
Married to Jesus

November 19, 2015 // 46 Comments

Jesus spoke of the joy that erupts in heaven when a sinner repents and comes to believe in the good news. We might imagine they have something like a birthday party to celebrate the new birth, but in reality it’s the rejoicing that accompanies a wedding. It’s a celebration of a new life wedded in union with [...]

The Parable of the Two Sons

November 11, 2015 // 37 Comments

From time to time people ask me to write about the parables of Jesus. This is something I enjoy doing because I love the parables. The parables of Jesus are launch pads to revelation and if we have ears to hear they reveal the wisdom of God. Especially this one: What do you think? There was a man who had two [...]

The wrath of God has come upon them at last (1 Thess 2:16)

January 30, 2014 // 56 Comments

In our ongoing series on the wrath of God, there is an important scripture we have not yet looked at. It’s this one: For you, brothers, became imitators of God’s churches in Judea, which are in Christ Jesus: You suffered from your own countrymen the same things those churches suffered from the Jews, who [...]

Alternatives to Hell

July 15, 2013 // 95 Comments

You may have been raised with a picture of judgment that says sinners go to hell where they are tormented for eternity. Unless you say the magic words of a formulaic prayer, you will burn forever along with all the babies and children who never got a chance to put their faith in Jesus. Unsurprisingly, this [...]

Where was God in the Connecticut School Shooting?

December 18, 2012 // 33 Comments

Yet another school shooting has resulted in the loss of innocent lives in America and now questions are being asked: Where was God? Why didn’t God stop this? Why didn’t God protect the lives of those 20 children? For a grieving parent, these are normal questions. When you have suffered the greatest loss any [...]

The Gospel in Ten Words

September 17, 2012 // 15 Comments

My new book, The Gospel in Ten Words, has just been released. Ta da! What’s this book about? –    It’s about the good news most of us still haven’t heard. –    It’s about the good news that was supposed to bring great joy to all people but hasn’t. –    It’s about the good [...]

Is Adam greater than Jesus?

April 2, 2012 // 39 Comments

“Are you saying that Adam is greater than Jesus?” This is a comment I often hear from those who preach universal salvation. It usually comes at the end of a conversation like this: Me: Jesus died and rose again so that we might have new life, His life. Repent and believe the good news! They: No, everyone is [...]

“Understanding the Book of Job” by Tom Tompkins

March 19, 2012 // 50 Comments

“If you’re suffering, you must have done something bad. God must be punishing you.” That must be one of the oldest lies in history. Here’s another. “God is using these hard times to teach you humility.” These lies can be traced back to one of the oldest and most misunderstood stories in the Bible – [...]

“Mystical Union” by John Crowder

February 24, 2012 // 37 Comments

In his book Mystical Union, John Crowder writes that there is a new mysticism on the rise, one  coupled with a new reformation. Identifying himself as a “reformed mystic,” Crowder argues that the mystics need the reformers’ faith, while reformers shouldn’t reject the mystics’ experience. The [...]

A New Covenant Picture of Repentance

February 20, 2012 // 22 Comments

Two classic signs of covenant confusion are: (1) you interpret repentance as turning from sin and (2) you think repenting will get God to forgive you. God does not need your permission or even your repentance to forgive you. He forgave you before you were born in accordance with the riches of his grace (Eph 1:7). [...]

Hebrews 10:26

February 15, 2012 // 270 Comments

I get asked more questions on Hebrews 10:26 than any other verse in the Bible. Evidently, this is a verse that troubles many Christians: If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left. (Hebrews 10:26) Whoa, that looks scary! Let’s take a quick [...]

“He Loves Me” by Wayne Jacobsen

November 15, 2011 // 10 Comments

How do you tell an unbeliever about the gospel? There are two basic approaches. The first approach, which is based on fear, poses hypothetical questions like, “If you were to die tonight, do you know where you would go? You could go to hell!” I don’t doubt that this approach is effective in getting people [...]

“Sit, Walk, Stand” by Watchman Nee

September 14, 2011 // 22 Comments

(Note: I wrote the following review 6 months ago but never got around to publishing it. Lately several people have asked me if I’ve read Sit, Walk, Stand – it seems this book is enjoying a renaissance among grace folk.) A few weeks ago I posted some thoughts on Watchman Nee’s book The Normal [...]

