How to Rule and Reign Here and Now

Do you know that in Christ you are royal?

Most Christians do not know they are kings. They think that are going to be kings – one day, maybe, after Jesus returns – but they do not know that Jesus has empowered them to rule and reign here and now.

“One day I will be crowned but for now I am merely a humble servant in the courts of the Lord.”

Why are you standing out in the courts when you could be seated in the throne room?

This sort of servant talk appeals to our religious pride but it is an abdication of our true calling. We are meant to be priest-kings who rule in the Name of the Great King.

“But I don’t know what a priest-king looks like. I have never heard of one before.”

To the scriptures, Batman!

Did you know the first priest mentioned in the Bible was also a king? It was Melchizedek, “king of Salem and priest of God Most High” (Heb. 7:1).

And what kind of king is Jesus? He is a priest-king, in the order of Melchizedek (Heb. 5:6). In other words, Jesus wears two hats. He is a priest who serves and a king who rules.

You wear two hats

A servant’s heart is appropriate for a priest, but a priest who is not also a king will be powerless to deal with giant-sized problems. A crownless priest will present an emasculated image of Christ. His gospel will be weak and his kingdom will be nothing but talk.

Jesus is the servant-hearted king who served by subduing the enemy. His disciples did the same and as we allow him to express his kingly life through us so will we.

Perhaps you are a bit awed by all this talk of slaying giants and healing the sick. Perhaps you are worried that you may fail the king test and leave the sword in the stone.

Don’t panic.

If you run instead of rule God won’t reject you. Even David ran.

In truth, there will be times when ruling seems a most unreasonable thing to do. It’s not an easy thing to believe for healing when three doctors and two specialists have given you a negative report. And the sight of wheelchairs at the altar call may tempt even experienced ministers to turn away and look for softer targets.

We celebrate David’s heroics but no one would have thought ill of him if he had fled from the lion, the bear, and the giant. Indeed, he would have been applauded for doing the smart thing.

“Why fight a lion over a few dumb sheep? David, you could have died!”

Run from your lion or bear and no one will think the less of you. You will appear to be a sensible, lion-avoiding person, and God will still love you.

But here’s the thing. Why would you want to?

If your child is sick or your spouse is being attacked by depression, why would you choose to do nothing?

Why walk when you can fly?

The point is not that you have to be a king but that you get to be a king.

The same Spirit that enabled David to slay lions and giants empowers you to rule and reign. You have options the unbeliever lacks. You have the Holy Spirit. Given this phenomenal advantage, why would you choose to act like a mere man or woman?

It makes as much sense as Superman riding the bus.

And now for a story.

Once upon a time there were two men whose families were attacked by bandits. The first man tore his clothes, sat down in the ash heap, and threw himself a pity party. But the other man encouraged himself in the Lord, then hunted down and subdued his enemies.

Guess which of these two men went on to become Israel’s greatest king?

Job was a superstitious, sacrifice-bringing navel gazer, but David was a priest-king and a man after God’s own heart.

In Christ, you are too.


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12 Comments on How to Rule and Reign Here and Now

  1. So encouraging!

  2. Elizabeth Ferguson // August 20, 2020 at 2:51 am // Reply

    This is so amazing and encouraging. Many thanks!

  3. You always make me laugh out loud. I love the combination of truth and humor. Just like Jesus in ‘The Chosen’, the episode where He is teaching people on the shore and He asks Peter if He can step into his boat so that the people on the shore can hear Him more clearly. Peter permits it reluctantly. After the people confirm that they can hear Him, Jesus thanks Peter and says: “Trust me, My yelling voice is not easy on the ears”. LOL! What a light hearted way to bring a powerful truth! 🙂 I bet Jesus really had this kind of humorous interactions with His disciples, and I see you are taking after Him! 😉

  4. 1 John 5:12(Authorized (King James) Version) He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. Whether one rules or not, is a King here on earth or not

    John 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.
    In Context| Full Chapter| Other Translations

    John 5:30 I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.

    Yes we are made new as Kings, yet willingly listen to Father’s instructions over situations, ane either do or not do as led to do or not.
    Me in process, learning this truth given me from Father and Son to do or not do. Pride and Guilt are the two tools of the enemies of God that are left to cause us to not be in unison with God. Thank you Jesus for doing what is done for us to walk new in beleif to you are risen for us to walk new in beleif to your done work for us all Romans 1:16-17

    Human Flesh is Dead, as Father sees this as is. Time to believe and just be new and not take it for granted, only Father knows who is who and what is what, Good not to be in any fear. For perfect Love casts out all fear

  5. I understand that as priest-kings, we now have everything we need to live like Jesus. “…As He [Jesus] is so also are we in this world” (1 Jn 4:17, ESV). Did I get this right?

  6. I heard David Wagner say that . . . “It may be true, but it’s not truth”.
    The doctors scans can say one thing but it does not line up with our Father’s truth.
    So good!

  7. Peter Wilson // August 21, 2020 at 2:47 am // Reply

    Thank you Paul for such an empowering, authoritative, word based message!

    We can no longer afford to leave the throne empty—needs must!

    ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 👌👍😊

  8. Regarding Dr. Ellis’s article on how to rule/reign as kings, I would add that a spirit of HUMILITY, MEEKNESS, and GRATITUDE is needed in a Christian’s role as kings. We must remember that everything we are, all that we do, and all that we have (our abilities, opportunities, spiritual gifts, and even our lives all come to us by God’s grace! We did not earn anything or deserve anything, but we were given it totally because of God’s amazing grace! We are sons/daughters of the King, and that is our TRUE IDENTITY after Jesus saves us. Our functional roles, however, consist of being ambassadors, kings, priests, and servants to God in whatever capacity He desires to put us.
    It is interesting that the N.T. writers like Paul (Phil 1:1); James 1:1; Peter (2 Pet 1:1); Jude 1:1; and John in Rev 1:1 all refer to their roles as bond servants (slaves) of Jesus, not as kings. We are God’s children, and by His grace alone, we are heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus, “if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together” Rom 8:17. However, Paul also added “that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us” Rom 8:18. Even as earthly kings we do suffer from cancer, illnesses,
    pandemics, persecution, and natural disasters, but God’s grace is sufficient, that in our weakness and in our humility, the power of Jesus may dwell in us. (2 Cor 12:9).

  9. I love your being articles, which is your norm, as Grace is and should be taught. This article seems as if a substitute Paul hijacked your laptop, or you had a few too many high-caffeine cappuccinos. Choose to do nothing??? Yikes! How about, choose Grace and dependence on Christ in us!
    Centurion “GranDan”

  10. Jacob Dunbar // August 24, 2020 at 11:01 pm // Reply

    Thank you so much! This is a very inspiring word! I am so excited to see the body of Christ step into this. I believe that many are receiving the abundance of grace and free gift of righteousness and starting to reign in life and stand up to the enemy’s attacks! Blessings

  11. Just re-read this article during this period of time marked by COVID (which I think we all agree is the latest attack from the one who seeks to ‘kill, steal and destroy’) and it’s soooooo refreshing to be reminded of who we REALLY are IN CHRIST!

    Thank you Dr Ellis once again for ‘shouting’ at me The Truth of the matter (and ignoring the fact) and re-energizing His Spirit in me!

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