Confession, Conviction, Confusion!

Did Jesus sneak out of heaven against His Father’s wishes to come and die for our sins? Did He distract the Holy Spirit then slip away on His own initiative to shed His blood for our forgiveness? Of course not! Yet judging by some of the comments I get on this site, it’s clear that some think that God the Son and God the Father are playing a good cop-bad cop routine with humanity. God the Father is angry with us on account of our sin, but Jesus stands between us protecting us from His Father’s wrath.

What’s wrong with this picture? Everything! It suggests that God the Son and God the Father have different natures, that One loves us unconditionally, but the other can’t see past our sin. Even if you don’t know your Bible you can probably see how ridiculous this is.

Hebrews 1:3 tells us that Jesus is the “exact representation” of God’s nature. He is the visible image of invisible God (Col 1:15). Jesus said, “He who has seen me has seen the Father” (Jn 14:9). If you want to know what God the Father is like, look at Jesus. They are different people, but they share the same character, the same heart, and the same spiritual DNA. The gospel tells us that Jesus was sent by God the Father and empowered by God the Holy Spirit to save the world. Contrary to what you may have heard, God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are very much on the same page when it comes to your forgiven-ness.

A Christian is someone who has received the gift of God’s forgiveness. By trusting in God’s grace, they experience today that which God provided 2000 years ago, namely salvation through the finished work of the cross. In Part 1 and Part 2 of this study we looked at six reasons why Christians never need to confess their sins to be forgiven. Perhaps you confess your sins because you are uncertain about your forgiveness. You know that Jesus died for your sins, but you may think that God is keeping records and that the Holy Spirit is convicting you and leading you to do works of confession. Nothing could be further from the truth. Here are two more reasons why those who have been forgiven don’t need to confess-to-be-forgiven:

7.    God chooses to forget your sin

“For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more.” (Heb 8:12)

Confession usually involves telling God about our sins (as if He didn’t know!). But why would we want to remind Him of things that He has chosen to forget? Somehow we have bought into this idea that God is in heaven recording all of our sins onto DVDs and on Judgment Day He’s going to embarrass us by playing movies of our mistakes. But this is not what the Bible says! God does not impute our trespasses to us (2 Cor 5:19). He is in the reconciliation business, not the shaming business. When you confess-to-be-forgiven you are imputing sins to yourself that God Himself is not counting. In other words, you are acting unlike your heavenly Father.

Under the law covenant it was important to keep track of and account for every sin, but the new covenant is characterized by loving forgetfulness (Jer 31:34). Did God suddenly have a change of heart after the cross? Did His memory suddenly go faulty? No, God never changes. He is the same today, yesterday and forever. The Bible refers to the law covenant as a fading and therefore temporary arrangement (2 Co 3:11). Although God chose to relate to people for a time through this fault-finding covenant in order that we might learn the seriousness of sin and see our need for Jesus, His own nature is otherwise. He has always loved us (Jer 31:3) and love keeps no record of wrongs (1 Co 13:5).

On the cross God the Father made Jesus be sin for us that we might become His righteousness (2 Cor 5:21). Jesus was not acting alone but in perfect submission to His Father’s will (Lk 22:42). Forgiving you was the Father’s idea; making Jesus be sin that you might become righteous was His work. Because God the Father relates to you through His sinless Son, He chooses to remember your sins and lawless deeds no more.

Why did God do all this? Because He is love and He loves us. For God the Father so loved the sinful world that He sent His only Son. When you see the Father’s heart of love behind the Son’s redemptive work, you will no longer fear sin. You won’t be worried about those sin-DVDs because God isn’t making any. When you begin to grasp the Father’s love, you will even look forward to Judgment Day with boldness (1 Jn 4:17). Where does this confidence come from? It comes from knowing that we have “grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and Jesus Christ, the Father’s Son” (2 Jn 1:3).