Romans 7: The flesh test

August 18, 2011 // 36 Comments

Have you seen the pearl of wisdom hidden in Romans 7? Many miss it because they view the chapter as “not written for me” or as a mere prelude to chapter 8. This is a shame because if you can grasp what Paul says in Romans 7, it will save you a world of hurt. “Just remind me, what’s Romans 7 about?” I [...]

12 Infamous Examples of Walking After the Flesh in the Bible

August 16, 2011 // 14 Comments

“…and everyone did what was right in their own eyes.” (Jdg 17:6) Since most of us have grown up with a works-based view of salvation, we tend to think of sin as doing bad things. If we avoid doing bad things we’ll avoid sin. But the Bible has a different definition of sin. “Whatever is not of faith is [...]

“Lifetime Guarantee” by Bill Gillham

July 24, 2011 // 24 Comments

Lifetime Guarantee is a book full of stories about ordinary life, like making eggs for breakfast, mowing the lawn, and sitting in your car outside the post office watching a pretty girl walk past. There’s also a riveting story about closing a closet door. That might sound dull if you’re Indiana Jones, but [...]

What happens to Christians who commit suicide?

July 4, 2011 // 205 Comments

What do you say to the parents of a Christian teenager who has just killed himself? I faced this situation several years ago and, I have tell you, it’s not easy. Premature death is hard to handle at any time but suicide leaves loved ones bewildered at its senselessness. It seems the subject of suicide is one of [...]

“You’ve Already Got It” by Andrew Wommack

June 14, 2011 // 22 Comments

Imagine you were the devil in the Garden of Eden trying to tempt Adam and Eve. How would you do it? This is a question that Andrew Wommack asks in his book, You’ve Already Got It. Adam and Eve were flawless and lived in paradise with all of their needs abundantly supplied. So how would you tempt them? You [...]

John 15:6 – Abiding in the Vine

June 8, 2011 // 98 Comments

If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned. (Jn 15:6) What does it mean to abide in the vine? You need to have a good answer to that question because Jesus warned that there are consequences for not abiding in [...]

“God Wants You Well” by Andrew Wommack

May 31, 2011 // 130 Comments

Back in the 1970s, Andrew Wommack prayed for a four year old boy who was sick. The boy died. At the funeral, Wommack was tempted to comfort the parents with religious clichés like, “God allowed this,” “He works in mysterious ways,” and “God needed your son in heaven.” But he couldn’t do it. He [...]

“What’s So Amazing About Grace?” by Philip Yancey

May 24, 2011 // 11 Comments

I only just got around to reading Philip Yancey’s 1997, award winning book, What’s So Amazing About Grace? When a friend gave me this book several years ago I mistook it for another book I thought I had already read it. But a few weeks ago I picked it up, got whacked in the guts by the story at the start of [...]

Is God a jealous God?

May 19, 2011 // 25 Comments

“You shall not make for yourself an idol… You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and [...]

The flesh vs the spirit – two good books

May 7, 2011 // 10 Comments

For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these things are opposed one to the other, that ye should not do those things which ye desire. ~ Galatians 5:17 (Darby) Paul describes the Christian life as a tug of war between the flesh and the spirit. The flesh is that part of us [...]

“Grace – The Power of the Gospel” by Andrew Wommack

May 1, 2011 // 2 Comments

Paul’s Letter to the Romans may be the most influential book in the history of Christianity. It was Romans that sparked the Reformation of the 16th century and just about every other significant move since then. Romans is special because in it Paul presents his revelation of the life and work of Jesus Christ. [...]

Happy Easter!

April 22, 2011 // 0 Comments

This account of the good news is brought to you by the prophet Isaiah and the wordsmith Eugene Peterson: Good Friday (Is 53) 1  Who believes what we’ve heard and seen? Who would have thought GOD’s saving power would look like this? 2  The servant grew up before God–a scrawny seedling, a scrubby plant [...]

