E2R Turns 13 and It’s Time for a Change

I used to write about grace and nothing but grace.

When I started writing Escape to Reality 13 years ago, I wrote about forgiveness and the unconditional love of God and how the cross changed everything. I wrote about eternal security and eternal rewards, healing and holiness, repentance and righteousness.

But over the years, I began delving into other topics.

In 2012, I warned against the dangers of inclusionism. In 2015, I began writing about eschatology, the rapture and the great tribulation. In 2018, my theme was marriage and divorce, and women in ministry. Last week I wrote about artificial intelligence.

Any time I have branched out, there has been a small chorus of voices saying, “Paul, I wish you’d stick to grace.”

I get that.

You may like what I write about grace but you may not like what I write about ______ (insert your topic).

Maybe you’ve become a little wary. You think, is this article going to be about grace or has Paul gone off fighting another one of his crusades?

Fear not. It’s time for a change. I’m returning to my roots.

I recently started a weekly “Word of Grace” newsletter that is pure grace and always will be. It’s a short word to encourage you and strengthen your faith. This grace-only newsletter comes from The Grace Commentary and you can see the past four articles here.

Escape to Reality will continue as normal, meaning I will write about whatever the Lord lays on my heart or whatever takes my fancy. I like to think that everything I write here is infused with sweet grace and I want to thank those of you who follow me down my various rabbit trails.

Artificial intelligence? What was he thinking?!

But if you would prefer a simpler diet of gracious exhortation accompanied by timely reminders of God’s great love, then head over to the Grace Commentary and sign up for my weekly Word of Grace.

Grace and peace,

PS: I should add that you do not have to choose and you can subscribe to both Escape to Reality and the Grace Commentary and that both are free and always will be.

40 Comments on E2R Turns 13 and It’s Time for a Change

  1. I think it’s really great that you write as you feel led Paul. There are writers that stay “in their lane/topic” to such a degree that the entire Bible, in their view, seems to only be about their topic.. every scripture is seen through their singularly refracted heart lens. I think that’s unwise and can be very unhealthy. It’s wonderful that they have a message for the world, and if they follow His leading, can they go wrong?

    There’s still “the whole counsel of God” as Paul’s many varied topics clearly showed us.. without stepping off into the abyss trying to “balance” law and grace. Yes! As you said, “infused” and from that solid foundation.

    • Thank you, Shannon. Yes, I guess I’m one of those drivers who has difficulty stay in their lane, or even on the road sometimes! I’ve never aspired to be a master of one thing. The Bible is full of too many treasures and I want to see them all.

  2. You have blessed me so so much with your commentary. Every time I see an email from the Grace Commentary I rejoice! Thank You!

  3. 13 years – well done and thank you!

  4. Jesus has used you and your site to help me grow. Jesus is grace, Paul is grace. I want the change in growth from you so continue to go to other areas and I will follow. Milk to meat is a good thing! I don’t see any E2R tattoos in my future but I appreciate the change for sure!

  5. Hi Paul, a question… you wrote “if you would prefer a simpler diet of gracious exhortation…then head over to the Grace Commentary and sign up for my weekly Word of Grace” – can I sign up & still receive BOTH? I enjoy and learn from EVERYTHING you write. No complaints here. ☺️

  6. Paul I love your writings on your web site and your books. Wish there were more like you on the Internet spreading the word of His grace. In reality our message is not just grace but it is Jesus, in whom is the grace of God. You will never be able to say enough about Jesus for as the apostle John said, “The world itself cannot contain the books that should be written about Jesus.”

  7. I was one of those people who would have liked to see only grace articles. I guess I felt like not many people were writing about grace so we needed all we could get out there. I especially felt that way when the inclusionism articles came out, but those are the ones that changed my mind. Those articles and many others you have written caused me to consider things and think about things I would not have otherwise considered. The Lord has shown me things through those articles that I would have missed out on. Thank you for that, but regardless of what I think or others say, I’m glad you are following what the Lord leads you to do.

  8. Denise Kaitala // February 2, 2023 at 4:57 am // Reply

    I appreciate that you write on a variety of topics since life is full of variety and seeing Jesus (grace) in new places is exciting.