8.    The Holy Spirit is not convicting you

“The Holy Spirit also testifies to us about this… ‘Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more.’” (Heb 10:15,17)

Some believers feel impressed to confess their sins because they think the Holy Spirit is convicting them. Only He doesn’t. How could the Holy Spirit convict us of something He chooses not to remember? Look at what He says: “Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more.” You can take those words to the bank! They are truth and life. God the Son died to do away with sin. Because of what Jesus has done, neither God the Father (Heb 8:12) nor God the Holy Spirit (Heb 10:17) remembers your sins any more. If the Holy Spirit were convicting you, then the Godhead would be a house divided.

You may say, “I know I’ve sinned because my conscience has been pricked. Isn’t that the Holy Spirit’s conviction?” Nope. Have you ever wondered how you know when you have sinned? Most people have an innate knowledge of good and evil because of what happened in the Garden of Eden. But where that moral compass is rusty, the law kicks in with fault-finding force. “I would not have known sin except through the law” (Rms 7:7). If you are feeling condemned, don’t blame the Holy Spirit! It’s the law that condemns you. Some try and wriggle out of this by distinguishing conviction from condemnation. They say conviction is good and comes from God, but condemnation is bad and comes from the devil. But if we’re talking sin then there’s no scripture that supports this distinction. The word convict, as found in the NIV translation of John 16:8, literally means to refute, find fault and call to account. This is what the law was designed to do (2 Co 3:9), in order that you might be led to Jesus and receive His gift of no condemnation (Rm 8:1).

religious_convictionAs an expression of His love and mercy, the Holy Spirit convicts the world of the sin of unbelief. But the only thing He “convicts” or rather, convinces, Christians of is their righteousness (Jn 16:8-10). When you sin, your conscience may convict you, the law may convict you, and the Spanish Inquisition may convict you. But while all of this convicting is going on, the Holy Spirit will be there to remind you of your right standing in Christ. Your righteous acts don’t make you righteous; neither do your unrighteous acts make you unrighteous. Only Christ makes you righteous. If you listen to your sin, you will think you are damaged goods only capable of screwing up. But if you listen to the Holy Spirit, He will tell you that you are as righteous as Jesus and capable of living right. This is not a challenge to live right through will-power – the Holy Spirit will never promote a flesh trip. This is a call to continue living in Christ the same way you started – by faith (Col 2:6). Listen to your sins and you’ll end up a victim, but be led by the Spirit and you will be more than a conqueror!

God is not a fault-finder

Jesus did not sneak out of heaven on a secret mercy mission and God did not have a change of heart after the cross. Your heavenly Father is not a fault-finder. Neither is the Holy Spirit.

When you confess-to-be-forgiven, you are essentially trying to make yourself good enough for God. You’re saying, “I messed up, but I can fix it.” Well, you are half right! But you are fooling yourself if you think you can fix what sin broke. Jesus died to set our minds free from acts that lead to death (Heb 9:14) and confessing-to-be-forgiven is a dead act. It may make you feel momentarily good about yourself, but as we will see in the final part of this study, this sort of confession ultimately leads to death and defeat. True confession is agreeing with God and God says all your sins were forgiven at the cross for all time by the blood of Jesus. Confess that!


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59 Comments on Confession, Conviction, Confusion!

  1. Okay, we’re into the third post in this series and I have not yet seen you address Ro 10:9-10. That passage does appear to indicate confession is a requirement for salvation. I believe God is sovereign in salvation, that salvation is a person, not an event. Having said that, I’m curious how you handle Ro 10:9-10 —

    because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved. [ESV]

    • Dear Lance,
      Evidently I haven’t been very clear. I am not writing to unbelievers but to those who by the confession of their mouth and the faith in their hearts have responded to the good news of God’s grace revealed in Jesus. If you have been born again, you do not need to be born again again. If you are already in Christ, you do not need to confess your sins to receive a gift you have already received.