Before and After

April 16, 2011 // 4 Comments

Before he was saved, Paul was a Pharisee (Php 3:5), and like any Pharisee he would’ve prayed the prayer seen on the left (source: Encyclopedia Talmudit, Vol.4, Jerusalem 1956, p.371). Religious pride feeds itself by drawing lines between us and them. It says, “Thank you God that I am not like other [...]

1 Corinthians 11:26-32

April 12, 2011 // 32 Comments

A big part of the communion-confusion stems from a misreading of Paul’s instructions to the Corinthians. As I have not found a good translation of 1 Corinthians 11:26-32, I have provided my own paraphrase below. (I looked at the meaning of the original Greek behind some of the words in an earlier post.) Take [...]

The red pill

March 31, 2011 // 8 Comments

Let me tell you why you’re here. You’re here because you know something. What you know you can’t explain, but you feel it. You’ve felt it your entire life, that there’s something wrong with the world. You don’t know what it is, but it’s there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is [...]

Heard the News? It’s Good!

March 18, 2011 // 5 Comments

Like me, you probably have friends and family who’ve grown up in the church but who have since wandered away. Pentecostals call such people back-sliders, but I suspect most of them are simply victims of poisoning. They’ve been fed a toxic cocktail of grace and works and it has produced in them all the [...]

Dealing with unanswered prayer

March 13, 2011 // 49 Comments

“I have been asking God to heal me for years. I don’t understand why He hasn’t me. I guess it’s not God’s will for me to be healed.” If you’ve been following this short series on prayer, I’m hoping you can spot at least two things wrong with these statements. First, it is always God’s will to [...]

Speak to your mountain

March 10, 2011 // 63 Comments

I spent much of my life praying in vain for the sick. Only a few of those I prayed for ever got healed. But in the last couple of years I have begun to discover why my prayers were so powerless. I now realize that what I thought was faith was nothing more than wishful thinking. In short, I have learned that there [...]

Who killed Herod?

March 1, 2011 // 86 Comments

In the past week numerous websites have declared that Christchurch’s recent earthquake was God punishing the city for its sin. But as I explained elsewhere, God’s remedy for sin is not earthquakes, hurricanes or terrorism. God dealt with all our sin at the cross. If God used natural disasters to judge cities, [...]

James – Apostle of Grace

February 21, 2011 // 5 Comments

In this series we have seen that one of the keys to understanding James is to watch Paul. Paul is the canary in the mine. He needs to breathe pure grace or he’ll explode. When Peter distances himself from the Gentiles in Antioch, Paul smells mixture and reacts angrily. But when James says “shave your head,” [...]


February 17, 2011 // 0 Comments

If you enjoy reading Escape to Reality, you’re going to love my new blog Each day from Monday to Friday you will find a fresh grace quote from well-known preachers like Derek Prince, Watchman Nee, Andrew Wommack, Rob Rufus, plus others you may not have heard of. The blog exists to prove that [...]

Acts 21:17-26

February 16, 2011 // 20 Comments

If I told you there was a New Testament believer who esteemed the law, made offerings at the temple, and circumcised at least one of his friends, you might think, “there goes someone who needs to hear about the grace of God!” Yet the apostle Paul did all these things. Why? To win Jews to Christ… Though I am [...]

Did James understand grace? 6 reasons to say yes!

February 9, 2011 // 44 Comments

Your opinion of James matters a great deal. If you think James was confused about the gospel of grace, then you might as well throw your Bible away. If James was preaching a different message from Paul, then the NT writers are a house divided. And if the writers of the Bible do not agree with each other on basic [...]

James – The Misunderstood Apostle

February 8, 2011 // 10 Comments

Do you think that James understood the gospel of grace that Paul preached? In a recent series I argued that the Epistle of James may be the most misunderstood book in the New Testament. Indeed, some of the scriptures (e.g., James 2:24), seem to preach salvation by works in apparent conflict with the gospel of [...]

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

February 5, 2011 // 13 Comments

Escape to Reality is one year old today! I started blogging on 5 February 2010 for no other reason than I couldn’t help myself. I had words inside me that needed to get out. I didn’t know if anyone would want to read them, but to those of you who have, thanks! And to those of you who’ve taken the time to [...]

