Women Pastors in the Bible

What is a pastor?

A pastor is a shepherd. That’s what the word literally means. A pastor is someone who tends and guides spiritual sheep.

Can women pastor?

Let me answer that question with a better one: If God has gifted and called a woman to pastor, should we oppose him?

Here’s another: Since God empowered women to lead churches in the New Testament, is there any reason to expect that he has stopped doing that today?

Some may say, “No female pastors are named in the Bible.” Neither are any male pastors named in the Bible. Search the scriptures and you will find no one identified as Pastor So-and-so.

We live in the age of the celebrity pastor, but the early church had no such thing. What it did have were nameless groups of elders or overseers, such as the Ephesian elders who met with Paul, or the elders Paul greeted at the start of his letter to the Philippians.

That said, the Bible identifies at least three females who pastored. It’s time for us to meet these little-known ladies.

Pastor Prisca

Prisca was one of Paul’s closest friends. They were such dear friends that the apostle called her by the diminutive version of her name, Priscilla.

Priscilla and her husband Aquila were Jewish business people who met Paul in Corinth and travelled with him to Ephesus (Acts 18). When Paul left Ephesus, Priscilla and Aquila stayed behind and continued to preach the gospel (1 Cor 16:19). Soon they were hosting a church that met in their house. Later, they went to Rome and planted another church.

We know this because of the way Paul greets them in his letter to the Romans:

Greet Priscilla and Aquila, my co-workers in Christ Jesus. They risked their lives for me. Not only I but all the churches of the Gentiles are grateful to them. Greet also the church that meets at their house. (Romans 16:3-5a)

This brief mention speaks volumes.

Priscilla and her husband weren’t merely homegroup leaders; they were church planters with a multinational legacy. Such was her influence that Paul said the Gentile churches owed Priscilla a debt of gratitude.

What did Priscilla do?

To quote Gene Edwards, Priscilla was “Paul’s right-hand man.” Paul considered her his equal and said she had risked her life for him (like a good shepherd).

Priscilla was not just a preacher or teacher. She was a pastor to the apostles. She trained Apollos in Ephesus and had two apostles, Andronicus and Junia, in her church at Rome. Priscilla was not merely a pastor; she was a super-pastor who raised giants in the faith. (I guess she never got the memo about women staying silent in church.)

Nympha’s church

At a time when the church only met in people’s homes, several women were recognized as church leaders. Priscilla was one; Nympha was another.

Paul greeted “Nympha and the church that is in her house” (Col. 4:15). We know very little about Nympha. Her house was located either in Laodicea or elsewhere in the Lycus Valley. Was she a pastor? Did she lead the church that met in her house? She must have done so, for Paul greets no one else in her church.

Chloe and her people

Chloe is another one of those intriguing people who gets only a single mention in the Bible: “I have been informed concerning you, my brethren, by Chloe’s people, that there are quarrels among you” (1 Cor. 1:11).

We don’t know anything about Chloe other than she lived in Corinth and she had people.

Who were these people?

Were they her companions or a church that met in her house?

We can’t be sure. But in the same way that “men from James” came to Antioch, “people from Chloe” came to Paul, and he recognized her as a leader within the church community. In short, she was a pastor.

If Paul objected to women pastors, the visit from Chloe’s people would’ve presented him with the perfect opportunity to say so. To quote Tim Fall, Paul might have expressed his concerns like this:

It has come to my attention you have a woman (Chloe) presiding over a group of brothers and sisters. This must not be! Is there not a man among you who could take over? Don’t wait until I am among you to correct this abomination.

Of course, Paul said no such thing because Paul had no problem with women in leadership. Instead of rebuking Chloe’s people for putting a woman in charge, he credited them for drawing his attention to a problem.

Nice job, Chloe’s people.

Many people say women cannot be pastors and they cannot lead churches, yet women did these very things in the Bible. The New Testament church had female pastors, female apostles, female prophets, female evangelists and female teachers, because God has commissioned all of us, men and women, to proclaim the good news.

Some say women can’t teach because Eve was deceived. They forget that Jesus redeemed us from whatever mistakes Eve and Adam made, and he proved it by empowering women and including them among his disciples.