      If I was writing this series for unbelievers, I would definitely quote 1 Jn 1:9 and Rms 10:9. I would say something like, “Confession is agreeing with God. You need to agree that you are a sinner in need of a Savior and that Jesus is the Risen Lord whose blood was shed for the forgiveness of our sins.” Confession is powerful! I am a firm believer in speaking God’s word over ourselves. And I also believe in being open with God about our faults. But as I will explain in the final part of this study, a believer who confesses-to-be-forgiven speaks death over himself and insults the Spirit of grace. Stay tuned!

      • Okay. Thanks. Now this is getting more interesting. 😉

        First, with regard to speaking to an unsaved person: Are you saying confession is an act you must performed to be born again (once)? If so, what of Eph 2:8-9? If not, then what of Ro 10:9-10?

        Second, with regard to the proverbial choir (those already saved): It seems to me that confession is akin to testimony. This brings me straight to Mt 10:33 (if you deny me you’ll be denied) and Lk 24:47-48 (great commission purpose – to be witnesses). These don’t really have anything [directly] to do with confessing sins, but then neither does the passage in Ro 10.

        Third, regarding 1 Jn 1:9: You said that this passage was written to unbelievers. I don’t see that. 1 Jn 2:1 indicates John is writing to new believers, not unbelievers. I don’t see any indication in ch 1 to indicate anything different. John was indeed clarifying doctrine, but not to unbelievers.

        Finally, I would call your attention to Jn 13 and the story of Jesus washing Peter’s feet. That passage must be properly interpreted in light of purification from sin. How do you interpret the role of confession in light of this passage?

        I do not mean to provoke. I have my own opinions about each of these, but I am curious how you deal with them.

      • 1. Although I enjoy dialoguing, I generally prefer to stay with the subject being addressed in the post. We’re starting to wander a little off-topic here. As I said before, confessing is agreeing with God. I am for confession. I am against confessing as true things that God says are false. If God declares us forgiven, then we are second-guessing Him when we declare that we are in need of forgiveness. Regarding the salvation issue, I’m not going to build a theology of verbalizing doctrinal statements of belief (bad news for mutes!). Faith is what counts. God doesn’t need to hear the overflow of the heart to know what’s in a man’s heart. Man may need to speak and hear, but God doesn’t.

        2. ?

        3. I take it that your view then is that Christians must confess to stay forgiven?

        4. Jesus washed Peter’s feet – you could look at this and see Peter but I see Jesus. Peter was resting; Jesus was serving. How can you build a theology of confessing sins here when (a) it was Jesus doing the washing, not Peter and (b) Jesus said Peter was already clean (Jn 13:10)? We are cleansed (and continually cleansed) from sin by the blood of Jesus (1 Jn 1:7). If Jesus blood is not enough, then there is no hope of forgiveness. What does this foot washing symbolize? Eph 5:25-26 might give us a clue. But again, that’s another subject.

      • //Confession = agreeing with God.//

        Hm. Okay. I’m not sure I agree with that definition, but if that’s the definition you’re working with I now understand much better what you’ve been saying. Thanks for the clarification.

        Re 1. You brought it up. I was just asking for clarification.

        Re 2. Your definition of confession helped me understand where you might go here. No worries.

        Re 3. My #3 was about how to read the intended audience of 1 Jn. Any need to confess to “stay forgiven” applies to #4. 😉

        Re 4. Good answer. Thank you. I would like to address your reply to #3 here though. No, I don’t think there’s anything you “do” to get saved or to “stay” saved. I believe God is sovereign, blood and water and all. Your observation of Mt 13 was very good. I don’t think I could have said it better. Except one detail… Peter did have a response. He gave two extremes for answers before Jesus centered him on the truth. Jesus rejected both extremes. Jesus performed the service, this is true, but Peter could have rejected continuing to be pure (blaspheme) or could have nullified the first purification (again, blaspheme). Jesus rejected both of the extremes, but did it in a way that taught a lesson and brought Peter to the right place. Jesus responded with love even when Peter let his ignorance and haste show. We need our milk, but this was meat. To him who has an ear, let him hear.