Grace vs Law: Top 12 Watchman Nee Quotes

February 1, 2011 // 44 Comments

I’ve been told that there is a some division among Chinese Christians over Joseph Prince, the Singaporean pastor of New Creation Church. Some think he’s a wonderful preacher of grace, while others think he’s a licentious heretic. We ought not to be surprised by this division. Truth is divisive. As Jesus [...]

“Grace Rules” by Steve McVey

January 27, 2011 // 7 Comments

A little over 15 years, ago Steve McVey wrote the best selling book Grace Walk. Apparently when McVey got to the end of that book he wasn’t done writing, because a few years later out came his follow-up book Grace Rules. The second book, like the first one, takes aim at the subtleties of legalism that often [...]

12 reasons why you don’t need to confess-to-be-forgiven

January 14, 2011 // 170 Comments

The grace of God has many expressions, but forgiveness is the first. Miss forgiveness and you’ll miss grace. How do we set aside grace? One way is to treat forgiveness as something other than a gift. If you work to earn what God has given, then you have made the cross of Christ of no effect. You have set aside [...]

Son or sinner – what are you confessing?

January 10, 2011 // 44 Comments

Imagine hearing a sermon like this: “Marriage is wonderful. Marriage is a gift from God. God wants everyone to enjoy the gift of marriage. If you give Him just $50 today, God is so faithful that He will release upon you the blessed state of marriage.” How would you respond to that invitation? If you were a [...]

Confession, Conviction, Confusion!

January 4, 2011 // 59 Comments

Did Jesus sneak out of heaven against His Father’s wishes to come and die for our sins? Did He distract the Holy Spirit then slip away on His own initiative to shed His blood for our forgiveness? Of course not! Yet judging by some of the comments I get on this site, it’s clear that some think that God the Son [...]

This is not good news…

January 3, 2011 // 3 Comments

But this is: God is good! And so’s this: You are forgiven, redeemed, cleansed and sanctified by the blood of Jesus And this: If God has loved you once, He will love you forever! I hope you enjoy re-visiting some of the best gospel posts from 2010. For more good news about God’s grace, check out the [...]

The axe of forgiveness

December 24, 2010 // 20 Comments

Have you ever noticed how Jesus went around forgiving people who neither asked for forgiveness nor deserved it? A paralyzed man is brought to him. Everyone watches for the physical healing but Jesus says, “Take heart, son; your sins are forgiven” (Mt 9:2). A woman caught in adultery is brought to him for [...]

What keeps Christians weak and unproductive?

December 20, 2010 // 146 Comments

If you were the devil and you wanted to keep Christians barren, sick and ineffective, there is one simple thing that you could do: you would hide or distort the good news that we have been totally and eternally forgiven. Show me any Christian who is making a mark for God today, and I’ll show you someone who [...]

Malcolm Smith on the Love of God

December 1, 2010 // 11 Comments

Have you ever wondered what Acts 10:44 means when it says, “the Holy Spirit fell on all those who heard the word”? The Greek word, which is here translated, fell on, means to embrace fervently. To say the Holy Spirit fell on those who heard, is to say that He passionately embraced them. Do you know what [...]

Does God Kill Babies?

November 29, 2010 // 51 Comments

“And the Lord struck the child that Uriah’s wife bore to David, and it became ill… Then on the seventh day it came to pass that the child died.” (2 Sam 12:15,18) Now there’s a troubling verse! Does God really kill babies? Some would say “Yes,” because God is on the throne and nothing [...]

“The Lost Secret of the New Covenant” by Malcolm Smith

November 23, 2010 // 28 Comments

About 40 years ago, Malcolm Smith was invited to speak at a church in Oregon. He preached about a God who is irritated and annoyed with lukewarm believers. At the end of his message, he called for people to rededicate their lives to Christ. And that was the last time Smith ever mixed grace with works. The next [...]

Romans 2:13 – Justified by the Law?

November 3, 2010 // 76 Comments

“For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God’s sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous.” (Rms 2:13, NIV) What?! Anyone acquainted with Paul’s gospel of grace will do a double-take right there! Is Paul really preaching righteousness through the law? [...]

What is the Key to James?