  9. Hey Paul : I wish you would do video on YouTube on Grace. You got a great book it would be nice if you took us through it.

    • Thanks Paul. Just wondering – which one is my great book?

      • Paul young // February 2, 2023 at 11:30 am //

        Hi Paul .. the Gospel in 10 words.

        When I look at the Gospel of Grace preaching there only a few that hit it out of the park.

        Also it would be cool if you would ever consider doing the good news from Genisis to revelation.., Take the skins God make and puts on Adam..Blood required.. Cain and able… God seems to see these sacrifices as Grace and Gods justice.

  10. Hello brother Paul. I appreciate all you write about. If I sign up for the weekly grace letter, will I still be receiving what I have been? The Lord enriches us through you and I do thank Him and you!!

    Our Father God bless you and yours!!

    • Hi Cheryl, yes you will. I should’ve mentioned that in the original article. You can subscribe to both Escape to Reality and The Grace Commentary and both are free.

  11. Brandon Petrowski // February 2, 2023 at 6:21 am // Reply

    Thank you for the update, but as far as I am concerned, all of your writing is “grace-based”. At the core of every topic you delve into, it comes back to grace and using that to interpret difficult passages.

  12. Kristi Gorrod // February 2, 2023 at 7:12 am // Reply

    I like your rabbit trails…they encourage me to think. 😊

  13. Can you add Rugby (All Blacks) to any of your commentaries, by chance?? Especially WC2023 coming up. (Jokes) 🤣🙏🏽👍🏽

  14. Hey Paul -you’re in a relationship, having a conversation- engaging with the Lord and in another way you’re having the same with us who listen and respond too.When you’re loved, accepted,liked we and most importantly the Lord are interested, don’t matter about rabbit holes or any other “detours” a relationship is like a journey yes with a main path,theme,destination,the Lord -His love for us,His grace ,however the scenery around this never stays the same and it’s good for someone to notice and comment as someone or some others may not have noticed or considered it in a different light/perspective.I’m glad Holy Spirit led me to this site. I’m glad you write about what Holy Spirit puts on your heart and trust that it speaks to those whom Holy Spirit knows needs to hear it

    • Thank you for your encouragement, Sally.

      • You’re welcome -Didn’t even enter my head about any “”veerings off” just thought it was all part of the whole journey ,was too busy enjoying it!! All I know is the Lord has caused me to grow in Him to know Him more by reading this and being able to join in that’s what’s important.God bless

  15. Josh Mendenhall // February 2, 2023 at 11:48 am // Reply

    Your posts have been greatly encouraging to me for the better part of 10 years! Especially early on, when I was combating Universalism. I still refer to them often. But I also appreciate the other avenues you’ve explored. I think that if one were to stick to the same subject all the time, it may get a little monotonous. Not that grace is monotonous by any means, but the Bible and the Christian faith abound with subjects, one of the greatest being grace.

  16. Erik Grangaard // February 2, 2023 at 2:54 pm // Reply

    I love these nuggets of grace, very opposite to the world system that says “If you do not deserve it, you should not have it.” This is what we all have grown up with and it takes some time to FULLY let it go… but what joy and rest!

  17. Bruce Tessen // February 3, 2023 at 8:39 am // Reply

    Sounds like a good plan to me, Paul!

  18. I love the variety of your content Paul! You are often my go-to place to look for a God-shaped perspective. Today, I was looking at Prov 16v4 but coundn’t find anything on E2R.

    Thanks again for your content!

    • “The Lord has made everything for its own purpose, even the wicked for the day of evil” (Prov. 16:4).

      The wrong way to read this is to think God created bad people for the purposes of cooking them in the fires of hell. Genesis tells us that everything God made is good. He did not make anything that was wicked or evil, yet we have wicked and evil people. Free will and all that.

      If you were the devil, you might think you had pulled the wool over God’s eyes by turning his good creation into something that was no longer perfectly good. But as Aslan would say, remember the Deeper Magic.

      God’s purposes will come to pass – that’s what this verse is saying. All that has been marred and broken will be set right and done so in a way that brings glory to God. Those who foolishly set themselves up as enemies of God (e.g., the devil, the ungodly) will be dealt with in the fullness of time (2 Pet. 3:7).

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