“But Paul, you have forgotten that the qualifications for a pastor that Paul gave in 1 Timothy 3 exclude women.”

No I haven’t, and no it doesn’t. Although many churches exclude women from influential positions of leadership, the reasons for this have more to do with tradition than what the Bible actually says.

Source: The Silent Queen: Why the Church Needs Women to Find their Voice


More articles about women in ministry.

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48 Comments on Women Pastors in the Bible

  1. Very good article. It’s a continuation of how Jesus elevated women and challenged the traditional attitudes toward women during His ministry on earth.

  2. Very interesting, Paul. The key passage for many, though, is 1 Tim 2:12 (about not permitting women to teach) rather than 1 Tim 3 and the credentials for overseers. How do you handle that explicit statement of Paul’s?

    • Joshaun Blackmon // January 23, 2021 at 2:31 pm // Reply

      I saw a topic titled, “Is the King James bible sexist?” How incredibly sinful and delusional could a topic be? The mere mention of questioning the word of God by sinful man (woman) makes my skin crawl. If we can consider such debased logic to be a topic of reasoning then why don’t we consider “Is God a mass murderer because he destroyed the whole population of the earth except for Noah, his wife, his sons, and their wives?” The purpose of God’s word is not to fulfill our personal likes/dislikes it is God’s word and adherence to it leads to eternal life. I think that the demonic spirit of “feminism” needs to be called out and appropriately dealt with. Let us be a mature body of believer’s on one accord not being tunnel-visioned by popular culture and reasoning.

      • You may wish to read the relevant article before judging it.

      • richard elson // January 26, 2021 at 1:55 pm //

        Joshaun, I think you might be focused on fixing the wrong problem.

        The purpose of the word of God is to bring man back into relationship with God the Father. Understood from this perspective the bible provides us an overview of mens’ trajectory.

        The pages present the undulating . . . waxing waning, crooked paths sometimes off into a ditch, so for those who are bible literalists who live their lives through the black and white ink on these pages will struggle to arrive at a place called life. Those who prefer this “dead letter” version have already decided that the true nature and character of God is best understood as a judge . . . I once knew a man like that, he could be found under the shade of the tree of the knowledge of right and wrong . . . balancing and judging knowledge to be more like god the judge . . . the god of his imagination, god made in his own image.

        All scripture BOTH new and old can only be rightly divided by looking through the lens of Jesus. I’m sure you will agree that Jesus is the Word made flesh. We read the prophets and Moses but we understand through Jesus.

        Jesus suffered and died, then rose again to give his bride power and authority, we are invited to love our wives in the same way as Jesus loved his bride, and we are also invited to guide all of humanity into a true understanding of the nature and character of God when we present him as a loving self-sacrificing, forgiving Father.

        The problem of broken relationship with God the Father has been resolved.

      • Joshaun Blackmon // January 27, 2021 at 8:34 am //

        Really? Hmmm, then Dr. Ellis how would you interpret Malachi 3:6 which states, “For I am God, I change not, therefore you sons of Jacob are not consumed.” God’s word does not change it remains the same forever. Weak, watered-down interpretations are often offered in order to make certain people or “special groups” feel good or feel included. This unfortunately only shows the desperation some will go to fill pews on Sunday mornings. The bible is about the sound, yet sturdy unchangeableness of God the creator which is one of the many reasons why I l love him. Your explanations seek to make the word of God a “Man-friendly, interpret as you choose” version. This is not biblical.

      • I don’t believe the Apostle Paul was desperate to fill pews when he encouraged women to prophesy or teach in church (see Rom 12:6-7, 1 Cor 14:5, 26, 31, 39). And I don’t think he was being man-friendly as you suggest when he praised female leaders in Romans 16 and elsewhere. I rather think he was following Jesus’ example. I agree, God never changes. The same God who invited men and women to rule and reign together at the beginning of the Bible is the same yesterday, today and forever.