October 13, 2010 // 14 Comments

The Epistle of James may be the most misunderstood book in the New Testament. In this short series we have looked at some of the “troublesome” verses in James. Where others have found law and condemnation, we have found grace and freedom! In case you missed it, here’s a summary of what we’ve covered so [...]

James – Preacher of Grace

October 2, 2010 // 28 Comments

It seems everyone has an opinion about James and how his letter fits (or doesn’t fit) into the New Testament. I thought I had heard everything, but this week, one of my readers sent me Scofield’s take on the book of James: “..his epistle shows no trace of the larger revelations of the church and the [...]

Rahab’s Faith

September 27, 2010 // 6 Comments

Last Sunday, near the end of the service, about ten people responded to the invitation to give their lives to Jesus. Of course I was as shocked as you are. I thought, “Who let all these heathen sinners in the building? Don’t they know that church is just for Christians?!” Of course I didn’t think that! [...]

James 2:24

September 20, 2010 // 32 Comments

In this study on James chapter 2, we have been comparing works done under law with works done under grace. Understanding this distinction is essential if we are to reconcile Paul, the preacher of grace, with James, who said this… You see then that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone. (Jas [...]

What About James? (Are We Really Justified by Works?)

September 14, 2010 // 32 Comments

Whenever you preach the 100% pure gospel of God’s grace, someone will inevitably ask, “What about James?” The gospel of grace that Paul preached declares that we are saved by faith alone. But James said that faith is not enough, that we need works as well. Consider the following sound bites from these two [...]

Bill Johnson on the Goodness of God

August 29, 2010 // 14 Comments

One of the most thrilling messages I’ve ever heard was preached just a few nights ago. In the middle of the Manifest Presence conference, Bill Johnson preached on the goodness of God. He started with this scripture: The law and the prophets were proclaimed until John. Since that time, the good news of the [...]

Top 20 Bill Johnson Quotes from Manifest Presence 2010

August 27, 2010 // 4 Comments

It’s the morning after Manifest Presence 2010. Bill Johnson preached again last night and it was really something. I have never seen anything like it. I know some of you will be reading this because you want some kind of conference review. I’m not going to give you one because I don’t want to diminish with [...]

How do we pervert the Gospel of Christ?

August 17, 2010 // 68 Comments

If you were on a sinking ship and had a choice of going into the water holding an anchor or a life preserver, which would you choose? Silly question? Yet this is the same choice we make when we choose which gospel to be believe. Choose a gospel? Isn’t there only one? Many so-called gospels are preached, but [...]

Exodus 4:11

August 13, 2010 // 75 Comments

A little while ago we looked at a sincere lady in the Bible who mistakenly believed that God gives us things like death and poverty. As I explained in that post, God does not give us bad gifts. Not ever. But what about Exodus 4:11? This time it’s not a misguided person speaking, but the Lord himself: “Who [...]

Joseph Prince on Prosperity and Success

August 8, 2010 // 149 Comments

What would you think if you turned on your TV and spotted a preacher wearing nice clothes, preaching to thousands of people inside a well-furnished building on the subject of prosperity and success? If you’re like me, you might shake your head at the shameless preaching of the so-called “prosperity gospel” [...]

Does God Give Bad Gifts?

July 26, 2010 // 27 Comments

Does God give us sickness, poverty, and recessions? Should earthquakes, tsunamis and acts of terrorism be interpreted as his divine judgment on a sinful world? Does God kill babies? Are these dumb questions? You might think so except that many sincere Christians believe all these terrible things are from God. In [...]

The Gospel Comes to Laodicea

July 15, 2010 // 10 Comments

UPDATE: This is an old article. An updated and expanded commentary on this passage can be found in Paul’s book Letters from Jesus. Mention the Letter to the Laodiceans to a random Christian and they may respond with, “isn’t that the one where Jesus says we have to be on fire for God or he will vomit us [...]

Nothing but the Blood of Jesus: Five Reasons to Thank Him

July 1, 2010 // 23 Comments

The gospel of grace is underwritten by the most precious commodity in the universe – the blood of Jesus. Some have lost sight of an important truth, possibly the most important truth, which is this: no blood means no salvation. And no redemption, no forgiveness, no sanctification, and no future. Without the [...]