      • So your saying the spirit doesn’t convict or lead? … This is a serious question and you need to answer it

    • You believe to be justified. “Believe unto righteousness”. Then after that, confession unto salvation … like yelling “victory” after a football player scores. The confession didn’t cause the victory. The confession is pointed TO the victory.

      Romans gives an example of salvation, Abraham (belief, & later life actions). It also gives two illustrations (believed & confessed, believed & called on the Lord, prayed).

      In other words, believe that is true & creates fruit of that belief, a belief that moves the feet. A real faith.

  2. Judi Hinson // January 5, 2011 at 2:20 pm // Reply

    Paul, you put it so beautifully! I can’t get enough of this message:) I only wish I had the words to share as you do with my friends and fellow believers. Thanks for doing this site!!

  3. loved all parts of this confession series thus far! thnx!

    in response to your section on HS “convicting”… ‘You may say, “I know I’ve sinned because my conscience has been pricked. Isn’t that the Holy Spirit’s conviction?” Nope. Have you ever wondered how you know when you have sinned?’ and ‘When you sin, your conscience may convict you, the law may convict you, and the Spanish Inquisition may convict you.’
    i would like to say that Heb 10:16 16This is the agreement (testament, covenant) that I will set up and conclude with them after those days, says the Lord: I will imprint My laws upon their hearts, and I will inscribe them on their minds (on their inmost thoughts and understanding),

    the above is why we feel the “pricks”, our own hearts and minds have been imprinted with His laws…we are then to renew our minds to what He has done with the law when those “pricks” come along…He has fulfilled the law, It is finished! AMEN!! we are not to replay our sins, what went wrong, how we can do better, list the wrongs back to God, but to come into agreement with the Trinity, We are forgiven and we are the righteousness of God!

    • Nicely put Crista.

      • I agree with Crista. But when the pressure is on and the “purifers” are looking on (In Texas we have an anthem that says, “The eyes of Texas are upon you, all the live long day…”) the pressure of the onlookers tends to do a work of making the adherence to true conscience more real – it’s like pressure surgery. This makes ME more perfect, but that’s just the game I play with myself – to be perfect and blameless in my own eyes in this universe. Thank God for that work, but here’s one of those cases where if I say “Big woop, Jesus already accomplished everything. I don’t have to do a thing”, I am going “too far” in flipping it all over and saying, “Yes that’s nice but Jesus already did it all”…*lean against the leaning tower and twiddle my fingers as all the law-abiding citizens experience a tremor*. It’s in such moments that I feel that all the dogs of the law want me to appreciate my life in it’s own right – believing that this too is the work of Jesus – being made more perfect – rather than always haphazardly pointing back to Jesus and seeing He did it all. If I do that, a mocker rooted in tradition might respond and say, “Than for what use were you born?! Aren’t you supposed to be like us? Get out of here!” It’s a very real persecution and you can get dizzy. Suddenly all your confidence and sense of the Presence is gone and you’re left to be humble and quiet while God does whatever it is He’s doing. It feels like He ditches you in such situations – but maybe He’s carrying us into a different dimension…

  4. Amen! Thank you, Paul, as you add to “grow in Grace”! i have been a follower of Joseph Prince, solidly, for over 2 years, at the leading of the Holy Spirit!! I was getting convicted left and right, by preachers, teachers of the Law. The Holy Spirit wanted me to KNOW His conviction of my righteousness in, through and by Christ Jesus!! HALLALUYAH!! Literally saved my life.
    I have been trying to share with others, well…hard ground, but believing ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!!! Love and Blessings

  5. Wow good stuff. Really enjoy it! Question though…if the Lord doesn’t convict us of sin then how do we know to repent when we do screw up (repent just means to change your mind right)? Or say someone is dabbling in dangerous waters that could cause them to fall from grace….doesn’t God want to warn us of that or “convict” us before we go to far?? I guess I’m talking about deception too….say like false teachers or being deceived by the enemy. Doesn’t the Holy Spirit convict to guide us. The Bible does say that God disciplines those He loves….isn’t that part of conviction? Not posting for arguments sake…I just really wanna know! Thanks a ton I really appreciate reading this stuff….such clarity on the word.