  3. I thank God for you, Paul Ellis.

  4. I am so blessed by this article. I have been co-pastoring alongside my husband for 30 years, although, officially, I am not recognized that way. That’s okay, because we function as a team and our hearts move in agreement as we shepherd our local church. Over the years, we have been an anomaly but I have walked secure in God’s calling and much fruit is the result. I have four daughters, two doing ministry. I always encourage them to follow God’s plan as they lead others.

    • Hi Melanie, I’m delighted to hear you and your hubby have been walking secure in God’s calling, but saddened that your calling has not been recognized by others. It’s a bit like recognizing your right arm while denying the existence of your left one.

      • Edward Williams // June 3, 2021 at 3:20 am //

        I appreciate people hearing and answering God’s call. If this proves to be a stumbling block in another’s walk, I cannot see the benefit of pursuing the acknowledgment of a title other than personal reward.

  5. gospelprince // September 2, 2020 at 1:58 pm // Reply

    Women, have, throughout the Scriptures proved equally able as men. In some instances much more responsible and responsive to God’s mission than men – they were the first to encounter, reveal and report Jesus’ resurrection, which, according to my Heavenly understanding is much more important than Jesus’ death because Jesus is living in us now as a result of his resurrection. In Christ there isn’t Jew nor Gentile, neither is there male or female. We are all equal!

  6. thank God for ur life Sir Paul Ellis,,u’r such a wonderful gift to d Body of Christ

  7. Great article on this controversial topic. Preachers like R.C.Sproul and John McArthur (both of whose ministries have a large following) still say according to their interpretation of Scripture that “No women are permitted to preach”
    That’s why it’s important for believers to read Scripture under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

  8. Do you cover 1 Tim 2:12?

  9. In his many good articles, Dr. Ellis usually pushes some hot buttons, and this one on women pastors has been a debatable subject in recent years.The good news is that this topic doesn’t fall into the essential categories of biblical doctrines like salvation by grace alone through faith alone, the divinity of Jesus, the virgin birth, the cross and His resurrection, etc. It generally falls into the non-essential doctrines, and fits more into preferences of church government, and what each individual church desires to do.
    Some people obviously take 1 Tim 2:12 and 1 Tim 3 as stating that the functional role of women in the church, while recognizing women to be active and valuable in their ministry, DOES NOT include them to be elders/overseers/senior pastors. Others, as stated in Dr. Ellis’s discussions, give more freedom to these verses, and allow women pastors.
    While there should be healthy discussions and in-house debates on this controversial and interesting topic,there should be enough grace and freedom on both sides of the issue to allow for differences in their individual preferences without harsh critical statements. These biblical passages are discussing the functional roles of women in the church. All male/female are equal in salvation, redemption,spiritual gifts, and equality before God. As the old wise adage goes:
    In ESSENTIALS = Unity; In NON-ESSENTIALS = Liberty; and in ALL THINGS = LOVE.

    • I guess that depends on your definition of essential and the way you and your gifts are received by others. I’m also guessing you have never been the victim of discrimination. You have never been treated as second class or told to “go back to the kitchen.” Nor have I, but many women have, and far worse besides. The unholy demands of manmade religion have silenced and brutalized countless women. My strong conviction is that it is essential that all of us, victims and perpetrators alike, unite to right this ancient wrong. Thanks for your comment.

  10. Love it……

  11. gospelprince // September 9, 2020 at 4:11 pm // Reply

    Paul you are a great modern blessing! We are always praying for you that Holy Spirit adds more to what He always gives you!

    • Thank you! I really appreciate your prayers.

      • It is beyond heartbreaking that this topic cannot be discussed within the Body without someone making ugly remarks because they disagree. Throughout history the church has gotten many things wrong. Yet, traditions of men run deep and many will not budge. Women being withheld from these positions is nothing more than the failure to use proper hermeneutics.

  12. Thank you for all the awesome articles on women! I appreciate them because they validate me (but I honestly don’t want my identity to be tied to my gender… causing me to struggle and need comforting/confirmation, so I’m working on this). Bringing God’s true identity and character to light is what’s actually important!

    My dad introduced your work to me quite a while ago and I’ve been gratefully following. He suggested (in light of your newest book) that you might be interested in knowing that there are proponents of a theory that Pricilla actually wrote Hebrews. I was meditating on all the reasons a book’s author wouldn’t be clear and suppression came to mind — and I wound up finding those articles!