Laodicea, Part 7: To Him Who Overcomes (Rev 3:21)

June 23, 2010 // 14 Comments

UPDATE: This is an old article. An updated and expanded commentary on this passage can be found in Paul’s book Letters from Jesus. You will never understand the gospel of grace until you first appreciate the love of God shown to unworthy humanity: “But here is how God has shown his love for us. While we were [...]

Top 12 Derek Prince Quotes

June 8, 2010 // 5 Comments

They say you don’t really know anything until you have to teach it to others. That has certainly been the case for me. I probably learned more of the Bible in my first year of being a pastor than I had in all my preceding years of being a Christian. There’s nothing like being pushed into the pulpit and having [...]

Laodicea, Part 6: Behold, I stand at the door (Rev 3:20)

June 4, 2010 // 6 Comments

UPDATE: This is an old article. An updated and expanded commentary on this passage can be found in Paul’s book Letters from Jesus. Why did Jesus send a message to the Laodiceans telling them they were in danger of being spewed out? What was his motive? This is an easy question. Why does Jesus do anything for [...]

Laodicea, Part 5: Be Earnest and Repent (Rev 3:19)

May 31, 2010 // 9 Comments

UPDATE: This is an old article. An updated and expanded commentary on this passage can be found in Paul’s book Letters from Jesus. The Laodiceans were warned by Jesus that they were on the verge of being rejected. Why? Because they were neither hot nor cold. But as we have seen, this is not about being [...]

Bob Dylan: “Saved”

May 24, 2010 // 2 Comments

Today, 24 May, is Bob Dylan’s birthday. Dylan is a living legend. A songwriter for the ages. Even if you’re not a fan you probably know the lyrics to some of his songs. (“Blowin’ in the wind,” or “Knockin’ on heaven’s door” anyone?) He has a voice like no other and his lyrics move the soul. If [...]

Laodicea, Part 4: “Buy” Your Salvation (Rev 3:18)

May 21, 2010 // 18 Comments

UPDATE: This is an old article. An updated and expanded commentary on this passage can be found in Paul’s book Letters from Jesus. The letter to the Laodiceans is just 222 words long. In 47 of those words Jesus describes the Laodiceans and lukewarm and self-sufficient. The thing that made them self-sufficient [...]

Laodicea, Part 3: Who’s Wretched and Poor? (Rev 3:17)

May 18, 2010 // 17 Comments

UPDATE: This is an old article. An updated and expanded commentary on this passage can be found in Paul’s book Letters from Jesus. The Laodicean church was one of the most messed up churches in the Bible. So I guess it should be no surprise that today it remains one of the most preached about churches. We can [...]

Laodicea, Part 2: What Makes Jesus Sick? (Rev 3:16)

May 16, 2010 // 33 Comments

UPDATE: This is an old article. An updated and expanded commentary on this passage can be found in Paul’s book Letters from Jesus. And an updated version of this article can be found here. God never makes us sick but did you know it’s possible for people to make him feel sick? Now there’s a [...]

Laodicea, Part 1: Are You “Hot” Enough for God? (Rev 3:15)

May 8, 2010 // 59 Comments

UPDATE: This is an old article. An updated and expanded commentary on this passage can be found in Paul’s book Letters from Jesus. The letter to the Laodicean church may be the best known of the seven Revelations letters. But it is also the most troubling letter for many Christians. The difficulty stems from [...]

What Do You Think? Two Must-Read Books about Transformed Minds

May 6, 2010 // 11 Comments

What you think has a great bearing on who you are and what you do. “For as a man thinks, so he is,” (Pro 23:7). Yet an outsider looking at the church would find there are some who don’t seem to think much at all. I’m talking about those who hold to a mindless form of religion, characterized by [...]

Where Does Forgiveness Come From? And Why Does it Matter?

April 19, 2010 // 15 Comments

There are two statements in the Bible that seem to contradict each other: 1.    If you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. (Mt 6:14) 2.    Forgive as the Lord forgave you. (Col 3:13) Did you spot the difference? The first statement says forgiveness starts with [...]