    • Hi Jayma – good question! One day I will write a post or a series about this because discipline comes up a lot in these comments. Discipline means training; as a parent trains a child our Father trains us. How? Well He doesn’t bring guilt or condemnation – there is no condemnation to those in Christ Jesus. Neither does He convict or find fault – loves keeps no record of wrongs.

      One of the ways our Father trains/disciplines us is through His Word: “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2 Tim 3:16-17) The KJV translates “complete” as “perfect.” Now if the scriptures alone are sufficient to make you complete or perfect, what more do you need? To use the example you gave, if someone was fooling around with the things of God, the Spirit may bring to their mind something in the Bible that will set them free. This has happened to me many times. This is completely different from conviction. Usually it is a revelation or reminder of God’s goodness that leads me to repentance. I don’t so much as turn from sin as turn to Jesus in an area where I didn’t know I was facing the wrong way to begin with.

      • John Senior // December 15, 2011 at 5:41 pm //

        Paul, this is a bit late but I have been doing some study on (2 Tim 3:16-17) because I had someone (a pastor/teacher) recently use this to explain why he still felt he had to teach elements of the law, for example that we need to have integrity, based on our efforts, or God’s judgement will fall on us. He is not a grace teacher, unfortunatley.

        I studied the original Greek text and came up with this translation of verse 16:

        “All (every) scripture is inspired by God, and is beneficial toward instruction (as in teaching), toward proof (as in conviction), toward setting aright, toward tutorage (as in child training) *in righteousness (as in justification)”

        * Most people seem to take each verb in isolation, but according to the proper rules of grammer (for which I thank my wife), the phrase “in righteousness” is an adverbial clause that applies to ALL the proceeding verbs. Therefore the proper and amplified version should really read:

        “All (every) scripture is inspired by God, and is beneficial toward instruction in righteousness, toward proof in righteousness, toward setting aright in righteousness, toward tutorage in righteousness”

        The whole thrust of this verse is therefore to do with the correct teaching of righteouseness, which is a free gift from God, and which is offered through grace – God’s unmerited, unearned favor. My understanding is that one cannot therefore use this verse to justify any form of reproof or correction against sin or for teaching the Law.

        Would welcome your comments – thanks.

      • Could somebody explain on this a little more for me on what they think Paul is saying ^. This is a topic I am stuck on and not getting clarity from anyone. If we read the scripture to see something wrong we are doing, isn’t that holding the law up against our lives and seeing where our sin is? I am trying to figure out how we are supposed to ignore the law and yet still avoid dangerous things? And why we should be convicted by some things scripture says but not others? We may read something against eating pork and not think twice then a few pages later read we should not commit fornication and be extremely convicted? How do we use the scripture properly?

      • Jenny. Do you notice how young children need rules? Well the bible is full of great rules. Do you notice how hard it is to keep the rules. What I am describing is that the law is good righteous and holy, but it’s no good for us. Read it and let it lead you to Jesus.

        God is just as good as he is holy.

      • momzilla76 // December 23, 2017 at 2:04 am //

        Hi Jenny. If we are going to scripture to make a list of what to do and not to do we tend to go about it law like. People feel more comfortable with rules even if we cannot keep them very well. Where you mention reading about pork and not being bothered by it but then reading about fornication and feeling convicted- That is your new nature at work, the inner “law” written on your heart. But even then we should be cautious because those of us from legalistic backgrounds see rules in almost everything. How do we read it? First of all as the start to finish story(not fictional) of God and people. Then for the facts of who we are in Christ, justified, righteous, sanctified, etc. Once you really know who you are it begins to be easier to see the difference between the encouragements to live right and old covenant law/rules that burden us down. The best but sometimes hardest thing is to not look for “how to live” rules but trust that God will let you know when you need to do or not do something.