  13. I personally feel Jesus is never against women officiating in church . Some culturall practices supporting patriarchy was repeated by Paul who was knowledgeable in the law of the land. It is man law not Jesus law. I applaud all ladies who preach.

  14. I have a hard time believing that a leader of a church is almost always labeled as a pastor. Where does it say that in Scripture? Leaders of NT churches were labeled as elders. Those in charge could be teachers, prophets, apostles, etc. It seems to me that most churches borrowed the leadership style from the world. One man/woman in charge, on the top of the piramid, delegating the vision downwards, instead of a piramid up-side-down, where leaders are laying down their lives for those God had given them. Just like parents, raising up their children… Gods family

  15. The ‘elephant in the room’ here that everyone is conveniently avoiding is the fact that Jesus had 12 opportunities to select women to be disciples in His inner circle. He did not choose even one. There were obviously very capable women to choose from and Jesus had no problem doing things contrary to the cultural norms of the day.
    If we are to accept that Jesus is the “express image” of God,(Charakter in Greek), then He has sent a very clear message about God’s preference for leadership in Kingdom matters.
    We see from 1Timothy 3 that the role of leadership is something someone may desire. It is not a ‘calling’ that someone is compelled to do. Women are not being shortchanged just because they are not overseers or teachers in the church any more than the men who desire to but aren’t.
    We are all called to be saints, to be witnesses, to be examples, to put on the mind of Christ, to have the ministry of reconciliation etc etc etc. There are so many ways to be involved in the ‘body of Christ’ that don’t include teaching or overseeing.
    From my experience, the best leaders I have encountered in churches are those who are there by default or out of necessity, not out of ambition or ego.
    I’m sure there are occasions when a woman may need to take on a teaching or leading role out of necessity, and I don’t think apostle Paul … or God would have a problem with that.

    • Hi Mark, no one is ignoring this issue. I have discussed it on several threads and I cover it in my book. Jesus initially chose male apostles because first-century Jews would never have listened to women in the same way they listened to Peter and John. Josephus records the laws of the day forbidding the testimony of female witnesses in court. Women were deemed to be untrustworthy, which makes it all the more stunning that Jesus chose to give some of his greatest teachings exclusively to women.

      When the gospel began to spread beyond sexist Judea, women began to play a more prominent role in the church, hence we have women apostles, pastors, prophets and so on. Sexist Judea was the exception; not the rule.

      • richard elson // October 11, 2020 at 2:41 pm //

        Jesus didn’t seem filter his message through accepted cultural norms anywhere else. I wonder if Gen 3:16 predicted Jesus’ position on women. The curse over women wouldn’t be broken for 3 years, along with every other part of the “curse of sin and death”. The curse of relying on themselves left Adam and Eve to stand in their own strength, and judging their relationship with God from under the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

        If a women will stand in their own strength then a man will dominate them. All men/women standing in their own strength will be dominated over. “And the holy spirit will convict you of (the sin of) self reliance, because you rely not on me”, said Jesus.

  16. Trudy Collins // October 9, 2020 at 7:16 am // Reply

    Dr. Ellis, There are only twelve Apostles, period. No one, ever, will meet the Biblical requirements of Apostleship after the twelve, with the exception of Saul/Paul. There are absolutely zero “Super Pastors,” ever stated in Scriptures. Furthermore, I simply cannot understand how a woman can preach the Word of God in good conscience while knowing that the Bible clearly tells us that only men are to be pastors, (and if she does not know, she should not be preaching anyway). Obviously, that person is a hypocrite and your article is nothing short of heresy.

    • Hi Trudy, I’m not sure if you are aware the Bible names more than 12 apostles (mostly in Acts), and at least one, and possibly three, of them were female. A woman can preach if she has be called by the Lord to do so in full confidence that her gender, age, or race presents no barrier to the ministry of the Holy Spirit. In fact, in the New Testament there are dozens of scriptures exhorting women to speak and teach and preach, and not a single one that says they must remain silent.

