m glad you enjoyed the article.

    • Dear Judy… how much I agree with you about ‘Word of Faith’ teaching. I’m very grateful to have been taught Faith principles but never quite understood why I had to work so hard to obtain even a ‘mustard seed’ size of faith?! Then I started reading E2R and recently re-listened to Andrew Womack’s teaching ‘You’ve Already Got It, So Stop Trying To Get It!’ and the relief is palpable everyday! How true Paul’s words are in this blog:
      “Ironically, this is exactly the sort of church where you will often hear that you must live by faith, pray with faith, and walk by faith, as if talking about faith had the power to magically make things happen”.

      • Hello Ian. I just now saw your post. Thanks for commenting. Yes, to me, the ‘Word of Faith’ movement is all about us and what we must do to make God move. It can be very frustrating. And if things aren’t working out, it’s all our fault and we must examine ourselves to see where the problem is. It’s almost like we have to conjure up something in our own power to make things happen. That’s why I love the Gospel of Grace message. It gets our focus off of us and onto Christ and when He accomplished for us. Happy New Year to you! 🙂

  7. This is really what it’s all about, is it not? Our identity. What is “lost”, but the state of not being able to find home – where you belong and know who you are. Humanity’s illness is that we don’t know who our Father is. Listen to the words of Jesus and you’ll hear him try to tell us who we are and how much we are loved by his Father. This holy trinity, this beautify fellowship decided long ago to open itself up to be shared. Our belonging, our being chosen, our kingship is a product of the unbreakable relationship between the Father and Son. Our works are not part of the equation. Christ was always the chosen one, since before the creation of the world. And we were always meant to be united with him. I often think that when the timeline for humanity arrived at the cross, we simple finally got to where God started from – the lamb slain before the foundation of the world. When we recognize our identity is wrapped up in Christ, the loved and cherished Son of God, we begin to discover our rightful standing in the Kingdom. Preach on, brother Paul. This is good stuff!

    • I don’t know if I would call being dead in sin an illness, but yes. We are truly lost apart from Jesus.

    • Awesome article! As many others written by you, Sir Paul Ellis, thank you! This is a blessing as all your blog! Obedience is to agree with what Jesus said, we are children of God, we are complete in Him, to reign in life through Him, blessed, healed, conquerors, not just survivors, with Him who never leave us, who loves us, who gives us strength, Hallelujah! The Word (Jesus) is near us, in us, we have Him in heart, in mind and in mouth, to speak what He says, as He teached us, and the Father does the work, this is the language of His family! Praise the Lord! May all of us know our identity in Christ, use our authority which He gave us, be His ambassadors, for His Glory! God bless you all! Hallelujah!

  8. Anthony Ford // November 14, 2019 at 9:16 pm // Reply

    Paul this is a most encouraging and excellent message let us all Praise God for what he has done, given and sacrificed for us all his SON, IT IS FINISHED!!! PRAISE LORD!

  9. Kings, Yes and Queens, we are made new in his love and mercy to be gvien new life in his Spirit and Truth

    Yet in humility, not in pride over having this gift given us, nor quilt anymore, fro all sin by Son in Father’s view is taken out of the way, all done in Son’s one time death of flesh and blood for us to take that on and walk new in Spirit and Truth alone

    Me: still learning this truth as Father himself does the teaching, not me or another.
    Yet learn much off others

    Psalms 82 tells us we are God’s, under the one and only true God, Father of risen Son where the new life has begun

    So, how many of us have finalized the cross? For at the cross in Son’s one time willing death, God Father himself gave all reconciliatiomn to himself through that one sacrifice

    Col 1:21-23, 1Cor 2:16-20, So be reconciled and ask Father to reveal the whole truth to us each

    Yes I am a King. yet I am in humility, not to think I am better than anyone else. 2Cor 12:7-10

    Thanks fro these reminders to me to stand in belief, (faith) to be led in and not anymore of me that tends to get in the way

  10. Daniel Meier // November 18, 2019 at 8:16 pm // Reply

    Hallo Paul, durch Deine Bücher (in Deutsch) bekam meine Frau und ich die Bestätigung, was Gnade und Freiheit wirklich ist. Auch die Artikel im Plog geben immer wieder Anstoss zum „Regieren“. Darf ich Dich fragen, ob noch weitere Bücher in Deutsch bestellt werden können? Möchte diese Botschaften gerne an Dritte weiter. Danke für eine kurze Rückmeldung. Wir danken, dass Gott uns gesegnet hat.

  11. “Gratitude is the language of faith.”

    This one phrase overturns volumes of legal teaching and “grind-it-out” theology.

    Thank you. If I was ever to get a tattoo, this might be it.

  12. Faith and Grace are inseparable that is so clearly true in Scripture. It’s not faith in our faith but Faith in His Faith and Finished Work. It’s Faith in the truth that God accepted the complete work of His Son. A culture of unbelief is prevalent but also is prevalent is this idea of hyper control. That sovereignty of God means God is controlling and ordaining every single facet of life. Religion creates more problems and creates victims and not overcoming victors! Good word, let’s walk in who we are in Him and possess all He purchased for us

    • “Faith in His Faith” – brilliant! I had been a Christian for over 30 years before this revelation started to hit me… and is still hitting me daily, and I do believe its by revelation. The Scriptures scream this truth (He is the ‘author and finisher’ after all), but I didn’t see it for all this time and certainly I am STILL learning to ‘rest’ in it…. I still wonder why it took me so long?

    • Faith in his (God’s) faith in us
      That caught my eye
      This reminded me that God trusts us not to deny him
      Just as he said about Job would not deny him
      Even whenever going through troubles here
      Amazing to stand in trust
      I will get through it all in trust to God, Father and Son for us
      I truly never know how
      Yet God always gets us through, this I have seen over and over again especially in adversity
      John 16:33

  13. thank you for the re-enforcement and encouragement – praise HIM

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