      • Thank you for this response it is clearing it up more. Because i come from extreme legalism i believe it will become more clear as i continue to learn who i am in christ. Another question, so as i read my bible i get convicted over and over again and i believe it is because my conscience is seared. As i learn my righteousness how will i know when it is God leading me somewhere or if its my oversensitive conscience?

      • momzilla76 // December 27, 2017 at 1:44 am //

        That is a good question. Awareness that your conscience has been altered is a good start. First step is to renew your mind that all things are lawful for us but not everything is good for us(edifying). With that in mind you might ask yourself “Will this thing I am feeling convicted about really going to harm me or others if I continue in it?” Legalism loves to make rules about stuff that ultimately really doesn’t harm anyone. Eating meat on Fridays, dress hems below mid calf, no competitive sports for children, no cell phones, etc. Or it takes a good idea and ties it far tighter than needed. Kind of like the rules the Pharisees added to help people not break the Law. It removes all freedom just in case someone might sin because of it.

      • Momzilla, thank you so much for your gentle spirit and loving replies to my confusion. I had that same outlook at the beginning of my walk with Jesus and have gotten decieved through religion. I am so grateful God is pulling me back and using people like you to take the time to help it be more clear to me!

  6. Hi Paul. What do you think about Acts 19,18 in relation to confession?
    When do we wash ou dirty clothes publicly and when not?
    I dont get it.
    Some people suggest that we should talk to one another about our sins and pray for one another, but for me I can not talk about something that god is not counting against me.
    Ok, if it is a destructive pattern, it may be the way out and you can get established in righteousness.

    *But this is a grace perspective but most of this teachings are more sin focused than right.ness focused.*

    • Hi Tobi,
      I think Anthony has given you a good response (see comment 8 below) but I’ll add my two cents as well. We know that we don’t have to confess to be forgiven – we were forgiven before we were born. So when, if ever, is confession a good idea?

      I think the best way to answer these sorts of questions is to ask “how can I release life or death into this situation?” If talking about things and being open and honest releases life, then do it. But if talking is going to embarrass and bring shame to others, then maybe you should hold your tongue. I hate the darkness. I love bringing things into the light. If I have sinned against my wife and kids or friends I’m generally going to want to talk about it. This is not sin management. This is life! I want my relationships to prosper. They’re not going to prosper if we’re holding onto silly nonsense that could be easily dealt with.

      I believe this is why James says we need to confess our sins to each other. 99% of relational hurts exist because people don’t talk to each other. If we read these scriptures with religious lenses we’ll come away with religious duties. But if we read them as secure sons and daughters standing firm on the unshakeable foundation of Christ and His love for us, we’ll find life in them.

      I imagine what happened in Acts 19 was wonderfully liberating. These guys were burning their occultic tools of the trade. Evil-doers love the darkness. By bringing things into the light they were making a bold statement. They were submitting to God and resisting the devil. The word of the Lord didn’t grow in power because they were confessing sins but because dead sinners were being transformed into living saints. Each person had a story to tell of how God had transformed them. This is a picture of revival – the dead coming to life. I think it’s exciting stuff!

  7. I looked up Deeds in the Greek (Acts 19:18, #4234 *Praxis), and it denotes “a doing, transaction, a deed. The action of which is looked upon as INCOMPLETE and IN PROGRESS.” Their response to the gospel was 1 John 1:9 (salvation verse). With 1 John 1:9 the word confess means SAME WORD in the greek (homologio #3670). What has God said about our sins?