  17. Talk about making broad assumptions to twist scripture, wow.

  18. Paul, I just wanted to say how much I love your articles. Thank you for valuing women of God and in alignment with Scripture. God bless you.

  19. Like how u pointed out the early church did not have celebrity pastors like we do today.

  20. Good day Dr. Paul Ellis sir I was so glad I googled about what does the bible say about woman Pastor’s and I know the Holy Spirit led me to your site. I had always been a from childhood to womanhood blatantly spoke or asked what was on my mind and was always told I talked to much and told to literally shutup. I couldn’t control my mouth but the Holy Spirit helped me in the area of self control to bre strong in the Lord and the power that worked inside of me I began by understanding be quick to listen slow to speak and slow to anger. God had to put a guard on my mouth and literary shut mouth unable to speak like Zacharias the Priest, Elizabeth husband or I would have messed things up. Thank God for the Holy Spirit. I have been in ministry for 20 years serving as member, Evangelist, Minister and was recently called by God ordained as National Pastor of Outreach Ministry of a National World church. I was elated, shocked and honored to be asked to this position in the body of Christ for my reward of faith fullness in the ministry for 20 years. Then I heard the teachings of Minister Gino Jennings about women in leadership role 1 Tim 2:12 1 Tim 3 I questioned everything inside of me I felt torn and wanted to set down as a Pastor because I didn’t want to be out of the will of God. Then I goggled this subject and ran across your articles. This was a relief to my spirit which was torn. Thank you for putting my fears to rest. I am yet a babe in this calling but I know I was called by God to do Pastorial ship . where can I find more of your teaching and articles to strengthen me in my journey… Uam under the covering of Bishop Jay McLeod of Alpha and Omega World Ministries as National Pastor big Outreach Ministries to start a Church in Marietta/Atlanta GA called “NEW LIFE IN THE WORD CHRISTIAN CENTER” One again
    thank you
    Sincerely Pastor Evangelist Shirley Terrell-Stone

  21. Sean McCall // March 16, 2022 at 1:44 pm // Reply

    It’s odd that you said the Bible doesn’t name women pastors in the bible but neither does it name any men pastors, yet you continue own to name 3 women “pastors” in the bible.

    • Keep reading. “Search the scriptures and you will find no one identified as Pastor So-and-so.”

      Ruling out women pastors because no women in the Bible are identified as pastors won’t work, because no one in the Bible is identified as a pastor. Yet there were women who led churches.

  22. Joshaun Blackmon // March 16, 2022 at 4:41 pm // Reply

    If you’re going to claim that you’re a man of God then please stick to God’s word and not reduce conversation topics to you’re politically correct responses/interpretations. I sick and grow weary of supposed “men of God” that are nothing more than motivational speakers or Charlatans misquoting or purposefully misinterpreting God’s word for their own.
    But God did not call women to be pastors or preachers. If you want to challenge me on that I will publicly debate you on that topic. Stick to Gods word and stop giving us your feelings.

  23. rick brock // June 23, 2022 at 4:45 am // Reply

    I am new and while looking to be Baptized, I eventually found a church that did immersing in water, a lot harder to find than I would think, But then found out, the church had women pastors, Its how I ended up on this page. Being new, I look at Timothy 2 12 in the section literally named “Honor God” Advice for the young Christian and find it hard to believe anyone would have trouble with this question, while many have mentioned the works of woman in the bible, and even Husband and wife churches, Having your husband preach, and being known as a couple, doesn’t mean they both preached. Being new in Christ is very difficult sorting out all of mans rules and opinions on what is in plain sight. Maybe next will be removing Timothy altogether so its easier to change the outcome of what man wants. If we are to take the whole bible as the word of God Timothy lays it out fairly easy to understand. end of conversation. But then I’m really new.

  24. Rick Brock // June 23, 2022 at 4:59 am // Reply

    Also, I wish I could edit the above comment to add, This is in the New Testament, I could understand if it was Old Testament and people had issues with this but Timothy was an Apostle, hanging out with Jesus for 3 years, I think if he makes this statement in Timothy 2 11, 12 he would have a clue as to what Jesus thought on this personally. right ?

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