    1) Your sins are just that sins (Ps 51:3,5) (More specifically Adams sin Ps 51:5, Rom 5:12-14)
    2) Jesus is the payment for all sin (Mk 10:45, 1 Tim 2:6, Jn 19:30 Heb 9:26-28, 10:11-14 He Sat down, the PAYMENT is complete.)
    3) Your sins are taken care of and I REMEMBER THEM NO MORE!! If you believe on Jesus you are JUSTIFIED from ALL things! (Heb:8:12-13, 10:17, Acts 13:38-39) Amen!

  8. Remember Tobias, Jesus gives you beauty for our ashes and many other things which would seem unfair in a trade (forgiveness for our sins, joy for our mourning, ect… (Is 61:3) ). Confession of sins is also a very Jewish thing as well (Mark 1:5, Matt 3:5-6). Peter, James, and John were called to preach to the Jews while Paul and Barnabas were to preach to the Gentiles (Gal 2:7-9). Blessings to you Tobias!

  9. Thats very encouraging, thanks paul! I appreciate your input Paul, its always eye opening, thanks again.

  10. Maryann Partridge // January 7, 2012 at 4:59 am // Reply

    WOW! Excellent liberating and free! I had discovered these truths about 2 years ago, and it is amazing how important it is for me to revisit these truths over and over. Our lives in this world, even when we understand more of the Grace perspective can lead us to forget and fall from grace and seeing our righteousness. Thank you, for this study, it is a great resource to share with others too. BTW, where is the next part? Is it yet to come or did I miss it?

  11. just what i have been looking for… thnx

  12. Recent disciple of your blog. 😉 Loved the series on Confession but have been unable to find the last segment following Confession, Conviction, Confusion. Can you help?

  13. Hi Paul,
    I want to ask a simple and practical question. Since in your interpretation, you said that we don’t need to confess our sins to be forgiven. How if you did any sin, what would you do about your sin?

    Will you just say that “OK, I just did sin. But, I’m forgiven.”? Then, move on. And don’t we as Christians need to repent?

  14. i am glad to give comment on your idea sir… if this is the case then why lord said “repent and believe for the kingdom is at hand” if we are saved even before we are born why jesus says that “no one is good’ not even one” . why jesus said that “he who accepts me into his heart will be saved”

    • No one is saved before they are born. We are saved by faith in God’s grace. Don’t confuse the giving of the gift (grace, forgiveness) with the receiving of the gift (repenting, believing).

  15. The overflow of my heart at the sight of this blog —> wow! Even the comment sections are rich. I love the openness with which you explore the bible and interact with those who may have differing views.

    God surely will ceaselessly enlarge you. Will reblog every post I ever read….

  16. The importance of reading the Bible in whole / completeness is so we can truly understand and grow in our relationship with God / the Trinity, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. I feel that this article can mis lead many young Christians. First the Bible clearly says that “should we continue in sin that grace should abound? God forbid”, what that means is we are to repent and turn from our wicked ways aka our sins. Yes the Blood of Jesus covers all our sins, but that does not mean we can continue to sin just because Jesus forgave us and His sacrifice on the cross covers it no matter what. If we do sin we must confess those sins, and yes God never remembers them, but when we are in sin He also can not look upon us and to restore our relationship with God we must follow I John 1:9, and confess our sins. With the guiding of the Holy Spirit we will know when we are going off track and going against God’s will for us. Remember Jesus said if you love me obey my commands. Read the whole Bible ask God for understanding and then apply, apply, apply.

    • You correctly quote Paul when he says “Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid! [other translations read “May it never be!”]. (See Romans. 6:2 and Romans 6:
      Then you say that we should repent and turn from our wicked ways.
      However, you have completely ignored what Paul says next, and invent a new doctrine. Paul actually answers his own question in the same verse by saying “We who died to sin, how could we live in it any longer?” Please explain, if we have died to sin, how it is then necessary, or even indicated by the text, that we must continually repent afterwards?

      You say read the Bible….. I respectfully suggest that you read Romans 6 in its entirety to better understand Paul’s doctrine of Grace, and how we are now set free from SIn (see Romans 6:18).

  17. I have some questions
    1. Our cönvictions of sin varies from one another because of our knowledge of the law. Some are even convicted in small things that others don’t bother about. Saying a wrong word and Adultery are sins but one is more dangerous than other. Now do i confess every sin, every fault, every mistake i make all through the day (not necesarily the big sins)
    2. I’m yet to realy grasp your own definition of the confesion of our sins. Is it verbaly teling God i did this, i’m sory Or Admiting in the heart that i have sinned and turning to God(repent). Is there a certain code or pattern for confesion that you must do anytime you sin? Need some clarifications on this matter.

  18. Refreshing!

  19. At long last God’s true character is being preached

  20. Convict the world of sin because they do not believe in me. In our daily lifes we meet situations which frighten us and so end up trying to solve them our way only to fail all that time we forget/ fail to litsen to the holy spirit who tells us to place all our cares to christ who has overcome all of them. I believe we sin by believing in ourself rather than believeing in christ jesus who alone is our savior for apart from him we can do nothing. Can say as a helper he convict us of this sin.

  21. The apostles also called fellow believers into account. Those words were written in the Bible. The Bible is God’s word. The Holy Spirit through His love does correct, teach, rebuke, reprove convict (whatever word you want to use) He does not condemn. Why do so many people on these blogs seem to think that any correction or rebuke is automatically condemnation? I find this thinking surprising high on the blogs of this website compared to any of the grace churches I attend.

  22. Thank you Paul for writing this to help set free those who are in bondage, thinking that they must confess to keep their righteousness! So many people I talk to live in guilt and don’t understand the unconditional love of our Father.
    Blessings on you.

    • Wayne Nickel // July 10, 2015 at 1:29 pm // Reply

      A believer will repent and confess their sins throughout their life. “So long as sin is mourned over, confessed, forsaken, and abhorred, you have an evident fruit of the Spirit”. Charles Spurgeon

      • Don’t listen to this guy he’s a fraud. We NEED TO confess our sins ot cause we get our salvation back but to mend our relationship with god for god says so. and YEs obviosly the holy spirit convicts us everyday for the bible says so.


      • Colleen G // July 12, 2015 at 3:03 am //

        Steve. It says in Hebrews 6:4-6 that if it were possible to become unsaved then we cannot get saved again because that would be putting Jesus to open shame. If you believe in loss of salvation because of what you see in scripture then you have to accept that a person may not get resaved ever again. I suggest that a study Hebrews chapters 8-10 in combination with a look at the OT sacrificial system which was a symbol of what Jesus was going to do and see if perhaps your mind can be renewed as to exactly how Jesus blood works upon us and for us in God’s holy court.

  23. Gospel Sower // October 22, 2015 at 5:14 am // Reply

    If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1 : 9 Does it mean there is no need to confess our Sin, when Holy Spirit Convict our sins?

  24. Evidently 1Jn 1:9 has the answer itself and the key word is “unrighteousness”. If you need to confess your sins to be cleaned from all unrighteousness, that meas you are not saved yet. Justification means “made JUST or right (or righteous) with God”. If you are saved, righteousness has already come to you. No need to do anything else to get it.
    So, 1 Jn 1:9 was written for unrighteous or unsaved people. Does it makes sense?

  25. you are on point. Salvation is not renewable like drivers license

  26. I’m reading this and agreeing with most of it. However. If we never need to ask for God’s forgiveness again…explain the scripture that says…”IF we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse is of all unrighteousness” is that not directed towards believers?

  27. Paul, I just love you. Since reading your post my knowledge of Christianity have changed. Your posts empowered me to leave my former denomination, something I have been wanting to do years ago. Thanks. Just working on how I can get your materials with paying in Naira, Nigeria currency. Thanks, I am specially blessed

  28. I’m even more Confused now. Because Preachers have said the holy Spirit will Convict you if you Sin now this Article says something different.

    Men and women Complicate Gods word so much this is why people are so confused and feel lost

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